Thursday, 2022-09-01

wxy-xiyuan This needs another +A. any core could take a look? Thanks!00:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/wallaby: mariadb: Fix repository URLs
mnasiadkaOk, anybody willing to raise stable releases for W/X/Y after we fixed MariaDB URL na docker 6?07:10
yoctozeptoit's new month so it fits the regular schedule07:16
yoctozeptolet me do it07:16
fricklerjust in time delivery ;)07:27
yoctozeptolet me know if there is some important pending fix on stable branches for kayobe07:35
yoctozeptoit seems there are none for kolla and kolla-ansible07:35
mnasiadkapriteau, mgoddard: any critical kayobe patches to merge?07:37
mnasiadka(stable branches)07:38
yoctozeptonot necessarily critical, but good to include in the release (i.e. non-trivial bugfixes)07:44
mnasiadkayoctozepto: seems ulimits on nofiles fixes mariadb, let me update the change07:47
mnasiadkaI'll also raise a bug in mariadb tracker... let's see what they say.07:48
yoctozeptomnasiadka: probably the same that rabbitmq folks have said, along the lines of: who the %&##@&* sets nofile so absurdly high ;-)07:54
yoctozeptoand then you post the link07:54
yoctozeptoand then everyone unites in hating systemd's choices07:54
mnasiadkawonder why Ubuntu 22.04 doesn't have that absurdly high nofile limit07:55
yoctozeptoanyways, this means we should just override the systemd nofile for sanity for all the services we deploy07:55
yoctozeptoas I said before, I believe most other software doing monkey business in mem management may be similarly violated07:55
yoctozepto(think redis, etcd...)07:55
yoctozeptomaybe Ubuntu has source systemd just before this change07:56
yoctozeptoor they override07:56
mnasiadkaoh well, let me first run all CI jobs with only mariadb constrained as an experiment08:00
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
opendevreviewMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: Debian: use OpenStack Zed repos
hrwyoctozepto: 'who the #$@#%' reaction could be replied with similar words + 'assumed that nofile will be low all the time' ;D08:08
yoctozeptohrw: true that08:08
yoctozeptoI mean, it had no guarantees to be honest, except historic ones08:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Upgrade openEuler Distro
mnasiadkaok, booked the liberty room for usual timeframe on the ptg08:14
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
*** brinzhang_ is now known as brinzhang09:46
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
opendevreviewMathias Fechner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add ovn-exporter
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: prometheus: Add OVN exporter
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add ovn-exporter
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add basic CentOS Stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9 support
BobZ_Annapolisis this the right channel for kolla-ansible questions ? If not, could someone please provide the correct one, tia. If so, i'm trying to stand up a yoga all-in-one in an AWS host, following the QuickStart, all containers say they are healthy except nova-compute, keeps cycling : libvirt.libvirtError: authentication failed: authentication failed - ideas ? thx15:08
yoctozeptotis' the right channel15:13
yoctozeptowhat is the version of kolla-ansible?15:13
rockeyis it the sasl thingie again?15:14
yoctozeptoare you following this doc: ?15:14
BobZ_Annapolisyup - that's the doc - runs cleanly - no errors in the ansible runs - everything finishes with no failures - but when i do a 'docker ps' - nova_compute is cyclying :-( 15:15
yoctozeptohmm, what distro for the images are you using? what is their version? what does `docker image ls` show?15:16
fricklermost important question: is "hostname -s" different from "hostname -f"?15:18
yoctozeptofrickler: is that a known bug-causer?15:19
BobZ_Annapolis-f is the fully qualified name, -s is just the ip-* string15:20
fricklerI think so. but I haven't really reproduced it completely15:20 images15:21
fricklerhmm, abandoned May 28, but I don't remember what the mystery really was
BobZ_AnnapolisThe cycling keeps dumping 2 stack traces - the above libvirt one and also "nova.exception.HypervisorUnavailable: Connection to the hypervisor is broken on host" - i'm not 100% sure if this is a kolla-ansible issue or how the vm is getting created in AWS - there aren't very explicit detailed instructions on exactly what each setting should be when the AWS host is being launched in the QuickStart. 15:25
rockeyyoctozepto: i caught a similar bug when upgrading to x. "fqdn" was domainless when i deployed initially (rel V), then before upgrade i switched to full-fqdn due to another need. this fucked up the registration process within both nova and neutron, so had to set `host = {{ inventory_hostname_short }}` in config/{nova,neutron}/{nova,neutron}.conf15:25
BobZ_AnnapolisMy gut says this has something to do with the networking interfaces on the host, "something" wonky with the eth0 and eth1 settings methinks15:25
yoctozeptowell, it tries SASL auth15:26
yoctozeptowhich may be hostname-bound15:26
yoctozeptoI tried to eliminate the possibility that images somehow lack SASL components15:27
yoctozeptothe next thing to eliminate is whether config does not lack it15:27
yoctozeptobut if you are following quickstart15:28
yoctozeptothen it can't be15:28
rockeyshouldn't be15:28
yoctozeptowhat about libvirtd logs15:28
yoctozeptowhat do they say15:28
yoctozeptodo they say anything about SASL auth failures?15:28
frickleriirc the hostname mismatch isn't visible in logs15:28
BobZ_AnnapolisNot that I want to thro too many variables into this, this was just supposed to be a quick-and-dirty evaluation - but i was actually to run thru all the post instructions in the QuickStart and then afterwards - was actually able to launch a new instance that succeeded - this issue started happening after i stopped the host and restarted it today to try to show someone how "great it was working" - 15:29
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Test setting a FQDN as hostname
BobZ_Annapolislibvirt logs : authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -20 (SASL(-13): user not found: unable to canonify user and get auxprops)15:32
fricklerBobZ_Annapolis: did you change the hostname at any point in time?15:33
BobZ_Annapolisi did not change the hostname at any point15:33
fricklero.k., I'll continue debugging with the patch above, but likely not today15:34
BobZ_AnnapolisWhatever is causing looks like it probably related to my other issue, ie - after what i thought was my all-in-one success, i followed the QuickStart to stand up a multinode (5) example, that is not building successfully at all, always stops at : nova-cell : Waiting for nova-compute services to register themselves ; The Nova compute service failed to register itself on the following hosts: ip-.... pretty sure thi15:39
BobZ_AnnapolisI provided the 5 variables in the globals.yaml file that the QuickStart says to provide as well as "nova_compute_virt_type: "qemu""and then kicked off the steps. Those were the only mods to the installed / cloned files i made.15:46
yoctozeptoit might be related to the hostname discrepancy that frickler mentioned; it could be the case that in AWS they are tricky15:56
BobZ_Annapolisok. i'll keep that in mind, keep poking around. thx. stupid question, whenever i docker exec -it into any of the containers, i want to be able to become root, each container appears to be created with the correct component default user but i get prompted for a password when i try to become root - none of the passwords in the passwords file allow me to do that. Is there a generic root pw for the ootb All-In-One o16:00
BobZ_AnnapolisThat's my last question. . . .for today :-). . . .thank you for all the feedback and things to look into. i'll do some more digging, thx again.16:01
yoctozeptoBobZ_Annapolis: set -u with the docker exec command16:01
yoctozeptoas you want to be root and not the container user16:02
BobZ_Annapolisha ha ha. . .ok, and that's my queue to leave you alone - omg, duh - thanks for making me feel stupid :-)16:03
yoctozeptodon't feel bad, it's bound to the learning process :-)16:08
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Support configuring VLANs with systemd-networkd syntax
underknowledge[m]Hi Hi, Can someone point me to the dcument describing how to build kolla? Somehow I have issues.17:34
underknowledge[m]Wow, my English is lousy today17:35
yoctozeptobuild kolla? as in build kolla images?17:36
underknowledge[m]more like install it, the image building is working rather well (Expect for mariadb), soo to get around it.. idea.jpg, install it from source. this works not as well as expected17:38
yoctozepto ?17:40
underknowledge[m]Thanks a lot!17:47
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add ovn-exporter
underknowledge[m]might be able to look over this? maybe I do something terrible, and I dont know it..17:52
yoctozeptooh, you are installing kolla in a container, I see17:55
yoctozeptothe error message explains the issue17:55
yoctozepto"Versioning for this project requires either an sdist tarball, or access to an upstream git repository"17:56
yoctozeptoyou either install a release from pypi (which gives an sdist tarball, or even a wheel; we have released today so they are fresh, but it's not recommended by default) or from our git repository17:57
yoctozeptoso you can clone kolla to get it right17:57
yoctozeptothis error message may mean you are using a git checkout17:57
yoctozeptobut owned by a differnt user17:57
yoctozeptoyou need to chown the directory to make it trusted17:58
underknowledge[m]Aaaaah, hell yes, I read that over and over but didn't think it was applicable, you have the repo just in front of you17:58
underknowledge[m]?.. rly? intresting lets try to throw a chown in there and see if the CI can install it17:59
yoctozeptobtw, you should probably have the git clone inside the Dockerfile anyways17:59
yoctozeptoalso, as the last resort, you can skip the installation and run the scripts directly18:00
yoctozeptoas you have installed the deps anyways18:00
yoctozeptothere are oh so many choices18:00
underknowledge[m]when I clone it I cant get it into the runner, or rather provide the overwrites I want to add18:00
underknowledge[m]Have 4 or 5 iterations behind me xD18:01
underknowledge[m]next try, pip install from git clone in the container, after this copy rootfs over the container that I can provide the overwrites18:02
underknowledge[m]I like the last resort too...18:03
yoctozeptowuchunyang: hi! how is the trove testing going?18:16
* yoctozepto curious18:16
kevkoyoctozepto: reviews night ? :D 18:38
admin1how do I add a floating ip range on ovn ? i tried the usual command using physnet1 and it did not worked18:44
admin1Invalid input for operation: physical_network 'physnet1' unknown for VLAN provider network.18:44
admin1my external ip is supposed to go on tag 900 18:47
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Support configuring VLANs with systemd-networkd syntax
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Support configuring VLANs with systemd-networkd syntax
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Support configuring VLANs with systemd-networkd syntax
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Support configuring VLANs with systemd-networkd syntax

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