Thursday, 2021-11-11

holtgreweHow do I add kernel parameters to the overcloud system OS kernel that boots after successful deployment?07:01
jingvardeployment or provision?07:10
jingvaryou can use hook feature to add some actions before or past a kayobe command07:15
holtgrewejingvar, what's the difference between deployment and provision?07:35
jingvarprovison is OS installatuion, deployment is installation of openstack services etc - in my mind08:26
jingvarOS-operastion system08:26
holtgrewejingvar, ah, then I want to add to the kernel command line on provisoning08:39
holtgreweAnother question. I have trouble understanding how setup of bonds works. Should they be setup on provisioning or on `kayobe overcloud host configure`? I have four ports in my node, ens3f0, ens3f1, ens4f0, ens4f1. ens3fX go into bond0 ens4fX go into bond1. After the provisioned node boots, I have eth0 ... eth4. I have the following kayobe configuration in group_vars/controllers/network-interfaces08:42
holtgreweens3f0 aka eth0 is used for PXE boot and provisioning08:42
holtgreweAfter running kayobe overcloud host configure, only /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 remains but also remains configured with IP address etc.08:44
jingvarkayobe overcloud host configure - configure bond and other interfaces08:44
holtgreweWhat would be needed is /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth{0..4} with entries "MASTER=bond0" but they are missing...08:45
jingvarby default kayobe uses eth0,1.. etc 08:45
holtgreweYes, but should my network configuration file here properly setup the bond?
jingvarlook at
jingvarthere one interface in bond because it for virtual env08:49
holtgreweah, the trick is to add it to the controller networks08:53
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opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: docs: stop installing kolla in quickstart
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: docs: fix venv path "share/share"
jingvarHow someone  Xena in production?09:23
jingvarHow- >Have09:24
mgoddardjingvar: easy09:26
mgoddardgit checkout stable/xena09:26
mgoddardkolla-ansible upgrade09:26
mgoddardthe question is why...09:26
mgoddardoh, I see - How -> Have09:26
jingvarWe have to use Victoria for some reasons, but world is changed :) and now we have to choose a release for production09:29
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe stable/xena: Ubuntu: add upgrade jobs to gate
holtgreweAnother question, is there an ETA for Rocky support in Kolla/Kayobe?09:36
mgoddardjingvar: normally we wait 3-6 months from openstack GA, but some people do upgrade on the day of release (e.g. vexxhost)09:47
mgoddardholtgrewe: I don't think so. Possibly yoga, but it depends who wants it, and how much09:47
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/xena: docs: Fix python-openstackclient package name and init-runonce path
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: docs: Fix python-openstackclient package name and init-runonce path
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: docs: Fix python-openstackclient package name and init-runonce path
holtgrewemgoddard, thanks for the answer. We're coming from an "academic" CentOS 7 HPC deployment and like the "slow" release cycles. We're hesitant to switch to stream for that. However, maybe baremetal-compute can be deployed with rocky images already?09:56
EugenMayerjingvar why not use Xena? Seems like a stable release to me on Openstack - did i miss something?09:59
mgoddardholtgrewe: oh sure, you can put what you like on the baremetal compute nodes10:01
mgoddardEugenMayer: it just depends on your appetite for risk, since it's a new release10:02
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe-config-dev master: Synchronise job config with kayobe
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/xena: Fix octavia doesn't set subnet gateway_ip
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: Fix octavia doesn't set subnet gateway_ip
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: Fix octavia doesn't set subnet gateway_ip
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holtgrewemgoddard, thanks for the info, I'd still prefer to have just one distribution rolled out ... if there's a way to help with rocky linux support, I'd be glad to help10:31
mgoddardholtgrewe: great! here is the place to start:
jingvarmgoddard: thanks for you advise10:34
holtgrewemgoddard, what is the actionable there? use the branch/apply the patch and try to roll out with Rocky here, then report/fix any bugs?10:36
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jingvarWe use Rocky as host OS10:37
mgoddardholtgrewe: sure - review the change, apply it in a test environment, report back10:38
mgoddardholtgrewe: we won't be supporting rocky containers. I'd suggest using stream for now10:38
jingvarAre there a real dependeces for Stream packages?10:39
holtgrewemgoddard, that's fine. I have no strong feelings on OS in containers but IMO it's helpful to have only one distribution on the bare metal. And there I prefer distributions that have point releases... Maybe I'm just getting old ;-)10:40
jingvarjust there should be same kernels  - IMHO10:42
jingvar - it is pain, for adding support Rocky you have to add it into Ansible10:48
holtgrewein case anyone has problems with IPA and dell servers/dell switches and LACP, I got rid of my problems by (1) switching to BIOS boot (apparently some traces of earlier manual UEFI Rocky deployment got stuck in the UEFI state...), (2) disabling the unused on-board NICs in BIOS, (3) manually enabling PXE boot *sigh*, and properly properly configuring lacp fallback with **short** fallback rates10:50
holtgrewe(realizing this channel is logged sending this to the future)10:50
jingvarsed -i "s/'OEL', 'Amazon', 'Virtuozzo', 'XenServer', 'Alibaba',/'OEL', 'Amazon', 'Virtuozzo', 'XenServer', 'Alibaba', 'Rocky',/g" \10:51
jingvar    /opt/kayobe/venvs/kayobe-control/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/module_utils/facts/system/distribution.py10:51
jingvarand ofcourse change url to Rocky_cloud.qcow10:52
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jingvarholtgrewe: do you have LACP -ad, or fall back10:54
jingvarI have a fun when I had deffernt LACP modes on switch and server10:55
holtgreweif you don't use lacp rate fast then PXE will work but the network manager in IPA will not work10:56
holtgreweat least in my hands10:56
jingvarit is on pxe interface boundle or data network10:57
jingvarwe have 1 dedictated nic for pxe boot and  bonds for tennants, storage etc networks10:59
jingvarwithout fallback10:59
holtgreweI have just one bond for everything ;-) Coming from a classic HPC setup.11:00
jingvarit is bad idea11:02
holtgrewehow so?11:02
jingvarif you will have a loop  in data networks - you lose control11:03
jingvaror some network issues11:04
jingvarimho minimal configuration is 1G and 10+10G11:04
holtgrewetrue... well I "just" want to migrate away from our old xCAT based deployment11:05
holtgreweI can probably rearchitecture later for the controllers/non-baremetal compute.11:08
holtgrewebut thanks for the pointer!11:08
holtgrewebesides, I have a couple of old blades in there that are connected via mezzanine cards and there I only have ILO+2x10GbE11:08
jingvarwe have implemented raid for controllers, but there rottary disks 2T and initial raid sync is very slow 11:12
jingvarI didn't dive into the issue, but maybe if we are obvious missed something11:13
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/kayobe-config-dev master failed: Define infra VMs for testing
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/kayobe master failed: CI: add Infra VM jobs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/xena: Ubuntu: add upgrade jobs to gate
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/wallaby: docs: Fix python-openstackclient package name and init-runonce path
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/xena: docs: Fix python-openstackclient package name and init-runonce path
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holtgrewejingvar, do you use centos or ubuntu?15:17
holtgreweI somehow get a ifcfg-bond0 on CentOS 8 stream with Type=Ethernet ...
holtgreweah, I'm missing a link..15:24
jingvaron host15:27
jingvarcentos in containers15:27
jingvarifcfg-bond0 there should be minion and bond mode15:30
jingvarBONDING_OPTS="mode=802.3ad miimon=100     "15:31
holtgreweYes, I had a problem with my kayobe/controllers.yml file...15:33
holtgreweAfter enabling rocky, I have to redo "kayobe seed service deploy"?15:40
holtgreweHmm.. I set os_distribution: rocky but then I get "unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized" when trying to redeploy bifrost15:44
admiyoI've tried a handful of different approaches to getting Kolla to install. Currently, I am on Debian ,as that seems to be what is best supported on my hardware.  The deploy (all-in-one) fails fairly early on in with16:03
admiyoRUNNING HANDLER [common : Initializing toolbox container using normal user]16:04
admiyothe error seems to be ["Error response from daemon: Container 4b793477564edf83431872baa9bbc98278951edd5b2d851ab753d04703bbf4a0 is restarting, wait until the container is running"]16:04
admiyoknown issue, or something new and unusual?  This is a Wallaby install. I am super flexible about what I should target to install, so long as it has a high likelihood of actually working.16:05
admiyoissue seems to be Fluent D right now16:06
admiyodo I even need FLuent D for a minimal install?16:06
holtgreweadmiyo, I have no clue about kolla itself, but I'm using kolla through kayobe roughly following the docs and this here
holtgreweand there also is a video16:13
holtgreweand that includes an all-in-one that is nicely packaged with libvirt based KVM16:13
holtgreweand it nicely worked16:13
holtgreweI then went from there to a deployment to bare metal.16:13
admiyoWe found one issue, which is where we are geting docker16:34
admiyoinstead of using theDebian package, our PXE pulls in the docker apt sources16:35
EugenMayeradmiyo you should not install docker yourself at all17:36
EugenMayeradmiyo let kolla do it all for you, thus you are not running into any issues. I use kolla with debina bullseye myself, eventhough in a multi node setup and it works just fine. I use debian for the deployer running kolla and also the compute/controller OS.17:37
EugenMayeradmiyo i do though use ubuntu/source for the container os, since at least for me (Xena) debian was not available. Probably has been fixed in the meantime17:38
EugenMayeradmiyo also under debian, i would use pyenv in any case.17:38
EugenMayeradmiyo you find a lab setup here, maybe interesting for you are those scripts run on the deployer (kolla host) - eventhough this one installs Xena you most probably have an working example here - just use 'all-in-one' instead of multinode17:40
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admiyoEugenMayer, I'm running on AARCH64 (ARM) and I don't know what is causing the disconnect.  I have been doing a lot of trial and error, and trying not to fight unnecessary battles. I had some issues with VENV, so I backed off it.  But This is a vanilla machine, for nothing but running Kolla, and a venv seems like one level of inception more than I need19:00
admiyoI do see that the Kolla adds in the docker apt source.  A Vanilla machine does not have that apt source file.19:01
admiyoRight now we're resetting the networking for the controller node as it seems like we had a disconnect with our tech.  Cloud is easy.  It is networking that is hard....19:02
EugenMayeryou are running openstack on ARM? ok, that's interesting!19:11
EugenMayeradmiyo venv is the opposite of fighting problems or too much inception19:12
EugenMayeryou garant. the right environment without compormises or polouting the system. My system if for kolla only too. Anyway, surely you choice19:13
EugenMayeradmiyo if i would be you, i would first make a reproduceable deployment on amd64, e.g. using a lab like i did. When you got it all tighten up, move to arm and try to get it up and running there. You might be jumping too far now and cannot rely on anything you did, so you search everywhere and nowhere. Maybe a too big step at a time, IMHO19:15
EugenMayeradmiyo if i'am not mistaken those people here: build the images from source19:19
EugenMayerare there ARM docker images by kolla right now?19:20
admiyoEugenMayer, Heh...yes, yes they do.  On our machines.19:22
admiyoAnd yes, we are doing exactly what you said.19:22
admiyoWe have two clusters.  One is "production" which I can't touch right now, because I have no way to bring it back up.  It aged out of support.  The other we recently tore apart, and are modernizing now.19:23
EugenMayeris your other cluster also openstack based and also arm based?19:25
opendevreviewJames Kirsch proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Use system scoped tokens with Keystone
admiyoYeah, its an older ARM hardware used for control plane, but it  is ARM20:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe-config-dev master: Define infra VMs for testing
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: CI: add Infra VM jobs
opendevreviewJames Kirsch proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Use system scoped tokens with Keystone

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