Thursday, 2022-08-25

opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/kolla master: Bump prometheus services to latest version
*** mat_fechner is now known as matfechner04:39
opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/kolla master: Bump prometheus services to latest version
opendevreviewMathias Fechner proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: Add OVN exporter
opendevreviewMathias Fechner proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: Add OVN exporter
opendevreviewMathias Fechner proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: Add OVN exporter
opendevreviewMathias Fechner proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: Add OVN exporter
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add systemd container control
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add systemd container control
fricklerseems something broke CI again
wuchunyangI hit this error too.  08:53
fricklerlikely the new oslo.cache release is broken/missing reqs08:54
wuchunyangmaybe it caused by  this ps ?08:59
yoctozeptoyeah, but I wonder why nothing else caught this issue09:00
fricklerbecause oslo.cache has that module in test-reqs. I've started a set of keystone jobs to crosscheck09:05
yoctozeptofrickler: argh, and devstack installs test-reqs? or avoids memcache? (not remembering)09:06
fricklerno idea, maybe devstack is broken now, too09:07
wuchunyangrefer to this doc:   Do we need  'python-binary-memcached' lib?09:08
yoctozeptofrickler: well, the jobs passed on reqs repo09:08
fricklerthat only runs very limited testing09:09
yoctozeptowuchunyang: yeah, but it should have been installed09:09
fricklerand we shouldn't be broken without changing anything09:09
yoctozeptofrickler: tempest-full-py3 is limited? ;p09:09
wuchunyangyoctozepto: in my deployment, keystone just  installed python-memcached  but not python-binary-memcached. not sure their differents.09:15
yoctozeptowuchunyang: well, the second one provides bmemcached which seems to be required now09:18
wuchunyangyes, should we try to  add this packages to keystone base image  or openstack-base? 09:24
wuchunyangpython-memcached is installed in openstack-base. 09:24
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kayobe master: Fix IP allocation limit in overcloud inventory discover
yoctozeptowuchunyang: yes, please propose, it makes sense to preinstall anyways despite it's not our bug09:27
wuchunyangok, I try it  in my dev deployment first. 09:29
wuchunyangyoctozepto: it looks passed in my test.  should I submit a new patch ?  or append to my prometheus patch ?09:34
yoctozeptowuchunyang: new patch pretty please09:35
yoctozeptothanks in advance09:36
wuchunyangNo problem.09:36
opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/kolla master: Add python-binary-memcached to openstack-base
opendevreviewMathias Fechner proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: Add OVN exporter
wuchunyangyoctozepto: hi, i have a question. Is  the vm we created in CI  able to access public network ?09:44
yoctozeptowuchunyang: if you mean if it's able to access the Internet, I think the answer is no because I don't remember setting up the required NAT towards the Internet09:45
yoctozeptoif you mean the public network in CI's OpenStack instance, then yes, it is09:46
wuchunyangI mean is Internet . ok, i see , thanks.09:46
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [docs] Fix OVS link
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla master: [docs] Fix OVS link
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Support authentication in Bifrost
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [docs] Align IPA images urls
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [docs] Update IPA images urls
yoctozeptonice docs fixes for ironic ^^^ merging welcome10:39
hrwok, let me check rmq limit patch10:42
yoctozeptohrw: kolla gate unblocker:
yoctozepto(kolla ansible will get fixed tomorrow with the new image set)11:03
hrwI just added same locally ;D11:03
hrwredeploying again11:07
hrw(rabbitmq)[root@kolla-cs9 /]# rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown11:10
hrwReporting memory breakdown on node rabbit@kolla-cs9...11:10
hrwreserved_unallocated: 0.0904 gb (65.55%)11:10
hrwcode: 0.0348 gb (25.2%)11:10
hrwother_proc: 0.0182 gb (13.2%)11:10
hrwother_system: 0.0145 gb (10.49%)11:10
hrwno more 1.6GB11:11
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: rabbitmq: limit amount of ports/file descriptors
hrw(kolla) 13:23marcin@puchatek:kolla-ansible$ ./tools/init-runonce11:24
hrw/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml is missing.11:24
hrwit should honour --config-dir11:26
hrwit should honour --configdir11:26
hrwas now it depends on me having passwordless sudo or split of testing scripts ;(11:28
hrwyoctozepto: thanks for link in rmq patch11:42
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: Add python-binary-memcached to openstack-base
fricklerI don't understand ^^ where do we configure the dogpile.cache.bmemcached backend? IMO it is a bug in either keystone or oslo.cache to have that dependency and not declare it. We can have that patch as quick workaround, but not permanently. Also if it is really only needed for keystone, why does it need to be in every container?12:33
mnasiadkahrw: now we can change nofiles ulimit to ERL_MAX_PORTS env var - I didn't know there is an env var for this ;-)12:37
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
hrwmnasiadka: if your version works then I do see a need to duplicate13:15
hrws/do/do not/13:16
mnasiadkayoctozepto, mgoddard: any idea why this galera cluster doesn't get synced ?13:21
opendevreviewMathias Fechner proposed openstack/kolla master: prometheus: Add OVN exporter
yoctozeptomnasiadka: hmm, it never reached more than one synced node ->members    = 1/3 (joined/total),13:29
yoctozeptono quick ideas13:29
yoctozeptofrickler: well, it's for keystonemiddleware so it's relevant for all containers; it's good to use in the end (for SASL) so I don't mind including this by ourselves regardless of upstream13:29
priteaufrickler: I noticed that Kayobe CI started breaking due to bmemcached, but only when using Zed+Ubuntu. Not sure why it doesn't affect CentOS.13:34
priteauOK, I see this was merged just recently:
priteauAnd released yesterday13:40
priteauBut a previous version dropped support for py3.6, so I guess why it isn't used by centos images13:41
priteauI am thinking we should be installing oslo.cache[dogpile] in base (I've submitted a patch to add bmemcached to oslo.cache), rather than specific memcached libraries.14:00
opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/kolla master: Bump prometheus services to latest version
spatelFolks, i am trying to deploy registry but somehow its not listening on port 4000 -
spatelI get on to container and did netstat but nothing listening 14:41
spateldid i missing anything? 14:41
spateloh wait i can see 5000 is listening now but not map with 4000 using docker link 14:43
wuchunyangspatel: hi, how did you run docker registry ?15:07
spatelI used this command -
spatelI meant -
wuchunyangkolla-ansible disabled docker bridge network mode by default, but that command using bridge mode, you should run docker registry with host net.15:11
wuchunyangtry this command,  docker run -d --network host e REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR=   --restart=always --name registry registry:215:12
spatelTrying.. that15:12
wuchunyangsorry. docker run -d   --name registry --network host --restart=always  -v registry:/var/lib/registry  -e REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR=     registry:2 15:12
spatelthat works15:14
spateltcp6       0      0 :::4000                 :::*                    LISTEN      2041616/registry15:14
spatelshouldn't we change that in Doc so people don't get confused? 15:14
spatelnow should i following this dock to build images using source? -
wuchunya_spatel: yes i will fix the doc soon , thanks.15:18
opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [doc] Run docker registry with host network
spatelwuchunya_ it would be great if you put reference link in registry section so people can directly go from here to building kolla images 15:20
wuchunya_sorry, i don't understand, where is the the 'registry section'?  15:22
spatelIn same page where doc saying deploy registry service for container, how about if we out small reference link to saying click here to build kolla images to push to registry -
wuchunya_good idea, i will do it tomorrow.   good night.15:27
yoctozeptogood night, wuchunya_ 15:28
spatelAny idea what is this error about for precheck ? -
spatelThis is yoga release i am trying to install 18:33
spatelyoctozepto ^18:39
spatelnevermind.. i found my issue19:55

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