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openstackgerrit | Liping Mao proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork master: avoid unnecessary neutron api call in revoke_expose_ports https://review.openstack.org/429432 | 01:21 |
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openstackgerrit | feng.shengqin proposed openstack/fuxi master: Remove support for py33 https://review.openstack.org/429484 | 03:54 |
openstackgerrit | Hongbin Lu proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork master: Optimize the search of subnet https://review.openstack.org/427923 | 04:11 |
openstackgerrit | feng.shengqin proposed openstack/fuxi master: Add the link for BPs https://review.openstack.org/429493 | 04:17 |
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openstackgerrit | feng.shengqin proposed openstack/fuxi master: Pyo and pyd files needn't add to the git repository https://review.openstack.org/429522 | 06:28 |
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openstackgerrit | feng.shengqin proposed openstack/fuxi master: Generating config file during installation https://review.openstack.org/429560 | 08:13 |
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oanson | #startmeeting Dragonflow | 09:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Mon Feb 6 09:00:19 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is oanson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 09:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 09:00 |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'dragonflow' | 09:00 |
oanson | All right, who's here for the weekly? | 09:01 |
oanson | #endmeeting | 09:01 |
openstack | Meeting ended Mon Feb 6 09:01:17 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 09:01 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/dragonflow/2017/dragonflow.2017-02-06-09.00.html | 09:01 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/dragonflow/2017/dragonflow.2017-02-06-09.00.txt | 09:01 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/dragonflow/2017/dragonflow.2017-02-06-09.00.log.html | 09:01 |
oanson | Sorry, wrong channel :( | 09:01 |
ivc_ | irenab ping | 09:01 |
irenab | ivc_, hi | 09:02 |
ivc_ | hi | 09:02 |
ivc_ | about that assertRaisesRegex | 09:02 |
ivc_ | what was the problem with assertRaises that made you change it to assertRaisesRegex? | 09:03 |
ivc_ | were you getting AttributeError on unset option? or was the UT passing when it should not? | 09:04 |
ivc_ | irenab thats about discussion we have on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/427440 | 09:06 |
irenab | ivc_, when devstack somehow didn't put one of the expected config values, I think it was subnet_id, the exception messge had failure in it, therefor I fixed the code and added unit test to verify that proper messag eis raised | 09:09 |
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ivc_ | but that was different exception, wasn't it? | 09:09 |
irenab | maybe there is better way to verify it, but I though that its good to have unit test that covers for it | 09:10 |
ivc_ | as far as i understand you were getting AttributeError due to group.name access in https://github.com/openstack/oslo.config/blame/master/oslo_config/cfg.py#L536 | 09:10 |
ivc_ | so it wasnt RequiredOptError and your added unit test does not test that problem | 09:10 |
irenab | ivc_, it was the exception in the kuryr code, but with failed message, since it failed to build it properly | 09:11 |
irenab | let me check if I stated it in the bug | 09:11 |
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ivc_ | bug description is rather vague | 09:13 |
ivc_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+bug/1652756 | 09:13 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1652756 in kuryr-kubernetes "Incorrect config group parameter in the Default controller drivers" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Irena Berezovsky (irenab) | 09:13 |
irenab | yea .. | 09:14 |
ivc_ | if you added logs it might help | 09:14 |
irenab | agree, sorry I didn't add them | 09:14 |
ivc_ | tho i think the exception was AttributeError | 09:15 |
irenab | ivc_, in a meeting now, will be able to recreate the case in about 30 min | 09:15 |
irenab | ivc_, it was a bit ugly message as far as I remember | 09:15 |
ivc_ | irenab sure. i'm sorry i've missed that fix while i was on vacation. but i'd prefer if we avoid hardcoding exception texts that do not belong to us | 09:18 |
irenab | ivc_, maybe just to check for the attribute or opt_group name and not the whole string | 09:22 |
openstackgerrit | feng.shengqin proposed openstack/fuxi master: Remove unused _C and _p in i18n.py https://review.openstack.org/429586 | 09:22 |
ivc_ | also the problem you got there was because i misused cfg.RequiredOptError API by passing string instead of OptGroup | 09:22 |
irenab | indeed, this is what the fixe was for | 09:23 |
ivc_ | so thats not something we need to UT | 09:23 |
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ivc_ | irenab what i mean is we do not need UT to test the cases where we misuse external APIs | 09:28 |
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openstackgerrit | feng.shengqin proposed openstack/fuxi master: Modify comment about FuxiException https://review.openstack.org/429606 | 09:45 |
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openstackgerrit | feng.shengqin proposed openstack/fuxi master: Import _ from i18n.py https://review.openstack.org/429664 | 11:49 |
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irenab | ivc_, ping | 12:17 |
ivc_ | irenab pong | 12:17 |
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irenab | just some thought regarding the service patch. Maybe worth to rename pod_security_groups to something like kuryr_security_groups, so it is less confusing its used both for pods and services | 12:19 |
irenab | removed -1 and runnign the setup to verify | 12:19 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: [WIP] Adding pool of ports to speed up containers booting/deletion https://review.openstack.org/426687 | 12:20 |
ivc_ | irenab i thought about it, but kuryr_ prefix or just 'security_groups' are rather vague from the user perspective imo | 12:20 |
irenab | ivc_, agree, just pod is a bit confusing. default? | 12:21 |
irenab | cluster? | 12:21 |
ivc_ | irenab imo pod_ is the best fit from user perspective | 12:21 |
ivc_ | even tho it maybe a tiny bit confusing from the code perspective | 12:22 |
ivc_ | but i'm not against changing that | 12:23 |
irenab | I would say that the explanation to the user is what SGs you want to apply on created pod, then pod_sg makes sense | 12:23 |
ivc_ | yup thats my point | 12:23 |
irenab | but is its for services and pods, then its a bit wierd | 12:24 |
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ivc_ | well the idea was that the user selects sg for pods and the service sg driver just ensures that everything works with that | 12:25 |
irenab | ivc_, if you keep the anem, the help message should be updated | 12:25 |
ivc_ | irenab you see thing is that sg is not for pods and services | 12:26 |
ivc_ | sg is just for pods | 12:26 |
irenab | ivc_, I see your point, services is a side effect | 12:26 |
ivc_ | yup | 12:26 |
ivc_ | well not exactly side effect | 12:27 |
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irenab | ivc_, then code wise I would probably prefer to use pods driver .. | 12:27 |
irenab | well, anyway we have the basic drivers, once evolve into more complicated, can change this | 12:27 |
ivc_ | well you can not use pod driver for service because you do not have pod info when handling service | 12:28 |
ivc_ | and i want our API to provide pod/service info to the driver | 12:28 |
irenab | ivc_, in case of more advanced case, once there is let's say net per namespace and different SGs per namspace, how services driver will get SGs? | 12:29 |
ivc_ | irenab if sg is just per namespace we'll have the same copy-paste pair of drivers | 12:30 |
ivc_ | irenab with pod[namespace] or service[namespace] as key | 12:30 |
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irenab | don't like the code duplication, but not critical | 12:33 |
ivc_ | irenab i dont like it either, but it keeps API flexible | 12:34 |
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ivc_ | there's another option | 12:34 |
ivc_ | we can use 'namespace' name as arg instead of passing service/pod to the driver | 12:34 |
ivc_ | that way we'll have just 1 driver | 12:34 |
ivc_ | that will work for the current case and will also work for sg-per-namespace case | 12:35 |
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ivc_ | but the problem is if we want a more fine-grained approach (e.g. sg per label or sg per annotation) - we are out of luck | 12:35 |
irenab | ivc_, we may keep the pod and service, but if its None use namespace | 12:35 |
ivc_ | irenab if its None there's no namespace as namespace is part of pod/service data structure | 12:36 |
irenab | or actually have namespace driver for SG that will be used for both | 12:36 |
ivc_ | irenab duplicating 5 lines of code for a flexible API imo is a fair price | 12:37 |
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ivc_ | irenab and you can not have same driver for both Pod and Service SG because they have different base class and we use stevedore to load drivers | 12:39 |
irenab | ivc_, convinced :-) | 12:40 |
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ivc_ | irenab :) | 12:40 |
irenab | ivc_, verifing now | 12:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Liping Mao proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork master: avoid unnecessary neutron api call in revoke_expose_ports https://review.openstack.org/429432 | 13:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: K8s Services support: LBaaSSpecHandler https://review.openstack.org/427440 | 14:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Darla Ahlert proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork master: Add reno support to kuryr-libnetwork https://review.openstack.org/424198 | 15:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Hongbin Lu proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork master: Consolidate logic of getting pool cidr https://review.openstack.org/429329 | 22:32 |
openstackgerrit | Hongbin Lu proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork master: Optimize the search of subnet https://review.openstack.org/427923 | 22:32 |
openstackgerrit | Hongbin Lu proposed openstack/kuryr master: Update the libnetwork devref https://review.openstack.org/426644 | 22:37 |
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