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openstackgerrit | Peng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Kubernetes Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard support https://review.openstack.org/574131 | 05:17 |
openstackgerrit | Peng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard support https://review.openstack.org/574131 | 05:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Peng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard support https://review.openstack.org/574131 | 06:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Peng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard support https://review.openstack.org/574131 | 06:49 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Run OVN job containerized and daemonized https://review.openstack.org/549289 | 07:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Peng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard support https://review.openstack.org/574131 | 08:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Daniel Mellado proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Make tempest-daemon-lbaasv2 gate non-voting https://review.openstack.org/574171 | 08:40 |
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celebdor1 | irenab: ^^ | 08:44 |
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celebdor1 | dulek: you around? | 09:16 |
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celebdor1 | pliu: thanks for the spec! | 09:20 |
openstackgerrit | Antoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: OCP-Router: add support for external Ingress Controller's LB creation https://review.openstack.org/564051 | 09:32 |
openstackgerrit | Antoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: OCP-Router: Ingress controller support https://review.openstack.org/536387 | 09:32 |
openstackgerrit | Antoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: OCP-Router: OCP-Route and Ingress LBaaS handlers https://review.openstack.org/538577 | 09:32 |
celebdor1 | ltomasbo: I rebased yossi's patches | 09:32 |
celebdor1 | dmellado: irenab: let's try to get this in already | 09:32 |
dmellado | I'll take a look | 09:33 |
dmellado | btw, I'm also rebasing and refactoring network policy support | 09:33 |
dmellado | I've a wip patch that could use some eyes on it | 09:33 |
ltomasbo | celebdor1, I'll take a look asap | 09:34 |
ltomasbo | celebdor1, some of them already have comments from my side | 09:36 |
celebdor1 | ltomasbo: I saw | 09:36 |
celebdor1 | ltomasbo: dmellado: dulek: irenab: Do you remember I did a hack for neutron client to talk to Octavia? | 09:44 |
dmellado | yeah quite while back there | 09:44 |
celebdor1 | As Rocky is drawing nearer to release | 09:44 |
celebdor1 | maybe we should revisit that | 09:44 |
celebdor1 | The options are: | 09:45 |
dmellado | I guess it'd be worth a proper refactor | 09:45 |
celebdor1 | a) keep it | 09:45 |
ltomasbo | I don't quite remember... | 09:45 |
celebdor1 | b) use octavia client only | 09:45 |
celebdor1 | c) use neutron + octavia client | 09:45 |
celebdor1 | d) Fsck clients and their dependencies, we just send http requests | 09:45 |
ltomasbo | ahh, now I do, the lbaas client to use either neutron or octavia based on the env.. | 09:45 |
dmellado | celebdor1: as octavia will be the default | 09:45 |
dmellado | I'd just go for octavia only | 09:45 |
dmellado | from rocky on | 09:45 |
celebdor1 | dmellado: that means dropping lbaasv2 entirely | 09:46 |
dmellado | celebdor1: yeah | 09:46 |
dmellado | I meant to do that | 09:46 |
dmellado | and keep lbaas only in stable branches | 09:46 |
celebdor1 | Good Lord gracious, that's some list of requirements these clients have | 09:47 |
ltomasbo | lbaasv2 is already deprecated and now new features are accepted (for instance to make it work with ovn), so I tend to agree with dmellado and start caring only about octavia | 09:47 |
celebdor1 | what's the status on that ovn + octavia front? | 09:47 |
celebdor1 | Is it making ROcky? | 09:47 |
dmellado | it rains rocks | 09:48 |
celebdor1 | ? | 09:48 |
dmellado | ltomasbo: how was that refactor | 09:48 |
dmellado | did it fail? | 09:48 |
ltomasbo | the multidriver thing for octavia? I hope so, but not sure | 09:48 |
dmellado | nope, the rebase on the ovn gate | 09:48 |
ltomasbo | dmellado, I just rebased the ovn patchset, and it of course failed | 09:49 |
ltomasbo | going to check why | 09:49 |
dmellado | of course, why would we be expecting any difference | 09:49 |
ltomasbo | xD | 09:50 |
ltomasbo | dmellado, seems to be a sg issue http://logs.openstack.org/89/549289/16/check/kuryr-kubernetes-tempest-daemon-containerized-ovn/ef5f5bd/testr_results.html.gz | 09:50 |
dmellado | hmmm I kinda recall talking about this with dalvarez | 09:51 |
ltomasbo | dmellado, VM cannot be pinged from pod | 09:52 |
ltomasbo | probably the VM sg needs to enable ping from remote | 09:52 |
dmellado | ltomasbo: that's not really it | 09:53 |
dmellado | I mean, by default, all those tempest vms enable icmp and ssh | 09:53 |
dmellado | otherwise the test would be failing for all gates | 09:53 |
ltomasbo | are you sure? | 09:53 |
dmellado | totally | 09:53 |
dmellado | so the issue seems to be something on the ovn side | 09:54 |
ltomasbo | but the default security group rules could be different for ovn than ovs | 09:54 |
ltomasbo | the VM can ping the pod in that test (as it passes) | 09:54 |
ltomasbo | so... | 09:54 |
ltomasbo | I bet that function to create a default security group is slightly different for ovn than ovs | 09:55 |
dmellado | let me search for it | 09:55 |
dmellado | should be the same | 09:55 |
openstackgerrit | Antoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: OCP-Router: Ingress controller support https://review.openstack.org/536387 | 09:55 |
ltomasbo | dmellado, http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest/tree/tempest/api/compute/admin/test_security_group_default_rules.py | 09:56 |
ltomasbo | seems default rules only allow ping from cird | 09:57 |
dmellado | ltomasbo: but that's for tests sg rules | 09:57 |
dmellado | hold on | 09:57 |
dmellado | the code is not there ;) | 09:57 |
dmellado | https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/scenario/manager.py#L115 | 10:00 |
celebdor1 | ltomasbo: do you know what's the point of having https://review.openstack.org/#/c/536387/31/kuryr_kubernetes/tests/unit/controller/handlers/test_lbaas.py | 10:00 |
dmellado | hm I kinda recalled tht this enabled icmp and ssh | 10:00 |
celebdor1 | all this "pass" tests | 10:00 |
dmellado | for sure, but let me double check | 10:00 |
ltomasbo | celebdor1, I think he was creating a fake driver for the unittesting | 10:01 |
ltomasbo | celebdor1, so that avoids some mocking and repeating code (I suppose) | 10:01 |
dmellado | https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/scenario/manager.py#L1054-L1107 | 10:01 |
celebdor1 | aha | 10:02 |
celebdor1 | ah right | 10:02 |
celebdor1 | yes | 10:02 |
celebdor1 | thanks ltomasbo | 10:02 |
ltomasbo | np | 10:02 |
openstackgerrit | Antoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: OCP-Router: Ingress controller support https://review.openstack.org/536387 | 10:10 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: DNM: Testing OVN gate https://review.openstack.org/574200 | 10:18 |
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ltomasbo | dmellado, celebdor1: so this is why ovn gate was not working: https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-discuss/2018-March/046404.html | 10:25 |
ltomasbo | seems we cannot use ping -c1... | 10:25 |
dmellado | dafuq | 10:25 |
dmellado | xD | 10:25 |
dmellado | let's change it to -c2 xD | 10:25 |
ltomasbo | let me retry my DNM patch with that | 10:26 |
ltomasbo | dmellado, ^^ | 10:26 |
dmellado | go ahead ltomasbo | 10:26 |
dmellado | irenab: oanson now that we speak about gates | 10:27 |
dmellado | any chance that you could get to have a look at the dragonflow one? | 10:27 |
celebdor1 | :O | 10:27 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: DNM: Testing OVN gate https://review.openstack.org/574200 | 10:30 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: DNM: Testing OVN gate https://review.openstack.org/574200 | 10:33 |
oanson | dmellado, due to the downsizing in Dragonflow, it will take us a while to reach that bug. | 10:35 |
oanson | Sorry. | 10:35 |
dmellado | oanson: no worries, I'm aware of your current circumstances, thanks! | 10:36 |
oanson | It's not forgotten, but to make the most of our time, there are a few things we need to do before that | 10:36 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add ports pool clean up support to namespace deletion https://review.openstack.org/564148 | 10:41 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Retry namespace deletion to mitigate cascading race https://review.openstack.org/572344 | 10:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Peng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard support https://review.openstack.org/574131 | 11:11 |
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ltomasbo | dmellado, I got the green light on the ovn gate! | 11:46 |
dmellado | ltomasbo: awesome | 11:47 |
dmellado | with the -c4? | 11:47 |
ltomasbo | I'll update the patch description to modify it everywhere | 11:47 |
ltomasbo | yes | 11:47 |
dmellado | glad to hear it | 11:47 |
dmellado | we have had the ovn gate patch working for a long time | 11:47 |
ltomasbo | and -w4 too, that was set in one or two cases | 11:47 |
dmellado | if only it wasn't for the -c4 | 11:47 |
ltomasbo | yep | 11:47 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Increase ping counter to avoid tests flakiness https://review.openstack.org/574200 | 11:55 |
ltomasbo | dmellado, ^^ | 11:55 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Run OVN job containerized and daemonized https://review.openstack.org/549289 | 12:02 |
openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Experimental gate for namespace subnet driver https://review.openstack.org/570365 | 12:10 |
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irenab | dmellado, I will be late for today's weekly | 12:18 |
dmellado | irenab: no worries! thanks for letting me know | 12:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Add tempest coverage for namespace creation https://review.openstack.org/567179 | 12:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Run OVN job containerized and daemonized https://review.openstack.org/549289 | 13:43 |
openstackgerrit | Gary Loughnane proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add DPDK support for nested pods https://review.openstack.org/559363 | 13:45 |
openstackgerrit | Peng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Network Custom Resource Definition De-facto Standard support https://review.openstack.org/574131 | 13:46 |
openstackgerrit | Gary Loughnane proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add DPDK support for nested pods https://review.openstack.org/559363 | 13:54 |
snapiri | dmellado: when is the weekly today? Thought to drop by :) | 14:00 |
dmellado | snapiri: just now! xD | 14:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Increase ping counter to avoid tests flakiness https://review.openstack.org/574200 | 14:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Experimental gate for namespace subnet driver https://review.openstack.org/570365 | 16:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Luis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Run OVN job containerized and daemonized https://review.openstack.org/549289 | 16:36 |
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