Monday, 2024-09-02

opendevreviewrenliang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix incorrect docker storage driver document link
opendevreviewIvan Vnučko proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add backend TLS encryption between RabbitMQ management and HAProxy
*** MatejFeder|Outofofficeuntil020 is now known as MatejFeder[m]07:43
kevkoSo, let's backport elastic support :)
SvenKieskeit's nice that it's AGPL, but then again opensearch has security plugins like auth stuff open sourced, afaik elastic has those still as proprietary?07:53
SvenKieskegood morning btw :)07:53
SvenKieskekevko: maybe you can look at my notes for the rabbitmq streams vs quorum queues stuff? I tried to write the current state up in: would be interested in your opinions.07:54
SvenKieskee.g. did anybody already use streams anywhere?07:55
bbezakkevko: could you please take a look into those two changes in the chain?
kevkoSvenKieske: I tried streams and it didn't work 100 % I turned off09:09
kevkoI will check both folks ..but we are moving offices it will be in hour or two 09:10
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla master: Change Manila container user to root
kevkoSvenKieske: yeah, but I think we can provide a way how to choose between opensearch/elastic 09:30
SvenKieskefine with me I guess, if it doesn't add a thousand lines ;)09:34
kevkoSvenKieske: bbezak: btw, we lastly forgot to discuss vs   << My opinion is to just make images simpler than add some special role to fetch additional information to just render into some templates ... symlinks are normal way how to09:38
kevkohandle such stuff 09:38
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Enable backend TLS for Manila
dougszuHey folks, do we still want to restore Zookeeper? (for Tooz)09:58
dougszuIf so, there is this for starters:
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add ansible-core as a dependency
kevkoSvenKieske: hmm, i am squashing my changes into one - for use of queue_manager  .... i think we need to share /dev/shm  between containers and set also oslo_concurrency lock 14:27
SvenKieskekevko: looking forward to that, I'm unfortunately very much blocked for most of the week with customer work and travel, so don't expect fast responses by me :)14:28
kevkoSvenKieske: hmm, btw i think the current implementation is not good from the beginning in kolla...14:36
kevkoSvenKieske: classic deployment (not containerized) take into account that processes (openstack service - nova, neutron as example) have shared /dev/shm for intercommunication (for now queue_manager as example ..accessing /dev/shm) ...but containerized deployment which kolla is don't do that. In kolla every container has shared memory of 64MB size14:40
kevko..and host /dev/shm is not accessible ..and also processes between (nova-scheduler, nova-api as example)  don't have /dev/shm same ... So i think we need to mount /dev/shm:/dev/shm OR create tmpfs for kolla_dev_shm and mount to all containers as shared /dev/shm ...14:40
SvenKieskemhm, what do the other deployments do? why would that be necessary? in a distributed system you can't take it for granted you can communicate with other processes via local shared memory? I must be missing something14:47
SvenKieskeok, so that is namespaced per host already and it's only relevant for the queue manager itself, got it.14:50
kevkoSvenKieske: yes - which also means streams ...14:51
SvenKieskeok, so this really requires same /dev/shm/ per container per service per host..14:51
kevkoSvenKieske: but, i can't confirm IF some other services in a code not using /dev/shm in a code ...  14:51
kevkoSvenKieske: what i am trying to say that if code using /dev/shm (in  this case oslo.messaging) and assumes it's shared's bad from the kolla beginning ... because every container has own /dev/shm of 64m 14:53
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla master: Gnocchi: Bump to 4.6.3
SvenKieskesure, that's the point of containers. But imho it's more problematic from the design pov of openstack as a whole: everybody says it's a "distributed system" and designed for scale etc and then someone comes around and just assumes distinct service processes can read each others ram..doesn't make a lot of sense tbh.14:54
SvenKieskeeither say "it must be deployed on the same host" or "we are distributed for scale, we don't assume local access to different processes of the same service" you can't have both without pain14:55
SvenKieskeseems we chose pain :)14:56
kevkoSvenKieske: I din't implement shared memory in my testing deployment ... and I see this for example in heat_engine ... (queue_manager on )14:57
kevkoSvenKieske: (heat-engine)[root@controller0 /]# cat /dev/shm/controller0_heat-engine_qmanager 14:57
kevko1:36(heat-engine)[root@controller0 /]# 14:57
SvenKieskewell skimming that queue manager code I would expect any openstack service using it will need /dev/shm then.14:58
kevkoafter restart heat_engine it's the same ...but as I said before ...streams didn't work for me on my testing stack I started wondering if it is not about this ....14:58
SvenKieskeinteresting blog post:
kevkoSvenKieske: ^^ yep, as you said ... but I am now wondering if i add /dev/shm:/dev/shm to kolla-ansible .... OR create tmpfs for kolla usage and mount to all containers15:00
SvenKieskeyou might want to check if /dev/shm sharing even works in podman, might be troublesome :)15:00
kevkoSvenKieske: hmm, it looks like only oslo.messaging using this
kevko*this approach15:02
SvenKieskeI guess most people communicate..well over rabbitmq? :D oslo can't do that for rabbit coordination itself I guess15:04
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla master: Gnocchi: Bump to 4.6.3
kevkoSvenKieske: is it problem to just mount /dev/shm of host to /dev/shm of containers ? 15:05
SvenKieskeI don't know, but there where problems with some other low level mount points in the past imho15:09
SvenKieskeI guess CI will tell us ;)15:09
kevkoSvenKieske: Haha, CI works at about 80 percent :) 15:12
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Move to high level client in DockerWorker
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [DNM] Use host's shared memory
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Drop prometheus-msteams support
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/kolla master failed: Drop prometheus-msteams container images
fricklermeh, kevko jinxed it ;-)18:05
*** priteau_ is now known as priteau19:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla master: Drop prometheus-msteams container images
mnasiadkafrickler, kevko: how about ? ;-)22:31

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