Thursday, 2023-10-26

guesswhat[m]mnasiadka: aloha, will you merge the ? thanks07:14
mnasiadkaguesswhat[m]: first we need a CI job that will test skyline, and then we can think about merging this - but yes, I'll take care of that07:29
guesswhat[m]thanks, does this release in bobcat? 07:30
mnasiadkaI doubt that07:49
mnasiadkaI have a feeling we broke something with Podman -
SvenKieskeI hate python tracebacks so I'm probably reading that wrong, but why does seem to call here? shouldn't that be now calls
fricklersome docker_common_options options missing I'd say09:08
fricklerin combination with a location that defaults to podman instead of docker09:08
mnasiadkainteresting that it only fails on reconfgiure09:11
SvenKieskealso interesting that this wasn't catched during CI run of the podman merge09:15
SvenKieskeah I see that one is non voting, original change the failure logs are from:
SvenKieskeweird, in a lot of changes I don't see this kolla-ansible-ubuntu-swift job, checking the CI config..09:23
mnasiadkabut that doesn't change the fact that would be nice to get merged - bbezak frickler kevko ;-)09:48
fricklermnasiadka: lots of rocky things failing there10:19
mnasiadkafrickler: ironic has been failing always, which is weird because I can't reproduce it10:20
mnasiadkamasakari... I have no clue ;)10:20
fricklermasakari and swift fail on ubuntu, too, so likely unrelated. I don't know anything about how the new repo is good or bad though, so not sure whether I should +210:26
mnasiadkafrickler: it's basically the same - we used, which after a release publishes to centos stream mirror11:05
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/kayobe master failed: Remove unsupported kolla_docker_registry_insecure variable
mnasiadkafrickler: it seems the cephadm job is fantastically failing with conversions11:39
mnasiadka2023-10-26 08:51:33.945 29 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server cinder.exception.ImageTooBig: Image ef6abcc0-cf13-4d15-8bfa-d024f3e3eeca size exceeded available disk space: There is no space on /var/lib/cinder/conversion to convert image. Requested: 1073741824, available: 669487104.11:39
mnasiadkawhy are we even doing conversions?11:40
mnasiadkatest_volume_from_image_from_volume - that is some crazy stuff11:41
mnasiadkabut we should have 1G of space :)11:42
mnasiadka /dev/xvda1       37G   35G  478M  99% /11:42
mnasiadkaor maybe not11:42
kevkomorning 11:42
mnasiadkanearly each image is over 1GB? that's fantastic11:45
mnasiadkaok then, it seems RDO did something crazy11:49
kevkomnasiadka: done11:49
mnasiadkahmm, actually not - but I'll have a look later11:52
kevkoreplied 11:53
SvenKieskewell 1GB is not very large, is it?11:55
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kayobe master: CI: Drop tox-py38 job
mnasiadkaSvenKieske: if we have 478M free then it is :D13:25
SvenKieskewell I'd encourage to get more space rather than trying to reduce usage :P13:34
mnasiadkawell, this is sort of the standard, some nodepool providers add a second disk we use for Docker I think13:35
mnasiadkaBut maybe we don't use it in Kolla-Ansible, just Kolla13:35
mnasiadkaWill have a look later13:36
SvenKieske37G for root doesn't look that much, just recently saw a prod cluster with almost 100G of images..13:37
SvenKieskeand that was a small one13:37
mnasiadka - that's what we do in Kolla13:40
mnasiadkaso it seems we need to apply the same in Kolla-Ansible13:40
*** will is now known as jovial14:27
kevkomnasiadka: why we are installing rabbitmq from bullseye repo in bookworm images ? 14:58
mnasiadkakevko: because bookworm has way older erlang, and we did that in the past14:58
mnasiadkato have the same erlang version on all distributions14:58
mnasiadkaeverything is in Gerrit15:00
kevkomnasiadka: i am asking regarding rabbitmq not erlang 15:07
mnasiadkakevko: the same15:07
mnasiadkalet me find the patch15:08
kevkomnasiadka: bookworm has installed erlang from official debian repo ...and then rabbitmq is installed from bullseye ...i don't think it's o 15:09
kevkoand it's 2515:09
mnasiadkayou mean in master?15:09
mnasiadkaI thought is merged15:10
mnasiadkaso - show me where we're installing rabbitmq from bullseye15:11
mnasiadkawell, actually we are15:12
mnasiadkarabbitmq is noarch, so probably it works, but it should be fixed15:12
kevkomnasiadka: checking now to have bigger picture15:13
mnasiadkalook at your comment ;)15:17
mnasiadkabecause the table on RMQ page says use bullseye on bookworm15:17
kevkomnasiadka: well, as you can see ..i forgot and now asking :D 15:26
kevkomnasiadka: it's possible that in that time bullseye didn't exist ...if i remember correctly but now it works15:26
mnasiadkakevko: while we're at it - happy to merge
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Remove disable-selinux from default DIB elements
kevkomnasiadka: agree15:38
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Fix Launchpad bug URL
mnasiadkakevko: I'll followup with that link in repos.yaml so we don't forget why we use bullseye15:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Add custom user_data content configuration for Bifrost
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Switch all sw components from bullseye to bookworm
kevkomnasiadka: i've already submitted change bullseye-> bookworm as now bookworm exist 16:14
kevkomnasiadka: hmm, but actually they are still saying just "use bullseye for bookworm"16:15
mnasiadkabut if that passes, we can stick to that for now I guess16:16
kevkoNot all distributions are covered (indexed). For example, freshly released ones usually won't be recognized by the package hosting services. But there are good news: since the package indexed for these distributions is the same, any reasonably recent distribution name would suffice in practice. For example, users of Debian Sid or Debian Bullseye16:17
kevkocan both use bullseye for distribution name.16:17
kevkomnasiadka: i think it was info for a time when bookworm was relesed ? 16:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: debian: use erlang and mariadb from respective repos
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Switch all sw components from bullseye to bookworm
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Remove unsupported kolla_docker_registry_insecure variable
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe stable/2023.1: Add custom user_data content configuration for Bifrost

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