Monday, 2015-04-13

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas: Switch from neutron.common.log.log to oslo_log.helpers.log_method_call
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Integration tests to test out driver
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Fixed sessionpersistence and healthmonitor refs
bloganhi Santosh_NS06:29
rm_workblogan: 172759 passed tests this time, and looks good to me -- was there anything else you were planning to do with it or is that good to go?06:34
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rm_workblogan: still around?06:56
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blogan_rm_you: im here now07:01
blogan_rm_work: thats all i wanted to do with it07:01
rm_work+2 coming then07:02
rm_workblogan_: can you just…. fix please07:05
rm_workso I can +2 with a clean conscience? >_>07:05
rm_workthose over-indented docstrings are a scourge on our codebase07:06
rm_workalready went through and took care of some myself in another doc07:06
blogan_rm_work: bleh!07:06
rm_workhey, johnsom -1'd as well :P07:06
rm_workjust shift-tab a bit T_T07:07
rm_workand no linebreak on the first line <_<07:07
rm_workin fact if you'd fix ALL of them in that file07:07
rm_workthat'd be super07:07
blogan_is there 80 char limit on these specs?07:08
rm_work…….. there SHOULD be07:08
rm_workbut no07:08
blogan_these are just docs, so they're not real docstrings you know?07:08
rm_workthose docstrings trigger my OCD really badly07:09
blogan_since i can understand that feeling, i will fix07:09
rm_workalso i could show you where people have copy/pasted from them in the past, leading to incorrectness in actual code :P07:10
rm_workbut i appreciate it07:10
blogan_well those should be caught in review!07:11
rm_workyes but apparently other people care less, and some things get workflowed without me looking at them and -1ing T_T07:11
blogan_actually thsoe should be caught by pep8/hacking rules07:12
blogan_i think octavia's pep8 hacking rules are fubarred htough07:13
rm_workyeah as i have pointed out, hacking isn't running right on octavia07:13
rm_worktrevor kept trying to violate hacking rules for import order last week, and showing me how it wasn't complaining so he must be right :P07:14
rm_workwhich is when i first noticed they weren't running correctly07:14
blogan_ive noticed for a bit but been too lazy to investigate07:14
blogan_it was but a blip on my care-o-meter07:14
rm_workif i have any extra care to spare tomorrow i'll look at it07:15
rm_workbut i am somewhat afraid of all the things i might have to fix to merge it T_T07:15
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Added post_vip_plug method to the amphora driver
blogan_better to do it now than later when its even worse07:19
blogan_if i lived up to that mantra, it would have been fixed long ago07:19
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Added post_vip_plug method to the amphora driver
blogan_rm_you: ^^07:19
rm_workwas gonna say07:20
rm_workyou missed a few07:20
blogan_had a misspelling07:20
blogan_no i didnt07:20
rm_workah, maybe still missed a few07:20
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Added post_vip_plug method to the amphora driver
blogan_rm_work: ^^^07:22
* blogan_ kicks rm_work07:22
blogan_if someone complains about the fixes being out of scope of the review i will kick them too07:22
* blogan_ waits for dougwig to complain about it07:22
rm_worktechnically "update" is a bit wonky because the first line is supposed to be a summary and then a blank and then more detail, not just a blank and then the continuation of the summary sentence07:23
rm_workthis is where i draw the line of caring07:23
blogan_i didnt write it07:23
blogan_so you go to hell07:23
rm_workat least it's technically formatted properly07:23
rm_workso +2 :P07:23
blogan_first line is actually a good summary07:23
blogan_the next line just continues07:23
rm_workyes. technically fine.07:24
blogan_don't see anything in the formatting rules that the summary can't work as a standalone sentence and then also be continued on07:24
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rm_workguess not07:25
rm_workit just violates the spirit of the thing :P07:25
blogan_all my docstrings now will start with "This is a method07:26
blogan_-1 for those whitespace fixes being out of scope07:26
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blogan_alright bed time, gotta get up early07:29
blogan_talk to you later07:29
blogan_prob won't be on tomorrow until after lunch07:29
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john-davidgeHi all o/11:17
john-davidgeCurrently trying to track down what's causing all of these failures in the neutron lbaas CI for patch
john-davidgeIf anyone could give me some pointers as to what chnage in Neutron could be causing these lbaas failues that would be great11:18
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rdekelDoes anyone have a link for a document containing LBaaS API v2? Or perhaps which features will be implemented with it?11:37
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openstackgerritEvgeny Fedoruk proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Use listener and pool UUIDs in Radware LBaaS
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed stackforge/octavia: Fix arg order for Update functions in Controller-Worker
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openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Amphora SSH Driver
TrevorVxgerman_ you online my man?15:57
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TrevorVyou commented the word "clarification" but nothing along with it... Did you mean to post a comment as well?15:58
TrevorVon the ssh_driver15:58
xgerman_did it not post :-(15:58
TrevorVJust the word "clarification"... It might be on the previous patch set though.15:59
xgerman_Ok, I see it's still draft --- must have been your commit while I was reviewing15:59
xgerman_posted it as a comment. I am basiclaly with Adam but I like the ability to put all the certs in one place on the file system and the rest somewhere else16:01
TrevorVRight right.. So let me ask you this, would it be impossible to mount a ramdisk directory IN that directory?16:02
TrevorVFor example:16:02
xgerman_not if you have like thre listeners16:02
xgerman_your directory structure is16:03
xgerman_<listener-id>/haproxy.cfg, etc.16:03
xgerman_so for each listener certs would need to be a link to the ramdisk16:03
xgerman_I would prefer /mnr/ramdisk/certs/...16:04
xgerman_and then /var/haproxy/... for the congigs and the rest16:04
TrevorVSo what if I just added another base_path variable for the certs... like: self.amp_config.cert_base_path or something?16:05
xgerman_that would be perfect16:05
TrevorVThen, if someone didn't want to do ramdisk for some reason, they could just set both to the same location and it wouldn't have a problem, right?16:05
xgerman_yeah, but as rm_work is pointing out we are splitting hairs16:06
xgerman_since we could as well throw the 3kb haproxy config on the ramdisk16:06
xgerman_but I like to have it on disk for debugging (if the thing crashes)16:07
TrevorVIsn't that what logs are for xgerman_ :P16:07
xgerman_yep, but seeing the config might be good, too16:07
ptoohill Cant run tempest test that live within our codebase as it stands right now. Just thoughts others would like to know.16:08
TrevorVSo xgerman_ are you a -1 unless I put in the extra base path, or since its "splitting hairs" it really doesn't matter?16:09
xgerman_I am 016:09
TrevorVSo really doesn't matter.  Alright, we can always refactor right?16:10
rm_workyeah I think we move on16:10
ptoohillThis extra path wouldnt be needed by jinja, just the driver. So thats one less thing to worry about if you do update it16:10
rm_workthe SSH driver is otherwise pretty damn close to ready, right?16:10
xgerman_yeah, there are still a few edges but it's good enough for the demo16:11
TrevorVrm_work I think it IS ready.  blogan was going through all the individual methods in a full end to end run, and hadn't gone through everything yet, but as far as I know its ready to get reviewed and merged16:11
TrevorVxgerman_ what edges, if you don't mind me asking?16:11
TrevorVLike the lack of a "get_details" implementation?  :P16:11
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xgerman_more the lack of the upstart script to start haproxy16:12
xgerman_get_details was optional anyway + if you have ssh you cam have ops script that anyway16:13
ptoohillwhat upstart script?16:13
ptoohillIf its what im thinking would that not be something handled by the image?16:13
xgerman_we have seen haproxy crash and I like it to be automticlaly restrated in that case16:13
TrevorVI totally forgot about the upstart script... I was looking at your review one day for how you did it, and then got side-tracked on something else and totally forgot16:13
rm_workwe need to install an upstart/systemd/init/WHATEVER script to make haproxy start automatically right?16:13
rm_workheh yeah16:14
rm_workso one interesting thing about that though16:14
xgerman_you can start with haproxy -f just fine16:14
rm_workis that it kinda depends on the image16:14
rm_worksince everything is using its own freaking init system16:14
rm_workunless everyone has finally agreed to use a common one while i wasn't looking16:15
xgerman_yep, if you are running redhat16:15
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Added post_vip_plug method to the amphora driver
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TrevorVShit, I also forgot that I'd need that method... the post_vip_plug method in the SSH driver... guess its not done yet16:16
TrevorVOh, and the network one... damnit damnit damnit16:16
xgerman_well, you can probably merge without the init script. Haproxy crashing has been rare but when it happens it's not juct one...16:16
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openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Amphora SSH Driver
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TrevorVxgerman_ the startup script can be done, like I said I just forgot about it.16:18
xgerman_ok, cool16:18
TrevorVBut those other two methods are definitely not implemented yet, so its got a bit to go16:18
rm_worki guess you'd do the startup script assuming Ubuntu 14.04?16:22
TrevorVI could, sure.16:23
TrevorVOr figure out some kind of "what os are you" method that picks a way to do a restart dynamically based on OS... :P16:23
rm_workerr caps16:23
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rm_workyeah, maybe use jinja templates for the script16:24
TrevorVYou're a jinja template16:24
rm_workMAYBE I AM, WHAT OF IT16:24
* rm_work thinks TrevorV is racist against Jinja templates16:24
johnsomThe element should handle that in the image builder (not that folks are using it)16:24
TrevorVThe element?16:24
rm_workjohnsom: the FIFTH element?16:25
TrevorVI don't understand the context still.16:25
ptoohillthe thing used to build image16:25
TrevorVExcept the fifth element, I get that one16:25
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johnsomYeah, we actually have seven elements now.... girn16:25
ptoohilli was thinking that too, it should be able to handle scripts like that16:25
johnsomgirn, this is how my Monday morning is going.  Coffee infusion is slow today16:26
TrevorVI still can't say I follow... The thing used to build the image shouldn't have any knowledge of config values.16:26
ptoohillrestarting haproxy?16:27
ptoohillwhats config values are specific?16:27
TrevorVHow can you writ a restart script if you don't know where haproxy is getting its cnofigs.16:27
xgerman_yep, that would only work if you are not doing one haproxy per listener but ONE haproxy to rule all listeners16:27
ptoohillgood point i suppose. if it were in common location16:27
ptoohillwell dern16:28
johnsomThe restart script is really tied to the haproxy package installed and the base OS, so both are selected and install at disk image time16:28
johnsomYeah, what xgerman_ said is true too16:28
TrevorVptoohill what is different between haproxy listener configs?16:29
johnsomYou could probably get fancy with the script and some /etc/defaults though.16:29
TrevorVIn other words, why do we NOT have one single config file?16:29
TrevorVIts differentiated on listener values that the customer requests right?16:30
xgerman_there was a vote we johnsom + I lost16:30
ptoohillbecause we are doing a process per listener16:30
TrevorVYeah, I processed that ha ha16:30
johnsomYep, bedis has asked the same question16:30
TrevorVSo yeah, we'd have to start said upstart script with the program name and parameters provided.16:31
TrevorVGranted, if we have a script that allows for those parameteres to be passed in, then we're gucci ya know?16:31
ptoohillit will be multiple scripts in this case i believe16:32
TrevorVbrb checking out phase 5 of rax16:32
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openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed stackforge/octavia: Preparing for tempest testing
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openstackgerritAl Miller proposed stackforge/octavia: Add devstack plugin for octavia
ajmillerptoohill I posted a patch addressing your comments.  Everyone else: ^^ that patch adds a set of sample config scripts that automatically set up a running loadbalancer in devstack.16:57
ptoohillWas checking them out, looks good! Thank you!16:58
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ptoohillIts a +1 from me after jenkins passes. Thanks again!16:58
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ajmillerFunny story, I had been using those scripts on my own for a while, just keeping them on my devstack machine.  Then I stumbled on a bug in devstack that caused me to accidentally delete them when running  Had to get them back from a snapshot (thankfully had one).  So I decided if they were useful to me, I'd  actually pretty them up and make them available to everyone, and store them in a safe place...17:01
ptoohillIndeed useful, i appreciate it :)17:02
rm_workblogan / dougwig / dougw2
rm_workbrb making some loonch17:06
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openstackgerritmin wang proposed stackforge/octavia: Add network noop driver
openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Update subnet data model to include ipv6_pd_enabled
openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Update subnet data model to include ipv6_pd_enabled
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openstackgerritmin wang proposed stackforge/octavia: Add compute noop driver and test case
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xgermanrm_work, blogan:
johnsom as well17:53
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Fix arg order for Update functions in Controller-Worker
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rm_workxgerman: comment on 172606, needs to be fixed18:33
rm_workOne or the other of those should be dependent reviews? but it looks like they're both independent?18:34
rm_worksorry nm18:34
rm_worknetwork / compute18:35
johnsomDarn, we both missed those %s18:35
johnsomYes, different18:35
xgermanglad I didn't +A18:36
rm_workworkflow'd the other one tho18:36
johnsomMin is going to fix 172606 now18:37
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Add network noop driver
rm_workI think otherwise it is fine18:41
rm_workor else can be fixed quickly once we have everything in a "running" state18:42
rm_workI am willing to let a lot of stuff slide right now I think, for the purposes of a working end-to-end demo, which we can clean up as we need if something is broken18:42
xgermanwell, we should still aim for quality18:44
openstackgerritmin wang proposed stackforge/octavia: Add compute noop driver and test case
rm_workwell, sure :P18:45
rm_workbut some of this stuff just isn't obvious whether it's right or not until we get the machine in motion, I think18:46
rm_workand IMO we should fast-track that happening18:46
rm_worktempted to get the HUGE controller-worker CR merged even if it might have a couple of issues still, just so we can get stuff spinning and fix those in some nice, small, easily digestible followup CRs18:47
rm_workjohnsom: I think that is the largest CR I've ever reviewed. Thanks for that. :P18:48
rm_workjohnsom: ah, but the arg order spec update merged, so you can fix that now, if you'd like :)18:49
xgermanneat. merging the controller is good18:51
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Add compute noop driver and test case
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Fixed sessionpersistence and healthmonitor refs
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johnsomI am thinking we get the update/db stuff in and clean up a few of the TODOs and push for merge.  We are close to being about to run it on devstack, so getting a pass on that would be good.20:00
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bloganhello everybody20:39
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xgermanblogan, good afternoon.20:45
xgermanGot towed today?20:46
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bloganluckily no, but i literally drove 100 miles around the city20:47
xgerman100 miles? You went to Dallas?20:50
rm_workthat's more like 50020:51
bloganpeople from little states20:51
bloganthough california is a long state20:51
* rm_work has to make that drive at least a couple times a year20:51
xgermanyep, LA is about 100 miles from me20:51
blogandallas is more like 35020:52
bloganmaybe even 30020:52
ptoohillhouston is 30020:52
bloganno way20:52
ptoohilldallas is 50020:52
xgermanyou are truly in the middle ;-)20:52
bloganhouston is like 150-20020:52
blogan200 miles20:52
ptoohillfrom sa?20:53
blogandallas is 27520:53
bloganyes from sa20:53
ptoohilli must have drove that waaay too slow then20:53
ptoohilltoo 3 hrs to get to houston20:53
blogan70 mph for 3 hours = 210 miles20:54
bloganso you drove the speed limit20:54
blogando you even math bro?20:54
ptoohillthats the problem, guess i was only doing 7020:56
ptoohillprobs 60 in jeep20:56
ptoohillel paso is the 500 miles then yea20:57
bloganyes it is20:57
bloganyou people dont even know your own state, im ashamed20:57
ptoohillstuck in middle, dont get out much :(20:57
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rm_workyeah, 500 is if he went to dallas and back21:01
rm_workI put about 550 round-trip miles on my car every trip up, I think21:01
bloganyou were the originator of the 500 to dallas theory21:02
bloganyou have no credibility21:02
dougwigyou have no face21:05
blogannot sure who you are talking to dougwig21:05
bloganbut if you're talking about me, i have a giant face actually21:06
rm_workgoing to dallas and back is about 500 :P which is what I said21:06
dougwigit was meant as utter nonsense, so it doesn't matter.21:06
rm_workyou guys went off on some weird tangents :P21:06
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dougwigi bet you can go login to franklin's workstation with that21:17
rm_worknah, pretty sure his actual password is hunter221:18
rm_workhah, I was wondering what i remembered sohcahtoa from21:19
rm_workwoo math order of ops21:19
rm_workerr rather, geometry21:19
rm_workops is pemdas21:19
bloganwhats sohcahtoa?21:19
blogani cant remember21:20
rm_workSine=Opposite/Hypotenuse, Cosine=Adjacent/Hypotenuse, Tangent=Opposite/Adjacent21:20
dougwigthat almost looks like a DN21:28
bloganyou had to look that up21:29
rm_workblogan: also, yes of course :P21:30
rm_workI am so bad at math21:30
blogannot as bad as ptoohill apparently21:30
dougwigsuch a nurturing environment that our rax brethren bring to us.21:31
ptoohillbig tires makes miles vs time blurry. normally im staring at bluebonnets anyways. And kids in the backseat make it take that much longer21:33
xgermanyeah, mine start asking  after 10 minutes "are we there yet?"21:34
xgermanso my new plan is to drive only over night ;-)21:34
ptoohillnot a bad idea :)21:34
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johnsomOn another note, ajmiller is wondering about when he can startup a consumer worker on devstack.  Any news from jorge?21:35
xgermanyep, that guy -- i he coding right now?21:35
bloganhe's filling up spreadsheets21:36
xgermanyou told him we needed P{ythpon and not vb script?21:36
bloganhe didn't fix that review today?21:36
ptoohillwas trying to ping him :P21:36
blogangotta manage the manager tsk tsk21:36
ptoohillThink hes taken on some new responsibilities. We may never hear from him again21:36
* blogan crosses fingers21:37
bloganboom! if only he were here to see that21:37
bloganjohnsom: if he can't get to it tomorrow, ill do it21:37
ptoohillhed be burned like so bad breh21:37
johnsomOk, thanks for the update.21:40
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johnsomTrevorV mentioned in a comment that he thinks I can get an amp via 'amps = health_mon.pool.listener.load_balancer.amphorae' but I don't see the relationship on pool that gets me to listener.  Is that a missing relationship or am I missing something?21:56
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rm_workbackrefs aren't specified on every object21:56
rm_workyou can TRY IT? and see if it works21:56
rm_workjohnsom: you specify on one object that a backref works, and SQLAlchemy magically fills in the links21:57
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johnsomOk, more sqlalchemy vodoo21:57
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johnsomvoodoo.  I'm working toward being able to try out that code block, but not there yet.21:58
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bloganthere's the backref, basically put load_balancer as an attribute of the amphora22:10
johnsomblogan I was asking about pool and listener22:11
johnsomI guess there kind of is with default_pool22:12
bloganjohnsom: line 284 same file then22:12
rm_workjohnsom: yeah, it's just SQLAlchemy voodoo22:12
rm_workyou get kinda used to it <_<22:12
johnsomyeah, working on that.22:12
rm_workbetter than Spring AOP voodoo, which I NEVER got used to22:12
bloganme either22:13
bloganinstantiation through xml22:13
johnsomBeing someone that has spent a lot of time with SQL, ORM tools bend my mind sometimes.22:13
rm_workyeah it's definitely different22:14
bloganjohnsom: yeah it took me a while to figure all that out, also spent a lot of time trying to use those as our data models we pass around instead of making complete static copies, but the relationships in the ORM never stayed static22:14
bloganand im sure it was just somethign i wasnt understanding, but #sqlalchemy couldn't help either, so i gave up and bit the bullet22:15
rm_workhmm, going to do some rowing -- bbl22:18
madhu_akcan someone review: please?22:19
bloganmadhu_ak: looks like the a10 ci failed22:25
madhu_akblogan, dougwig: I am not sure of that error though22:27
dougwigmadhu_ak: yep, that looks like another driver bug.22:28
blogandougwig: do you remember the python data driven tests library maru is using?22:28
madhu_akthanks though22:29
bloganmadhu_ak: anyway, i think these two tests files are prime candidates for data driven tests because the tests are essentially the same22:31
madhu_akmay I know which two test files you are referring?22:33
madhu_akoh okay you meant and files..22:35
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed stackforge/octavia: Corrected some __init__() parameters
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johnsomRemoving more of the log object passing into drivers stuff23:09
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openstackgerritAl Miller proposed stackforge/octavia: Add devstack plugin for octavia

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