Friday, 2019-03-08

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openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add support for svc with text targetPorts
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add support for svc with text targetPorts
openstackgerritMaysa de Macedo Souza proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure only affected services are updated on Pod/NetworkPolicy events
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dulekltomasbo, maysams: Any preference on which IP should I put coredns? We put K8s API on first usable and router on last usable.12:49
dulekI'd use second usable for coredns.12:49
maysamsdulek, that sound okay to me12:50
ltomasboeither works, no preferences13:00
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alisanhajiHi people of the world! I have a question: do you need a neutron-agent in every K8s node (worker) with kuryr-k8s ?14:41
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dulekalisanhaji: Well, yes, unless you use "nested" configuration with trunk ports.14:45
dulekalisanhaji: Nested requires adding a trunk port to each VM running a K8s node.14:46
dulekalisanhaji: And then subports are created for each port, but Kuryr will wire pods without neturon-agent required.14:47
dulekltomasbo: Please correct me if above is wrong. ^14:47
alisanhajidulek: I see, and the trunk port is necessarily run by neutron? The VM is from Nova, and the Neutron you use for Kuryr is the one connecting this VM?14:50
alisanhajias in I imagine?14:52
ltomasbodulek, reading...14:58
ltomasboalisanhaji, yes, the VMs where the pods are going to be running14:59
ltomasboalisanhaji, that VM needs to have a port that is part of a trunk14:59
ltomasboalisanhaji, then, for each new container, a subport is attached to the trunk14:59
ltomasboin that case, you don't need a neutron agent inside that VM, but you still need it on the compute node where that VM is running15:00
alisanhajiok thanks, and in case you don't use trunk ports? You need to add a neutron agent in the K8s node right?15:00
ltomasboalisanhaji, but you are going to run pods in a VM? or baremetal?15:01
alisanhajiI am looking into both cases to know what needs to be configured with kuryr and k8s15:02
alisanhajiIn neutron default I see a ovs_bridge=br-int15:05
alisanhajiIs Neutron with OVS necessary or you can use other backends?15:05
ltomasboalisanhaji, OVN is also supported15:12
ltomasboand at some point we had it working with DragonFlow and ODL, but not sure about the current status as there is no gates for it15:12
alisanhajiand linuxbridge?15:13
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ltomasbothere is no support for trunk ports and linuxbridge (I think)15:16
ltomasboI mean on neutron side15:16
alisanhajiOh I see, and in case you have a neutron linuxbridge agent without trunk ports?15:17
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ltomasbothen I suppose there is no nested support15:24
dulekI've got disconnected, if any question gone unanswered, please repeat them. :P15:24
alisanhajiltomasbo answered all of my questions thanks! dulek I just have one more it's in case you have neutron with Linuxbridge backend, without using trunk ports, can you use kuryr in K8s VM?15:35
dulekalisanhaji: Yes, but you would need neutron-agent on VM's and VM's to have access to cloud's RabbitMQ.15:36
dulekAt least that's my understanding. There's a lot of combinations and I believe many were never really tested.15:37
alisanhajiOh yes, I forgot that you need connectivity to the control plane in case you have a neutron agent in the k8s VM15:39
alisanhajiThanks ltomasbo and dulek for the answers15:41
ltomasboalisanhaji, you're welcome!15:43
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openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add option to deploy coredns
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