Saturday, 2024-04-13

someone65535anyone recently deployed kolla on rocky linux with podman set as the container backend?00:07
someone65535I'm just running into issues with the deployment, and would like to know if anyone had to do any workarounds when using the podman engine01:30
someone65535RUNNING HANDLER [common : Restart fluentd container] fails with  podman.errors.exceptions.APIError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (statfs /var/log/journal: no such file or directory)01:31
someone65535I can see the playbook pulls the fluentd image (as root), but it doesnt look like it deploys any container01:32
opendevreviewMina proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Masakari: Fix incorrect reference to dictionary key. Closes-Bug: #2054867

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