Monday, 2019-03-11

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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork master: DNM: Testing all legacy jobs on bionic
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dmelladohiya folks!10:27
dulekdmellado: Whooo!10:29
dulekdmellado: Hi!10:29
dmelladodulek, it's not me, it's just a zombie carcass what remains10:30
dmelladosleep? what's that anymore? xD10:30
dulekdmellado: Wonderful, you'll be Kuryr's team US ambassador.10:31
dmelladohow are things going?10:32
dmelladodulek, the good thing is that I don't think that jet lag would affect me at all10:32
maysamsHey dmellado, welcome back :-)10:37
dulekdmellado: Things are quite okay. ltomasbo and maysams are resolving some bugs related to NP.10:37
dulekdmellado: I'm working on releasing on OCP side (hey, it's still ongoing, but we're really close now).10:37
dulekdmellado: Also at the moment I'm trying to run upstream NP tests on the gate. My offline run found us one major bug.10:38
dmelladohi maysams !10:38
dmelladoa-ha, so NP is still giving off some trouble10:38
dulekdmellado: Besides that you're probably aware of teams reorganization, right?10:38
dmelladodulek, overall yeah10:38
dulekdmellado: Actually it's much better than I expected.10:39
dmelladobut you folks wouldn't believe the amount of emails that I got in my inbox10:39
dmelladoso maysams dulek ltomasbo, what's the overall status in terms of NP10:39
dulekdmellado: I thought it'll explode on upstream tests, but implementation seems pretty solid. Some issues with missing features and maybe orphaned resources, sometimes.10:39
dmelladoplease, please, please tell me that it didn't did boom10:39
dmelladooh, awesome!10:39
dulekdmellado: We're in testing/bugfixing phase IMO.10:40
ltomasbodmellado, yep! there was a lot more use cases10:40
dmelladogcheresh_, any news in terms of that testing?10:40
dulekdmellado: Only 3 tests out of 8 exploded. 1 because of my env's issue and 2 because we're missing a feature to use port names instead of port numbers.10:40
ltomasbodmellado, and we discover several services/lbaas related functionality missing too10:40
dmellado-now is when you reply 'what testing' and I take a flight to TLV just to have a few words with you xD xD xD10:40
dmelladoltomasbo, again Octavia?10:41
ltomasbodmellado, no, not octavia, I mean the svc (kuryr) implementation was missing a lot of use cases10:42
ltomasbodmellado, like user editing the service definition, using named ports instead of numbers, ...10:42
dmelladooh, I see10:42
dmelladoin any case it's great that this showed up10:42
dmelladobut that also means that we do need to improve our test plans quite a lot10:42
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add option to deploy coredns
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dmelladomaysams: ltomasbo all right, irc seems to be back for me11:14
dmelladoregarding NP11:14
dmelladoany outstanding bugs?11:14
dmelladootoh dulek, what's the status regarding py37 on the gates?11:14
* dmellado reading too many emails xD11:14
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818983 in kuryr-kubernetes "NetworkPolicy doesn't support named ports" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Maysa de Macedo Souza (maysa)11:14
dulekdmellado: Uh, riiiiight…11:14
dulekdmellado: We have that commit that runs 3.7 unit tests.11:15
dulekdmellado: And that's passing.11:15
dulekdmellado: But I've tried updating our Python 3 container to Fedora 29 with 3.7 and that failed miserably due to eventlet issues.11:15
dulekdmellado: I don't know if that's resolved.11:15
dulekdmellado: I can try iterating my commit again to see.11:15
dmelladohuh, I see, there was some issue with eventlet11:16
dmelladodulek: yeah, please give it a retry and let's see what happens11:16
dulekdmellado: Take back your +W on, just to be sure it won't get merged by mistake. :P11:17
dmelladodulek: done xD11:18
dmelladoI've also noticed some migration on the git repos upstream11:18
dmelladonaming, so we'd need to change our readme's11:18
dmelladoI'll submit a few patches later11:18
dulekdmellado: BTW - my efforts to run CoreDNS on gates is related to upstream K8s NP tests are calling pods using svc-name.namespace instead of IP's.11:23
dmelladooh, I see11:24
dmelladothat kinda recalls me a little bit about the workaround we did do with unbound11:24
dulekdmellado: Do you happen to know if I can get the upstream DNS on the gate somehow? Proxying requests to gives me loop, obviously.11:24
dmelladoso are you trying to use coreDNS in such way?11:24
dmelladodulek: not sure as of now, but will check with the infra folks and get back to you11:24
dulekdmellado: I've asked on #openstack-infra already. ;)11:24
dmelladodulek: what's the outcome? who did you speak with?11:25
dmelladodulek: how about setting a local dns, I guess that's your idea with CoreDNS11:26
dmelladolike i.e we'd use the internal DNS for the internal domain and then forward the remaining queries to the upstream one11:26
dulekdmellado: I've just put the question on the channel.11:27
dulekdmellado: Yep, that's my idea. Maybe I could use hostNetworking, bind to and forward to, that also seems like an option.11:28
dulekdmellado: At the moment I'm just trying as the upstream one, let's see if it'll work. ;)11:28
dmelladoI've seen times when on some specific clouds queries to were throttled11:29
dmelladojust letting you know in case you start missing some dns queries...11:29
dulekdmellado: Ah, interesting, let's see.11:43
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maysamsdmellado: I was having lunch, sry, but dulek already shared the NP bug with you12:11
dmelladomaysams: yep, thanks! I'm trying to get back on current status12:12
maysamsdmellado: There is also this one under review
dmelladomaysams: sounds like besides checking experimental is almost good to go12:12
dmelladobut I'll be taking a look as well12:12
dmelladomaysams: ltomasbo thanks for handling this while I was away folks12:13
maysamsdmellado: Np! and thanks for reviews12:14
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dmelladomaysams: dulek ltomasbo for the record I might no be able to attend today's upstream meeting12:33
dmelladoneed to take the kid to the doctor so he gets some vaccines12:33
dmelladoI should be fine next one on12:33
dulekdmellado: With all this rise of anti-vaccines movements, I guess doing the right thing is totally a proper excuse. :D12:35
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dmelladodulek: lol, I'm just waiting for these crazy folks to become so high in numbers so they realize it was a mistake12:35
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dulekdmellado: Surprisingly I've got blocked on one RAX run and working fine on another on RAX.13:18
dulekdmellado: Anyway you were right that doesn't always work.13:18
dmelladodulek: crap, I wish I would've been wrong on that xD13:18
dmelladoin any case there should be an openstack infra dns which we should be able to use13:19
dulekdmellado: I think it might be relative to the cloud the job is running on.13:20
dmelladodulek: yeah, that's my point13:20
dmelladothe whole openstack infra should've an internal dns *all* the clouds could speak to13:20
dulekdmellado: So my best bet at the moment is to run coredns with host networking making it bind to 127.0.0.<anything> and redirecting to as upstream DNS.13:20
dmelladoI bet a six-pack on it13:20
dmelladosup, that was my idea as well13:20
dulekWill that work? I think celebdor did something similar for openshift-dns.13:20
dmelladodulek: something really close to that, but using unbound, IIRC13:21
dmelladobut that shouldn't matter13:21
dmelladodepending on how coredns can be configured13:21
dulekdmellado: unbound is on the gates by default, IIRC, he didn't need to enable it.13:21
dmelladoyou might even be able to just add upstream dns as a forwarding one13:21
dmelladoI mean, he added an additional unbound instance on the nodes13:22
dulekdmellado: That would be best, but I can't figure out the address, as /etc/resolv.conf points me to, which is unbound instance IIUC.13:22
dmelladohmmmm could totally be13:23
dmelladoI mean 53 is for DNS13:23
dmelladobut I'm not sure on the internal dns configuration within the infra13:24
dmelladoI mean, localhost:53 would mean there's some dns or dns forwarding running on the gate node directly13:24
dmelladoeither that, or some kind of dnsmasq running13:25
dmelladodulek: did you try to set that up? to let CoreDNS forward to such address?13:25
dulekdmellado: I'll try in a moment.13:26
dmelladoit'd be worth to check if just13:27
dmelladowork by any chance13:27
dulekdmellado: I've also poked some failures of centos gate. slaweq tracked it down to ancient openvswitch 2.0 on the centos-7 gate.13:27
dulekdmellado: Heh, why not, trying now.13:27
dmelladodulek: huh, no wonder, we have had to hack the centos gate quite a lot in the past, with pip and setuptools13:27
dmelladoso centOS starts recalling me at debian stable now and then...13:28
dmelladodulek: heading to the doctor now, let me know later if it gets to work!13:30
dulekdmellado: Hm, from my local network doesn't resolve for me, but let's see how it works in the gate.13:31
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add option to deploy coredns
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dulekHey, this actually looks really nice:
dulekI even see it in Polish, "Gałąź: stable/rocky" is obviously pleasing to my eyes. xD13:58
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openstackgerritAlexey Perevalov proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Support sriovdp arbitrary resource names
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dulekdmellado, ltomasbo: Okay, so I've had a nice discussion with #openstack-infra.16:36
dulekSo thing is… Some clouds we run on are IPv6-only!16:36
dulekHence my question - are we even supporting this on Kuryr level?16:36
dulekBecause I suppose we don't on DevStack level at  all. :D16:37
ltomasboI don't thing so... at least not for NetworkPolicies... nor for namespace isolation...16:37
dulekltomasbo: At this point it's only about pods being able to connect to outside via IPv6, not that pods will get IPv6 addresses.16:38
ltomasbodulek, ahh, ok16:38
dulekBut I doubt we set any default IPv6 gateway, or anything.16:38
ltomasbodulek, well, not sure about the ovn support for ipv6 either...16:38
dulekTo be honest I don't really know much about v6.16:38
ltomasboxD same here...16:39
dulekOkay, giving up here, probably I'll be required to copy what celebdor did for openshift-dns.17:24
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dmelladoltomasbo: dulek so we might need to check whether that would be skip if IPv619:30
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