Tuesday, 2016-08-23

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openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Use generic config options from kuryr-lib  https://review.openstack.org/35040606:05
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openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Use generic config options from kuryr-lib  https://review.openstack.org/35040606:10
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Use generic config options from kuryr-lib  https://review.openstack.org/35040606:14
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openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr: Avoid registration of config parameters  https://review.openstack.org/35897806:28
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Use generic config options from kuryr-lib  https://review.openstack.org/35040606:30
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr: Add neutron client generic rest driver  https://review.openstack.org/34262406:40
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr: Add neutron client generic rest driver  https://review.openstack.org/34262406:45
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openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr: Avoid registration of config parameters  https://review.openstack.org/35897807:08
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr: Add neutron client generic rest driver  https://review.openstack.org/34262407:10
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Use generic config options from kuryr-lib  https://review.openstack.org/35040607:11
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openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr: Avoid registration of config parameters  https://review.openstack.org/35897807:33
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr: Add neutron client generic rest driver  https://review.openstack.org/34262407:34
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openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Code restructuring: neutron client as rest driver from Kuryr lib  https://review.openstack.org/34261407:57
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vikascirenab, apuimedo Why kuryr-k8s supports python3 only and not python2.7?08:21
irenabvikasc: I think its due to asyncio lib08:22
vikascirenab, is it not possible to get working with 2.708:22
pablochacinHi, vikasc, it is also my understanding08:23
vikascthanks pablochacin08:23
vikascwas just wondering how difficult (if possible) it is to get it working with 2.708:24
vikascsince many projects in openstackare still on 2.708:24
vikasc*openstack are08:24
vikasci think jerome or apuimedo can give more details08:25
irenabvikasc: https://github.com/openstack/kuryr/blob/master/doc/source/devref/k8s_api_watcher_design.rst#asyncio-and-python-3-by-default08:25
* vikasc reading08:26
vikascthanks irenab08:27
pablochacinI think the rationale is this "since [Kuryr] it's a container related project it should be able to be run inside a container. So do Raven. Therefore we take a path to support for only Python 3 and drop Python 2."08:27
vikasci will read more and get back if any doubts08:28
irenabvikasc: CNI driver should not have such requirements08:30
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vikascirenab, got it.08:31
openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Add optional neutron rpc driver support  https://review.openstack.org/34014308:35
vikascirenab, test cases are missing in this patch, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/342624/9 . "rest driver support" in kuryr repo. You rightly pointed out the same.08:37
irenabvikasc: checking now the conf registration patch08:38
vikascirenab, should i add a test file for this file https://review.openstack.org/#/c/342624/9/kuryr/lib/neutron_rest.py08:39
vikascirenab, ok08:39
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irenabvikasc: yes, I think the one to  catch changes in the expected REST driver contract should have unit tests08:41
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vikascirenab, that means will have to mock calling of each api and then mock the neutron response for each api such as "create_network", "delete_network" etc etc ?08:45
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vikascirenab, but this testing is already covered by kuryr-libnetwork test cases?08:48
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irenabvikasc: there should be tests to cover the expected versus real REST API contract08:51
vikascirenab, hmm.. got it :)08:52
irenabif there is already such, no need to add something else. Can you please point to the one that verifies the code modified in this patch?08:53
vikascirenab, nope, none is there. Kuryr-libnetwork tests will ensure till calling of apis defined in neutron_rest.py but there is no test to ensure whether this api is making correct rest call or not.08:56
vikascirenab, understodd08:56
irenabvikasc: sorry for giving you hard time with testing, but I believe in longer term it is very good return of investment08:58
vikascirenab, no problem. Your point is valid. :)08:58
vikascirenab, thanks for your patience08:58
irenabvikasc: patience is my middle name :-)08:59
vikascirenab, :D great08:59
vikascirenab, then you should be09:00
pablochacinirenab, vikasc, i have a doubt regarding the tests. I think that check that the rest api works according the contract if responsability of the other side. Our side should be to handle exceptions, which is not exactly the same.09:00
vikascpablochacin, right09:01
pablochacin(or better stated, how do you define "contract"?)09:01
vikascirenab, rest api format is already being tested in kuryr-libnetwork09:04
vikascirenab, i should actually revert my changes in above pasted link09:04
irenabvikasc: pablochacin : agree on the contract between kuryr and neutron API/RPC, this is what I meant, that it given the proper input and gets the output it handles09:05
vikascno actually.. i am wrong. what we initially discussed seems fine to me now.09:06
vikascirenab, i am in sync with you09:07
vikascpablochacin, can you please elaborate, if possible09:08
pablochacinvikasc, basically that we should assume the other side works as expected (returns correct values), but need to check we handle it properly.09:09
pablochacinAnd that we handle expected exceptions, like timeouts, connection failures.09:09
vikascpablochacin, those testcases are there in kuryr-libnetwork for hadling each scenario such as correct response and exceptions09:10
vikascpablochacin, i think i understood what you saying.. fine grain exception handling test cases should be on kuryr-lib and assuming that kuryr-lib is giving correct response, such test cases should be with kuryr-libnetwork or kuryr-kubernetes. Have I got you right?09:14
pablochacinvicasc I mean the API/RPC specific contract. For example in a rest api you must check http return codes.09:14
vikascpablochacin, got you09:15
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limaoping vikas10:01
limaoping vikasc10:01
limaohello vikasc, I'm still not understand why we need to pass bindir as param10:02
limaoI think this should be a little bit similiar with oslo case10:02
limaocan we do it similiar with this?10:03
* vikasc looking10:03
limao Somthing like : if external and not CONF.oslo_concurrency.disable_process_locking:10:04
vikasclimao,  in mid of something.. will go through what you suggested and ping back10:05
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limaothanks~ take your time10:06
limaoI will reply in your commit, you can reply me there, thanks10:07
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kuryr: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/35768322:17
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