Thursday, 2024-04-11

SvenKieskemnasiadka, kevko: for opensearch I tried this but it failed then with grafana: should be good to merge imho06:51
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: CI: Run kayobe-tox-ansible using Ubuntu Focal
SvenKieskekevko, mnasiadka: I raised also a bug yesterday, but "only" to pin opensearch
SvenKieskeand what do we do for the grafana situation? it seems grafana has it's own conference ongoing so it seems unlikely someone will respond soon, given it's been broken for a week now07:54
SvenKieskedoes someone know anyone at grafana labs per chance?07:54
SvenKieskeelse I would just say mark the whole monitoring stuff as unbuildable and non-voting for now? I know that's a rather harsh reaction, but CI is blocked.07:55
SvenKieskemhm, there are reports coming in that it works again, will test locally07:57
SvenKieske\o/ seems to work again (tested in debian latest container)08:01
SvenKieskefwiw there was an incident but only related to the grafana-agent apt package:
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Revert "Mark kayobe-tox-ansible job as non-voting"
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: [DNM] Add apt-cache policy to identify problems with install package
SvenKieskekevko: the grafana stuff seems to have just been silently fixed on their part, that's why your local installation works again. :)08:45
kevkokevko: I don't think08:51
kevkoSvenKieske: what does it mean they just silently fixed ? I've tried to build grafana right after build failed in CI ..and worked ...  so it can be problem in a mirror i would say my local build refers directly to their repo while CI not 08:52
SvenKieskekevko: I pinged you multiple time on issues raised and fixes proposed, did you read any of that?08:53
SvenKieskekevko: one last try: many people had this issue with direct upstream repo officially from grafana08:53
SvenKieskekevko: I also could reproduce this issue locally yesterday, with upstream repo, no mirrors involved08:54
SvenKieskekevko: if you read this issue till the end it started working again today, one or two hours ago08:54
SvenKieskekevko: I also verified this locally. so it really really was broken upstream. for some days at least.08:55
SvenKieskeHTH :)08:55
kevkoSvenKieske: haha, you are right :D ...working now 09:03
SvenKieskekevko: yeah, good that it works now. I was actually also quite surprised that it was really an upstream issue09:04
kevkoSvenKieske: hack with policy .... btw ... useful no ? 09:04
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: Fix handling configs in base image
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla master: [DNM] Add apt-cache policy to identify problems with install package
SvenKieskemhm, maybe a little long? it would be nice if we could just toggle this via some debug switch, maybe?09:06
kevkoSvenKieske: long ? :D ...we can also drop the log and write OK or FAIL into the log :D 09:08
SvenKieskeI mean it's not thaaat long, but not short? :D It's okayish I guess.09:16
kevkohow is it possible that failing but locally working ? :D 09:21
kevkoah, ok now failing :) 09:27
SvenKieskeso: do we want to keep opensearch non voting or do the pinning on 2.12 instead until we have auth working in CI?09:34
kevkohow i hate unit tests :( 09:45
SvenKieskeI like them :)09:51
priteauSvenKieske: I would think we need pinning since it also needs to be backported?10:40
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Revert "Mark kayobe-tox-ansible job as non-voting"
SvenKieskepriteau: my idea was to not extend the pinning outside master because it's a CI only issue and we would pin users to a possibly older release than what they are already running, also 2.13 fixed some cves, which I don't know the impact of.11:22
SvenKieskeso afaik the idea was: workaround the CI issue for now by pinning and then implement proper auth between opensearch and haproxy so we can revert the pin asap11:23
mnasiadkaPinning opensearch is complicated in stable branches, we will break people already using 2.1311:27
mnasiadkaI’ll have a good look next week how to fix that drama11:27
kevkoSvenKieske: to write them ? 11:30
SvenKieskekevko: to write what? Sorry, I don't understand?11:35
kevkoSvenKieske: how i hate unit tests -> I like them :) -> to write them ? 11:36
kevkodo anybody know ?
SvenKieskeah! :D well I like working unit tests that prevent regressions. ;) I can also write them, yes.11:36
SvenKieskeyes there's a bug open about /dev/kvm11:37
kevkoSvenKieske: I can also write them is not I like write them :D 11:38
SvenKieskekevko: ah no, sorry, that one is slightly different:
kevkothis is upgrade jobs for both debuntu and rocky 11:39
SvenKieskekevko: we could probably run this before to check if everything works?
SvenKieskeI stole that idea from this issue :D
SvenKieskemight be an issue with nested-vt and/or our qemu-kvm driver config, or some distro package? but if it's affecting both rpm and deb it's either upstream bug or our config/env is buggy I think, without deep analysis.11:41
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe stable/2023.2: Revert "Mark kayobe-tox-ansible job as non-voting"
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe stable/2023.1: Revert "Mark kayobe-tox-ansible job as non-voting"
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add container engine migration scenario
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove "distutils" library
opendevreviewAlex Welsh proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Automate prometheus blackbox configuration
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/kolla master: CI/Master only: pin opensearch{-dashboards}
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add backend TLS between MariaDB and ProxySQL
chris218Hi I've been wondering recently, does Kolla support virtualized control plane setup? As in control plane being inside VMs managed by itself?17:06
fricklerchris218: well kolla uses docker or podman containers, so that's kind of virtualized. I don't see how you could run the control plane within VMs in nova, how would you bootstrap or cold start such a setup?17:44
chris218Create 3 VMs manually with QEMU  on the same network that Neutron will use, then deploy on all hosts + 3 VMs, and lastly manually shut down and import one-by-one each VM to Nova keeping all the static IPs17:47
chris218That would be the rough idea17:47
chris218I've inherited 7 pretty beefy servers to manage which have a year old and a bit broken Kolla installation and am now evaluating different ways I can setup it most efficiently 17:52
chris218Hmm the only issue might be if I stop all the containers and then want to start them I won't be able to connect to the control plane to start services on it back 🤔21:53

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