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openstackgerrit | Itzik Brown proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Create an exception for pod disconnectivity https://review.openstack.org/628901 | 07:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Itzik Brown proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Create an exception for pod disconnectivity https://review.openstack.org/628901 | 08:27 |
openstackgerrit | Itzik Brown proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Use assertTrue in checking pod connectivity https://review.openstack.org/628901 | 08:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Genadi Chereshnya proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Working with noop for vif_pool_driver https://review.openstack.org/621411 | 10:06 |
openstackgerrit | Antoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: detect failed curl when streamed from pod https://review.openstack.org/626892 | 10:16 |
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dmellado | Hi folks, this is to remind you that there won't be a meeting today due to lack of quorum because of bank holidays in Spain | 13:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Genadi Chereshnya proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Testing port_pool_min and port_pool_max https://review.openstack.org/620060 | 15:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Genadi Chereshnya proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Working with noop for vif_pool_driver https://review.openstack.org/621411 | 19:01 |
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