Wednesday, 2024-04-03

opendevreviewRafal Lewandowski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Add Redfish rules to Ironic and Bifrost introspection
opendevreviewAlex Welsh proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Automate prometheus blackbox configuration
mohsenHello friends. I have an issue when deploying a monitoring stack to monitor my Openstack environment. I have deployed the openstack environment using kolla ansible. There are four different interfaces in this environment:08:51
mohsen12:07 PM 08:51
mohsen1- management08:51
mohsen12:07 PM 08:51
mohsen2- api08:51
mohsen12:07 PM 08:51
mohsen3- log08:51
mohsen12:07 PM 08:51
mohsen4- data storage08:51
mohsen12:07 PM 08:51
mohsenMy problem is that I want to get the metrics from the log interface but when enabling the exporters in globals.yml file, the kolla ansible exposes the exporters on the api interface and I can not access them using log interface. 08:51
mohsen12:07 PM 08:51
mohsenIs there any way to seperate the log interface and api interface in kolla ansible and tell the kolla ansible to expose the exporters on the log interface?08:51
mohsen12:07 PM 08:51
mohsenI appreciate your answers in advance08:51
mohsenHello friends. I have an issue when deploying a monitoring stack to monitor my OpenStack environment. I have deployed the OpenStack environment using kolla ansible. There are four different interfaces in this environment:08:55
mohsen1- management08:55
mohsen2- API08:55
mohsen3- log08:55
mohsen4- data storage08:55
mohsenMy problem is that I want to get the metrics from the log interface but when enabling the exporters in the globals.yml file, the Kolla ansible exposes the exporters on the API interface and I can not access them using the log interface. 08:55
mohsenIs there any way to separate the log interface and API interface in kolla ansible and tell the kolla ansible to expose the exporters on the log interface?08:55
mohsenI appreciate your answers in advance08:55
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kayobe master: Add Redfish rules to Ironic and Bifrost introspection
SvenKieskemohsen: afaik I had the same problem somewhere in the past and this is not possible currently, I think. I haven't looked at these kind of configs for some years though.09:36
mohsen@SvenKieske In the open-source world, everything is possible dear. we can add another ansible role but I was trying to find an available solution09:56
SvenKieskemohsen: sure, I was just answering your question regarding the current state :) I thought about adding some generic logging and monitoring interface distinction in the past.09:57
SvenKieskeso feel free to provide a patch for that, if you have time to work on it :)09:58
mohsen@SvenKieske Thank you for your response anyway09:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/2023.2: CI: fix sudo missing
opendevreviewRafael Weingartner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Introduce `schema_version` in the federated attribute mapping API
mnasiadkaSvenKieske, mmalchuk, frickler, kevko and others: reminder - no meeting today11:47
SvenKieske:D thanks for the reminder to not need a reminder today :) more time for reviews I guess11:50
SvenKieskeI also started to work on that prometheus scrape_config refactoring11:50
SvenKieskemight get a little bit ugly, but still less ugly then the current long list of repetition I guess.11:51
SvenKieskethere's still a list of patches on the Whiteboard which could use some eyes from core reviewers, if any are available:
opendevreviewRafael Weingartner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Introduce `schema_version` in the federated attribute mapping API
opendevreviewAlex Welsh proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Automate prometheus blackbox configuration
greatgatsbyGood day.  I was able to figure out why the Swift S3 API is not working in Zed+.  Between Yoga and Zed, the /v3 suffix was removed from the auth_url in the proxy config, and this is causing a 404 when Swift queries Keystone for the credentials12:14
greatgatsbyI have confirmed in our dev environment, as well as an adhoc all-in-one deployment that adding the /v3 suffix back in that template fixes the Swift S3 API12:14
SvenKieskehi greatgatsby, interesting, could you write that in a bugreport so I can reference that in the fixes? seems we need some backports then12:34
SvenKieskebut wondering why nobody else stumbled upon this? I personally don't use swift but ceph-rgw, but we do have some swift tests (right kevko? :D)12:34
SvenKieskegreatgatsby: it seems it was removed in
greatgatsbySvenKieske: I'll absolutely make a ticket for it.  Just to be clear, S3 was working great in Yoga.  We upgraded to Zed and it stopped working.  I also spun up a fresh Zed all-in-one and it doesn't work out of the box.  Re-adding the /v3 suffix fixed S3 in both deployments12:38
SvenKieskeI'll propose a patch for this, it's swiftly done (pun intended :D)12:42
SvenKieskeI can at least say why this wasn't catched anywhere, it at least seems from quickly grepping, that we never set enable_swift_s3api: true in the CI, so this is never tested afaik12:47
greatgatsbythanks for your help, glad I was able to figure it out, didn't want to just say "does't work" and leave it at that12:50
SvenKieskethat's very nice of you!12:51
SvenKieskethe swift jobs are also non voting I realize12:52
greatgatsbyis the kolla-ansible CI public?  I was going to try to check that myself, but couldn't find anything, even just to confirm whether the S3 API is tested or not12:52
SvenKieskesure it is public, you can check the basic stuff in our repo, under "tests/run.yml" basic setup is done, the basic jobs are defined in "tests/base.yaml" where you can find a job named "kolla-ansible-swift-base"12:56
SvenKieskethere you see also "voting: false" and enable_swift_s3api is not set, also not in any of the descendent jobs. we use zuul-ci which basically runs ansible playbooks to execute jobs12:57
SvenKieskebut I need to check the "scenario" stuff, often additional stuff gets activated elswhere when a certain scenario is testet12:57
SvenKieskethat is in "globals-default.j2" in "tests/templates/" but there in scenario == "swift" only swift is enabled, no auth12:59
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: fix swift keystone auth url
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: test s3api with keystone auth
SvenKieskethis could also use some reviews I just rediscovered: (revert installing "rich" dependency)13:20
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Revert "CI: Drop masakari jobs from project.yaml"
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Fix use of CONTAINER_ENGINE in test scripts
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: add mypy support
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: add mypy support
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: add mypy support
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Add Redfish rules to Ironic and Bifrost introspection
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Bump KA Ansible versions to match new defaults
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Bump up Ansible supported versions to 8.x/9.x
opendevreviewRoman Krček proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Refactoring: use filters for services
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