Monday, 2025-02-17

dcapone2004I am looking to upgrade from 2023.1 to 2023.2 and beyond .... I am having some trouble at the prechecks with the rabbitmq configuration05:52
dcapone2004I inquired a week or 2 ago about the move to HA queues in rabbitmq beginning with bobcat (2023.2) and I thought downtime could be bypassed by adding om_enable_rabbitmq_quorum_queues : false and om_enable_rabbitmq_high_availability: true to the globals.yml file ... however this complains that none of my existing queues are HA in the prechecks (which is correct afaik)05:58
dcapone2004the cluster was deployed using KA Zed release initially and I do not think any HA was enabled for rabbitmq ... is there any way to remain with non HA queues and remain on transient queues to upgrade to 2023.2 and beyond?  I tried setting both variables to false, but that also caused some complaints from prechecks indicating basically that one of them had to be true05:59
dcapone2004I also tried excluding both options completely by commenting out my additions, but I also received a prechecks complaint as that results in the default of quorum queues being enabled ... Am I stuck at 2023.1 until I can bring down networking services to change the queues on rabbitmq?06:03
joelm21dcapone2004: it looks like it. is pretty clear about the upgrade from Bobcat and beyond requiring that procedure 07:03
mnasiadkagood morning08:02
andreykurilinHi folks! I have a small change ( that has been waiting for over 4 months since the last review by core team members. I understand it’s not a priority, but if anyone has time to review it, I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance09:01
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
opendevreviewAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/kolla master: Allow to use configure_user macro for external templates
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/2024.2: Fix genconfig
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Fix genconfig
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kolla stable/2023.2: Fix genconfig
opendevreviewBartosz Bezak proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove not needed service role assignment during upgrades.
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [POC] Make virtual environment mandatory
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Adds the neutron_service_limit option
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: ovn: Add support for OVN SB Relay
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
dcapone2004joelm21:  that is how I initially read the docs, but then I received some feedback from kevko here that it was possible to remain on transient queues....
dcapone2004starting to think he meant and/or understood my question to be staying with mirrored queues vs moving to quorum queues12:16
dcapone2004so trying to get final clarity if downtime is needed to make the upgrade or if there is a way to push it down the line ... I am having a hard time believing that large public clouds using openstack had to take their entire infrastructure offline to upgrade past the 2023.1 release12:23
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: ovn: Add support for OVN SB Relay
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Remove unnecessary ansible values (after migration to ansible_core)
opendevreviewAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack/kolla master: Allow to use configure_user macro for external templates
kevkodcapone2004: I've said that there is no path to migrate from classic mirrored queues to quorum queues ... And I also said that we as Ultimum analyzed little bit oslo.messaging library and probably we will be able to patch Oslo messaging to support live migrate from classic to quorum queues ...but this is in our todo list as we are still on antelope13:08
kevkoon the customer site ... So we stayed with classic queues until we will need to migrate because of new rabbitmq13:08
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: ovn: Add support for OVN SB Relay
mnasiadkadcapone2004: it's not taking whole infrastructure offline, the instances don't need to be shut down - but yes, you need a period of API unavailability.13:20
dcapone2004mnasiadka:  the procedure's first step is to shutdown services that use rabbitmq, this includes neutron afaik...also afaik if you stop the neutron containers, you lose networking ... there are also notes about not using --limit (main docs not on the rabbitmq specifically), so I have been assuming it cannot be done host by host .... so I see a hard down in the sense that the VMs will be running, but there will be n13:32
dcapone2004what am I missing?13:32
mnasiadkaWith ML2/OVS yes13:32
mnasiadka(as in yes - you'll loose networking)13:32
dcapone2004ok, so being on ovs, I will lose networking and have a hard down (as far as the VMs being accessible to the outside world) ... out of curiosity what networking plugin wouldn't result in a hard down?  I thought ovn depended on ovs13:40
priteaudcapone2004: OVN uses OVS too, but doesn't rely on RabbitMQ for internal communication13:46
priteauML2/OVS is the standard name for the setup, what it really means is "Neutron server and its various components that use RabbitMQ for communication, combined with OVS"13:47
dcapone2004so, if I was using OVN, this change would not take the networking down as those containers wouldn't need to be stopped? Trying to learn....and greatly appreciate the knowledge being shared on this channel13:48
mnasiadkayes, that's correct13:49
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: CI: Move pre tasks into roles
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: CI: Use ansible-lint for CI roles and playbooks
dcapone2004google says that as of 2023 in a mailing list response migration from ovs to ovn is not supported, as I did not find anything to the contrary in my searches, I assume this is still the case?13:53
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Revert "CI: Bump mariadb_monitor_connect_timeout to 60000"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe stable/2024.2: Support forcing time synchronisation
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [POC] Make virtual environment mandatory
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe stable/2024.2: Ensure hwclock is installed when required
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Adds the neutron_service_limit option
kevkomnasiadka: maybe you can readd your +2 vote ? ? 15:48
opendevreviewRoman Krcek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Convert destroy scripts into playbooks
opendevreviewMartin Hiner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: [POC] Make virtual environment mandatory

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