Thursday, 2024-09-05

opendevreviewRoman Krček proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Rewrite kolla-ansible CLI to python
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Set KOLLA_SERVICE_NAME in Podman containers
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add certificates for RabbitMQ internode TLS
chembervinthi. is there somebody who wants to review my one-line patch?:) it's small but important:) 08:21
PrzemekKGuys it should max not min ? So 8 vcpu controller should have 8 workers not 5 ? api_workers = {{ neutron_api_workers }} neutron_api_workers: "{{ openstack_service_workers }}" openstack_service_workers: "{{ [ansible_facts.processor_vcpus, 5] | min }}"08:27
chembervintyes, on scale you need a lot of workers to precess parallel API requests08:29
fricklerchembervint: the latest update looks fine to me, but the change itself seems broken08:29
chembervinti'm sorry, copy not mine url ... here is mine
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for RabbitMQ internode tls
PrzemekKThe number of nodes in the Hash Ring (6) is higher than the number of API workers (5) for host "xxx". Something is not right and OVSDB events could be missed because of this. Please check the status of the Neutron processes, this can happen when the API workers are killed and restarted. Restarting the service should fix the issue, see LP #2024205 for more information.08:38
fricklerPrzemekK: seems nobody here knows the answer. did you try to override neutron_api_workers?09:12
PrzemekKYeah we plan to change it to 8 . But i was thinking why there is min value and not max value from openstack_service_workers: "{{ [ansible_facts.processor_vcpus, 5] | min }}09:15
kevkoFirst step towards queue manager in Kolla
stanPrzemekK From what I understand, if you set max value, it will set the same value as the CPU, will it not starve the CPU for other processes?09:48
stanfrickler Could you please take a look at this for L7 Healthchecks. I believe I addressed all the concerns in the review.09:49
PrzemekKstan in there is information api_workers / rpc_workers If not specified, the default is equal to the number of CPUs available for best performance, capped by potential RAM usage.09:50
stanI understand that, but if you set the entire CPU to neutron, will it not starve other processes of CPU? If you are only running neutron, that would be fine, I guess09:52
stanwe are collocating other processes on network nodes right?09:53
opendevreviewVictor Chembaev proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix os-brick multipathd del map fails for SAN multipath devices
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Set KOLLA_SERVICE_NAME in Podman containers
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kevkoSvenKieske: if curious 11:58
mhinerHello, can you please review the fix for KOLLA_SERVICE_NAME env variable for Podman?
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add certificates for RabbitMQ internode TLS
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add frontend TLS ability to ProxySQL
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add frontend database TLS for Keystone
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Implement TLS for Redis
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Enable backend TLS for Manila
opendevreviewMatúš Jenča proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add certificates for RabbitMQ internode TLS
SvenKieskethx kevko!21:26

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