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openstackgerrit | Jaivish Kothari(janonymous) proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: CNI Daemon template https://review.openstack.org/480028 | 08:27 |
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apuimedo | janonymous: have you tried patch set 11? | 08:55 |
janonymous | apuimedo: ah, no my env is taking time to boot up | 08:55 |
apuimedo | janonymous: no worries | 08:56 |
apuimedo | just checking ;-) | 08:56 |
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janonymous | apuimedo: :) | 08:57 |
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zengchen | apuimedo & janonymous: From the first version (v0.10.0) of Kubernetes, it use the list + watch pattern to get the events of resources. Please see the file kubernetes\pkg\client\cache\reflector.go to get details. I don't know why. Maybe we should understand the principle of watch in Kubenetes first. | 12:44 |
apuimedo | zengchen: you mean in client-go? | 12:46 |
zengchen | please, give me your ideas on how to understand that list + watch pattern. thanks. | 12:46 |
zengchen | apuimedo:you can find the code in kubernetes. not in current repository of client-go | 12:47 |
apuimedo | zengchen: ok | 12:48 |
apuimedo | zengchen: I think it would also be good to ask the devs | 12:48 |
zengchen | apuimedo:client-go is a copy of kubenetes/staging/src/k8s.io/client-go | 12:48 |
apuimedo | I'll try to get ahold of them | 12:48 |
zengchen | apuimedo:i have sent an email to a developer who has been worling on kuberntes for a long time. I hope he can give me some ideas. | 12:51 |
apuimedo | zengchen: cool | 12:51 |
apuimedo | let me know what he says | 12:51 |
zengchen | apuimedo:sure | 12:52 |
zengchen | apuimedo:if you konw this guys, maybe we will got the answers fast. https://github.com/lavalamp | 12:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Kirill Zaitsev proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Allow passing multiple VIFs to CNI https://review.openstack.org/471012 | 13:00 |
apuimedo | zengchen: that's who you emailed? | 13:02 |
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kzaitsev_ws | ok. stop me before I come up with a wierd config schema for multiple vif-drivers | 14:15 |
kzaitsev_ws | currently I think it'll be smth like "vif-driver-1:subnet-driver-1:sec-group-1:project-1,vif-driver-2:subnet-driver-2:sec-group-2:project-2" | 14:16 |
kzaitsev_ws | if you omit sec-group/project it's going to use 'default' | 14:16 |
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kzaitsev_ws | but that doesn't answer how to handle pool driver or rather multiple pool drivers. | 14:17 |
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kzaitsev_ws | so it can-be "vif-driver-1[_pool]:...", i.e if a driver name ends with '_pool' it's going to be wrapped around pool driver. | 14:18 |
kzaitsev_ws | s/wrapped around/wrapped with/ | 14:19 |
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kzaitsev_ws | apuimedo: you missed my config rant ) | 14:30 |
kzaitsev_ws | apuimedo: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-kuryr/%23openstack-kuryr.2017-08-10.log.html#t2017-08-10T14:15:19 | 14:31 |
apuimedo | kzaitsev_ws: I had some problems with the bouncer | 14:34 |
kzaitsev_ws | I just want some input on the idea ^^^ | 14:34 |
kzaitsev_ws | does it soound too wierd& | 14:34 |
apuimedo | kzaitsev_ws: you mean multi vif config for when there's no Network CRD? | 14:35 |
kzaitsev_ws | even for a POC | 14:35 |
kzaitsev_ws | yep, for phase 1 I guess | 14:35 |
kzaitsev_ws | network CRD can then be implemented as a separate driver | 14:35 |
kzaitsev_ws | (or a set of drivers) | 14:35 |
kzaitsev_ws | and be made default | 14:35 |
apuimedo | where would this comma separated setting go? | 14:35 |
kzaitsev_ws | smth like ironic's 'enabled_drivers=....' | 14:36 |
kzaitsev_ws | so to the config. | 14:36 |
kzaitsev_ws | ugh the configs are way not flexible | 14:40 |
apuimedo | right | 14:41 |
apuimedo | that's why I hoped we could have it in CRD | 14:41 |
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kzaitsev_ws | zuul queue is clogged this week | 15:58 |
kzaitsev_ws | everyone's cutting their stable branches and that generates a 2-3 a bunch of commits I guess | 15:59 |
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