Friday, 2019-10-04

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lxkonghi guys, I met with an issue with stable/stein,, anyone has seen the similar issue before?05:59
lxkongthe amphora image OS is Ubuntu Bionic05:59
rm_workoh hey lxkong06:23
lxkongrm_work: hi06:23
rm_workhmmm, not sure06:23
rm_workwhen was amp image last built?06:23
f0omorning, rm_work looking at it now06:23
rm_worki didn't think the 1.0 API change made it to stein06:23
rm_workah hey f0o06:24
lxkongrm_work: really? Give me 1 sec06:24
rm_worklet me look06:26
rm_worki really thought we did that in train, but maybe time is just getting away from me, lol06:26
lxkongrm_work: image was built on 2019092406:26
lxkongbut i saw a few commits come in just now when i did 'git pull'06:27
rm_workyeah pretty sure it's train06:27
rm_workso image was built from ... ?06:27
rm_workstable/stein also?06:27
lxkongthat's what i thought06:28
rm_workyeah hmm i guess we did backport it06:28
rm_workbut only 14 days ago06:28
lxkongfrom stable/stein code, i can see something like `'1.0': AmphoraAPIClient1_0(),`06:28
f0orm_work: I got a few loadbalancers stuck in pending_create because I failed somewhere with the SSL CA settings, how can I force delete them?06:28
rm_worksorry wrong commit06:28
rm_workf0o: if you killed the worker, you're going to need to go into the DB and update the status on the loadbalancer object to ERROR06:29
rm_workthen you can delete06:29
rm_workhmm did we really backport this on June 27? >_>06:29
rm_worki guess it's possible06:29
rm_workok, so maybe that isn't the issue06:29
rm_workok no, merged August 3006:30
rm_workbut you should still have it in the amp image06:31
lxkongyes, i was using the latest stable/stein on Sep 2406:31
lxkongrm_work: do you think the 1.0 API is not stable for stable/stein?06:32
rm_workyou could always try using train :D RC1 should be out, lol06:32
rm_workit SHOULD be06:32
rm_workbut ... I haven't personally tested it after that backport06:32
rm_workthe gates do though, and they passed06:32
lxkongrm_work: we are using stable/queens, so train is a little bit far away06:32
rm_workbut you're on stein for Octavia?06:33
rm_workso what's one more?06:33
lxkongwe just upgraded from queens to stein06:33
lxkongin the testing stage06:33
lxkongthen i saw the issue06:33
rm_workit's consistent?06:34
lxkongnot sure it's related to 1.0 api or something else06:34
lxkongi think so06:34
lxkongwhen creating the pool06:34
lxkonglb/listener creation are both fine06:34
rm_workAH, if you got that far then it's definitely not that06:34
lxkongbut failed when creating a pool06:34
rm_workhmm so the socket died on the amp side06:35
rm_workwhat do the logs on the CW side look like?06:35
rm_workhmm, it's on the reload... interesting06:36
rm_workis it active/standby? and if so, can you get the keepalived journal from the amp?06:40
f0ois there a way to see which ca the worker has currently loaded? It doesnt seem to be the one from the config because openssl s_connect can validate the amphora:9443 connection just fine but the worker complains about unknown CA...06:40
lxkongyes, it's active/standby, the current lb was failed over, but failed, i need to create a new one06:41
rm_workf0o: not that i'm aware of, don't think we built in anything for that06:43
rm_worki suppose you could add a quick log statement to output it on failures06:43
f0oyeah that was my thinking now too06:44
f0o`openssl s_client -host -port 9443 -showcerts -verify 99 -CAfile ca.crt < /dev/null` verifies it just fine, I'm sure I've just missed a config somewhere06:44
rm_workmake sure you have followed the cert guide maybe?
f0oyeah I did06:51
rm_workthen not sure :(06:51
rm_workI will admit it can be a little confusing06:51
f0owell it's using /etc/octavia/ca.crt which is what my openssl line is using too06:51
f0oso that is verified and valid06:52
rm_workin which section?06:52
f0oI just put a log.error("%(ca)s", {'ca':CONF.haproxy_amphora.server_ca}) in
rm_workremember client_ca and server_ca are different, and [certificates]/ca_certificate is the same as [haproxy_amphora]/server_ca06:53
f0othat log line gives me /etc/octavia/ca.crt; `openssl s_client -host -port 9443 -verify 1 -CAfile /etc/octavia/ca.crt < /dev/null | grep -i verification` returns `Verification: OK`06:54
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rm_workwhat is the actual error you get?06:55
f0o2019-10-04 06:55:43.330 3264 WARNING octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy.rest_api_driver [-] Could not connect to instance. Retrying.: requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9443): Max retries exceeded with url: /0.5/info (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA] tlsv1 alert unknown ca (_ssl.c:852)'),))06:55
rm_workok so that's the cert on the amp side failing to be authed against what we think it should be (the one generated with local_cert_generator)06:56
f0oso that's phase2 ?06:56
rm_workso [certificates]/ca_certificate06:57
rm_workyeah uhh06:57
rm_workso i get pretty confused here too, and i just follow the guide completely lol06:57
f0oca_certificate = /etc/octavia/ca.crt06:57
f0oI'm using ECDSA certs (because we got CFSSL centrally deployed for PKI needs) - if it matters06:58
rm_workno idea07:01
rm_workshouldn't probably07:01
f0oso curl can validate it and only complains about subject name (since it's a UUID and not IP) - openssl can happily validate it too07:02
rm_workwhich cert is curl validating?07:02
rm_workis curl successfully connecting to the amp and the amp is accepting the cert you gave to curl -- AND curl is also validating the amp's cert successfully?07:03
rm_workif yes -- then i'm out of ideas07:03
rm_workother than check your system time :D07:03
f0ocurl is only attempting to connect to :9443 without supplying a client-cert07:04
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f0oif I add a temporary host to match the UUID it validates fully and returns a json07:05
f0olet me supply a client-cert07:06
rm_workyeah i am just wondering if it might be the client cert that the CW sends out isn't matching the CA we installed on the amp07:06
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rm_workbut the amp should be rejecting your connection if you don't send a client cert07:06
f0ook the plot thickens07:07
f0owithout the client-cert it validates fine07:07
f0owith the client-cert I get the same error in curl07:07
f0oso the client-cert must be missing the CA07:07
rm_workit shouldn't allow you to communicate with the amp without a correct client cert07:08
rm_worklike, the amp should just hang up07:08
rm_workthat's a huge part of the security model, lol07:08
rm_workthe amp agent should just reject any connections that don't supply a client cert that is valid against the installed CA07:09
rm_work(the CA which is sent over from the CW during the nova boot process)07:09
f0oyou can just curl -vk the amp and it returns json07:09
rm_workmaybe just the api info resource?07:09
rm_workcan you get anything else?07:09
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f0owhat URL should I try?07:10
rm_workerr /1.0/details07:10
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rm_workah nm you're on 0.507:11
rm_workah no it does say 1.0 there07:11
rm_workso /1.0/details or /info07:11
f0oworks fine07:11
f0owith 1.0/info => {"hostname":"amphora-207117bf-c718-457f-86e9-d8fe44b567fc","haproxy_version":"1.8.8-1ubuntu0.4","api_version":"1.0","keepalived_version":"1:1.3.9-1ubuntu0.18.04.2","ipvsadm_version":"1:1.28-3ubuntu0.18.04.1"}07:12
rm_workhold on07:12
f0ocurl -vk
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rm_workthat should NOT work07:16
f0oworks just fine :'D07:16
f0oanything else that shouldn't work?07:16
f0oI'm going to deploy ssh-keys to actually log into one and see what's up07:17
rm_workthe machine you're doing this from have new enough openssl to do TLSv1.2? :D I assume07:19
f0oubuntu LTS07:19
f0oso I guess so07:19
f0oit pulled octavia from the stein repo for ubuntu07:19
f0oOpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 201807:20
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rm_workyeah so, gunicorn should be rejecting you unless you pass a valid client cert07:22
rm_workif it's not, something is F@$&ed07:22
rm_workand I can't even comprehend how it could be broken07:22
f0owhere would the cert be on the amphora?07:22
rm_worklook in /etc/octavia/amphora_agent.conf07:24
rm_workthe path will be listed in [amphora_agent]/agent_server_ca07:24
rm_workmaybe the file is ... blank? would that make it allow no-cert?07:25
rm_workI actually don't know but seems like a bug to me07:25
rm_work(if so)07:25
f0ogot /etc/octavia/certs/server.pem and /etc/octavia/certs/client_ca.pem07:26
f0oboth looks fine and validate against their ca's07:26
rm_workit should be literally impossible to communicate with the amphora agent without sending it a client cert07:27
f0oit works tho07:27
f0odoes it work for your setup?07:27
f0ois there a repo where you supply tested and validated amphorae images?07:28
f0obecause at this rate I guess the DIB just failed07:28
rm_workhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i take that back, it is working in my cloud07:31
rm_worki'm gonna ... be back... in a bit07:31
rm_workthis is really really bad07:39
rm_workcgoncalves: you around?07:39
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f0oI wrote a bugreport!/story/2006660 - but I need to add team-members, who's the best to add?07:42
f0orm_work cgoncalves I added you two for now, please feel free to expand07:43
rm_workwish johnsom was not on vacation presently. and also that it wasn't midnight.07:44
f0oso what happens when you open 9443 on the tenant's side... will the tenant be able to connect to it too?07:46
f0oor will the 9443 only listen on the management network through netns?07:46
rm_workif the tenant has access to the management network, yes07:46
f0oah good07:46
f0oso it's not totally bad then07:46
rm_worka lot of people (including my deployment) run with management-on-vip-net07:46
rm_workbecause the cert validation should be secure07:47
* rm_work coughs07:47
f0oso I guess I should keep the story in private mode then07:47
f0oDo you guys want a CVE assigned for this?07:48
rm_workI am currently trying to figure out WTF07:48
rm_workI know this USED to work07:48
rm_workbecause it used to be super annoying to test amp commands07:48
f0omaybe because it was super annoying a patch slipped through07:49
f0oI'm requesting a CVE07:49
rm_worki'm looking at the code for it right now -- either we're passing the options badly to gunicorn, or gunicorn has a bug07:49
rm_worki need to test gunicorn isolated07:50
cgoncalveshi, morning.07:51
cgoncalvesI can open that story. I see it is private due to being related to a security issue07:52
cgoncalvesuh, okay...07:53
cgoncalvesIIRC it is gunicorn who enforces 2-way authentication07:54
f0omorning cgoncalves07:54
cgoncalvesanother Friday funday :)07:54
rm_worktesting gunicorn in isolation07:58
cgoncalvesf0o, in your last curl command, when you supply the client cert, you might have to also supply the server ca (amphorae's CA)07:58
rm_worklooks like it is just ignoring the option to require client certs O_o07:58
rm_workthat's super bad07:59
rm_worki tested in my cloud -- i am able to start/stop listeners on an amp just with `curk -k`07:59
rm_work*curl -k07:59
rm_workno certs provided07:59
cgoncalvesI'm having a somewhat similar problem on centos 8 but is quite the opposite: even supplying all the good info, the server whines about a bad certificate07:59
f0ocgoncalves:yeah the last one was just to show that client-cert is only enforced/validated when it's supplied08:00
rm_workyeah that's the issue f0o was having that led us to discover this08:00
rm_workif no client cert is supplied .... it just... doesn't validate08:00
cgoncalvestoggling "cert_reqs" to False, bypassed the authentication08:01
cgoncalvesodd. I'll need to spawn a devstack to check08:02
rm_workOK yeah this is bad08:02
rm_worksoooo apparently what that takes as an arg isn't true/false08:02
rm_workit's supposed to take `ssl.CERT_REQUIRED`08:02
rm_workthe value of which is *2*08:02
cgoncalvessay what!08:02
rm_workthis is fucked08:02
rm_workwe need to patch and backport NOW08:03
cgoncalvesthe possible values aren't that clear to me08:03
rm_work"(see stdlib ssl module’s)"08:03
cgoncalvesone would assume boolean08:03
rm_workYES ONE WOULD08:03
rm_workONE BEING ME08:03
cgoncalvesI didn't want to point fingers but.....08:03
cgoncalvesso, resolving this might also resolve the centos 8 problem. let's go!08:04
f0oso for the CVE I kinda need a version for the affected component... Do we have a commit or version when it first appeared?08:05
rm_worki have it, sec08:05
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix urgent amphora two-way uth security bug
rm_work3 years ago >_>08:05
rm_workwe need to backport into infinity08:06
rm_workthis is *bad*08:06
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
f0oso since Pike..08:06
rm_work*somewhat* mitigated by using a management-net that's private, but....08:06
rm_work"true" == 1 == cert_optional08:06
rm_workis what I'm guessing08:07
f0oguess so08:07
cgoncalvesChanged in version 3.6: SSLContext.verify_mode returns VerifyMode enum:08:07
f0odo we have a relase log that I could look for versions=>commits?08:07
cgoncalvesso this might have got broken since we started supporting py3.608:07
rm_workthat would be *slightly better*08:07
rm_workbut i think not08:07
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
gthiemonge^ I confirm that the patch fixes the issue in my env08:09
cgoncalvesyou confirmed THAT fast? wow08:10
f0owait so this has been going on since amphora-agent version 1.0.0?08:11
rm_workuhhh no08:11
rm_worksince ....08:11
rm_workway earlier08:11
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/stein: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/queens: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/pike: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
cgoncalvesfolks, we have to consider following the vulnerability management process --
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/ocata: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
rm_workit's kinda late for an embargo, IRC logs and all08:13
cgoncalvesthis discussion should have taken place in a more restricted group, I think, too08:13
rm_workunfortunately didn't realize the scope of the issue until it was already way too late08:13
rm_workwe need to draft an impact description I guess08:14
f0oI got this draft for the CVE:08:14
f0oAmphora Images in OpenStack Octavia allows anyone with access to the management network to bypass Client-Certificate authentication and recover information as well as issue configuration commands via simple HTTP requests.08:14
rm_workwe also need to figure out a tempest test to make sure this is working in the future08:14
rm_workf0o: seems accurate08:15
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f0oI'm adding all the review URLs as reference as well as the story08:15
f0ofilling out the versions rn then we got the CVE request done and we should get one assigned within a few hrs08:15
rm_workso we need a VMT coordinator?08:16
f0obeats me, I'm just used to write CVEs and inform vendors lol08:16
f0oI'm not making many new friends I'm afraid haha08:16
cgoncalvesif this also fixes the centos8 issue, I'm your new best friend :D08:17
rm_worki don't know why suddenly it would CAUSE cert issues08:18
rm_workso ... i *doubt* it?08:18
f0oso i got all versions from 1.0.0 (pike) to 5.1.0dev5 (master) in the CVE now, am I missing some?08:18
rm_workgthiemonge: when you say "fixes the issue", you mean makes a client-cert *actually required*?08:18
gthiemongeI received a "curl: (35) NSS: client certificate not found (nickname not specified)"08:19
gthiemongerm_work: ^08:19
rm_workright, k yeah08:19
f0ohrm I see ocata in the reviews, now I get to dig more :'D08:20
rm_workyeah looked back at ocata and even it had the gunicorn swap08:20
f0o0.5.0 seems fine lol08:21
rm_workthe commit that introduced the issue was October 2016 <_<08:21
rm_work0.5.0 is *forever*08:21
rm_workerr, wait, do you mean amp version or octavia version?08:22
rm_workah yes, 0.5.0 from Sept 23, 2015? lol08:23
cgoncalvesOcata is technically still on extended maintenance, so anyone can propose fixes08:23
f0o0.10.0 is the first vulnerable release08:25
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f0oCVE request submitted08:29
cgoncalvesthank you!08:29
f0olet me know when you want the story marked as public or feel free to do it yourselves if you can (idk how your tool works with RBAC and such)08:30
rm_workI can do anything with storyboard tickets I believe08:31
f0ocool :D08:31
rm_workguess I do need to make it public so I can add it to the commit message for carlos, lol08:31
rm_workwhat's the storyboard ID?08:31
f0oTask 3691608:32
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rm_workworking on addressing your comments cgoncalves08:43
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
rm_work^^ look good cgoncalves?08:54
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
cgoncalvesrm_work, LGTM08:57
rm_workkk moving it back08:57
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/stein: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/queens: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/pike: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/ocata: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
rm_workcgoncalves: I think we should have a test in our tempest stuff that tries to connect to an amp with requests, without a cert, and makes sure it gets a deny09:01
f0oI'll bbl - when I get the mitre response I'll paste you the CVE; it might be in 'reserved' state until you publish the announcement but then you at least got the CVE-ID as a reference for it09:01
rm_workI think technically we were maybe supposed to wait for some coordinator person from the security team to file the CVE, but I think it's probably fine, I did approve the report09:02
cgoncalvesrm_work, +1 for tempest test09:03
rm_workneed to think about where to put that09:05
cgoncalvesrm_work, pep8 failed.
rm_workeugh of course it did09:05
rm_workwhat did i do09:05
rm_workssl before mock?09:06
cgoncalvesA-Z sorting09:06
rm_worklast I checked, M is before S09:06
cgoncalvesuh, lol09:07
rm_workit thinks mock is 3rd-party rofl09:07
rm_workok sure whatever09:07
rm_workONE MORE TIME09:08
rm_workcgoncalves: want to look at the tempest part?09:08
rm_workI woke up early today >_<09:08
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/stein: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/queens: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/pike: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/ocata: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
rm_workOK so, *maybe this time*09:16
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cgoncalvesrm_work, I wouldn't mind but it wouldn't fit my to-do list for the next days at least :/09:21
rm_work<_< k09:21
rm_worki mean, none of this fit my to-do list for tonight :D09:21
cgoncalveshaving the unit test already provides some assurance, at least more than before :)09:22
cgoncalvesI'm considering a patch to gunicorn. I think the doc is not so explicit09:23
rm_workyeah seems like for something that could be a *major security concern* they could have just included some real pointers09:26
rm_workbut they did say "go look here", I apparently just didn't09:26
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cgoncalvesit seems we are the only ones using an integer xD09:27
rm_workwould actually be sweet if they could detect a boolean "True" and just... either WARN/ERROR or assume the most secure option09:27
rm_workyep just a painfully bad quick assumption on my part without fully reading the doc, that 0 = False, and True would mean "Yes, required"09:29
rm_workdidn't even consider there could be an intermediate option09:29
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rm_workit was even in the diff (because it was used correctly before)09:31
cgoncalvesdoh! bad gunicorn doc. you're definitely not to be blamed09:33
rm_workuhh, no, definitely some blame required, lol09:33
rm_workcould have done the actual reading09:34
rm_workthough why the doc says "0" when it could say "ssl.CERT_NONE" is kinda lame09:34
rm_worktempted to +A09:35
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cgoncalvesno-no. one cannot and should not go that deep especially when docs say it's 0 or 109:35
rm_workthey don't technically say it's 0 or 109:35
rm_workthey just give an example 009:35
cgoncalvesyeah but... :P09:36
cgoncalvesdayou, hi! are you around by chance?09:36
dayoucgoncalves: yep, I am around09:36
rm_workwould be nice if you'd be willing to review and +A
cgoncalvesdayou, cool! could you please help review these?
rm_workor... yeah, technically all of them09:37
cgoncalvesrm_work, let's do a train rc2 once this merge09:37
rm_worklet's release *everything* once this merges.09:37
cgoncalveseverything means addressing review comments in
rm_workyeah but that's easy09:39
rm_workthey told us what they want :D09:39
rm_workso when we have new hashes, we can update that and fix the version numbers to their liking09:39
cgoncalveswe should check why we backported something that bumped requirements09:39
rm_workand add Ocata and Pike09:40
rm_workoh, i think i remember that09:40
rm_worki don't remember WHAT, but i remember the discussion and concluding it wasn't avoidable09:40
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cgoncalvesI don't remember that discussion. either poor memory on my part or I was on PTO, dunno09:42
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cgoncalveslatest published doc not up-to-date, though09:45
rm_workok well there we go i guess09:46
rm_workthat was done *a year ago* and still isn't published?09:47
cgoncalvesuh, hold on09:47
rm_worknot that one year ago would have saved us09:47
rm_workah, switch to latest and it might be09:48
cgoncalves6 years ago!09:48
rm_workhmmm, nope09:48
cgoncalvesso it is the doc rendering that might be reading the value of CERT_NONE and translating to integer 009:49
cgoncalveslatest stable (19.9.0) released 14 months ago. why...09:50
rm_workseems like you're correct09:51
rm_workso the auto-doc thing it uses actually used to translate it to a value, but NOW it doesn't?09:51
rm_workit did the same thing with ssl_version lol09:52
rm_workI assumed that meant SSLv2 but it actually means ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv109:52
rm_work(ssl_version: 2)09:52
cgoncalvesah ha!09:56
cgoncalvesso, it was fixed in 19.8.0. the .rst looks good from that point on09:58
cgoncalvesbut the *published* version looks that has not been refreshed09:58
rm_workbut the html doc renderer must parse it09:58
rm_workor something O_o09:59
cgoncalvesparse the .rst to go that deep and look at the .py coe? hmmm unlikely09:59
rm_workall of this research just seems like a disingenuous attempt to try to shift blame to a doc issue tho, lol10:00
rm_workbut it would be good if that was fixed10:00
* rm_work shrugs10:00
rm_workanyway, i guess we'll get the CVE # in a few hours?10:02
rm_workf0o: is there some sort of link to your submission?10:02
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cgoncalvesreporting on #gunicorn10:04
f0oive just received the mail with the request ID. once I got the actual reserved ID, I will paste it here. now its just to wait for a mitre member to process the request :) (typing on phone is terrible)10:05
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f0oim a bit curious why OpenStack hasnt applied for a CNA to be able to issue CVEs themselves10:08
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f0oOT: is anchor still alive or did it get abandoned?10:11
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rm_workit died10:12
rm_workwhich is sad because I really liked it and I am not aware of a true alternative10:13
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f0otoo bad10:13
rm_workyeah, i feel like we've not done a good job at *really* following this VMT Process, but I guess it is what it is. hard to keep something embargoed when the discovery happens on public/logged IRC chat >_>10:13
f0otrue but then this was really just discovered by random chance10:16
rm_workhmm looks like a couple of the backports are going to have test failures, though it's most definitely spurious stuff. guess my day tomorrow is going to be figuring out what's wrong with various stable gates10:18
rm_workspeaking of "day tomorrow", I'm gonna leave this to you folks in Europe/Asia10:20
cgoncalvessure. monitoring10:21
rm_workf0o: ... we didn't actually fix your issue though, did we? still invalid CA I would assume10:22
cgoncalveswe need to enable -train tempest jobs10:22
f0orm_work probably not but I assume the issue is on me anyway. i'll look into it later today when im back ata computer10:22
cgoncalveson it10:23
rm_workcgoncalves: ah they ran? just grenade failed?10:23
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Enable tempest jobs from stable/train
cgoncalvesrm_work, ^10:26
rm_worklooks correct10:27
rm_workquick +2 and heading to bed10:27
rm_workcatch you in .... some hours10:27
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
cgoncalves^ added depends-on10:28
cgoncalvesoops, actually...10:29
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cgoncalvesthe depends-on didn't help10:38
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cgoncalveshaving a brain fart now. how do we make octavia stable/train run tempest...10:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia stable/train: Fix healthmonitor message v2 for UDP listeners
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia stable/stein: Fix healthmonitor message v2 for UDP listeners
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lxkongguys, i am curious why the CI job for stable/stein is doing `git_clone /opt/stack/octavia master`, does that mean the job is actually testing master octavia instead of stable/stein?12:15
lxkongthis log is for this patch
lxkongrm_work, johnsom, cgoncalves ^^12:17
lxkongfor other core projects, i can see `git_clone /opt/stack/nova stable/stein`12:21
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cgoncalveslxkong, I think it is picking up stable/stein12:37
cgoncalves2019-10-04 09:31:39.220 | 5f72c14 Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug12:38
cgoncalves5f72c14 matches
lxkongcgoncalves: do you know where does the magic happen during the installation?12:40
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f0ocgoncalves rm_work CVE-2019-17134 assigned12:44
gthiemongelxkong: it seems that the repo has already been cloned with the correct ref12:44
lxkonggthiemonge: yeah, i wonder how12:45
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cgoncalvesa magician never reveals his secrets :D12:51
cgoncalveslxkong, I think it is this:
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cgoncalveshmm no, but should be around this12:53
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gthiemongecgoncalves: git_ref is master, git_dest already exists and RECLONE is false, so it does nothing12:57
gthiemongeexcept git show at the end of the function12:57
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cgoncalves2019-10-04 09:21:48.647469 | controller | HEAD is now at cb214ad Merge "Fix healthmonitor message v2 for UDP listeners"13:00
cgoncalves2019-10-04 09:21:48.647717 | controller | Switched to branch 'stable/stein'13:00
cgoncalves2019-10-04 09:21:48.647833 | controller | checked out to:13:00
cgoncalves2019-10-04 09:21:48.647940 | controller | 5f72c1418acda635f27e3d954666b02a85b15c65 Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug13:00
cgoncalveslxkong, ^13:00
cgoncalvesf0o, thanks for sharing the CVE#13:08
f0oyou're very welcome :)13:09
f0oI'm at a laptop now so if you need me to do anything let me know. I've informed mitre that OpenStack Security Team might engage them regarding it13:10
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f0oI've added the CVE to the story as well. As per VMT, we're supposed to write a Security Advisory now. Who's going to do that? (curious)13:10
f0owe did skip a few parts and went straight to the last 4 steps it seems. Apologies for this13:11
cgoncalvesthere's nothing to apologize for!13:20
cgoncalvesf0o, could you fill in that template and send it please?13:21
f0osure thing13:21
cgoncalveseither you or rm_work (PTL and author of the patch)13:21
cgoncalvescool, thanks!13:21
f0oit sais I should supply it to a repo, but I'm uncertain which one13:21
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
f0ocgoncalves this needs to be done I presume13:25
f0oI will submit the template to the ossa project as outlined in a bit13:25
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cgoncalvesok. sorry, I'm not familiar with this VMT process either...13:26
cgoncalvesone thing is clear to me: the patch should only be merged last in the whole process13:27
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f0oI'm unsure how to push to the project13:28
f0oI assume this will be done via git review as well13:28
cgoncalvesit seems we are in the "Embargoed disclosure" phase13:28
cgoncalveswe also opened already a bug and push the patch13:28
cgoncalvesI think so, yes13:28
cgoncalvesI see patch reviews there so yeah13:29
cgoncalveswe could take this as an example13:29
cgoncalveslet me know if you need help with that13:29
f0owill do13:30
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f0ocgoncalves: should we add a Depends-On: to the patches since merge shouldnt happen before OSSA?13:48
cgoncalvesf0o, I'd say so, yeah13:49
f0oI'd do it myself but I've no clue how to operate gerrit sadly13:50
cgoncalvesno worries, I can do that13:51
f0ocgoncalves: happy with this: ?13:52
cgoncalvesLGTM but I'm no VMT expert :)13:53
f0oyeah I'm sure they will come back with some suggestions :D13:53
cgoncalvesI left two comments but are just nits13:54
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
f0oI'm bbl again - keeping an eye on the email/s and will come online if needed (mitre reply or comments on opendev), difficult to do this while on the move ;)13:57
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/stein: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/queens: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/queens: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/pike: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/ocata: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/stein: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/queens: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/pike: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia stable/ocata: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
cgoncalvesapologies, missed import ssl. fixed now, I hope14:28
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f0ocgoncalves: Octavia doesnt seem to have a VMT member assigned. I wonder if we need to engage/poke a VMT member or if they're having the ossa monitored15:41
colin-thanks for helping find this and getting the process rolling f0o et al15:41
f0olet me know if there's anything more I can do :)15:43
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colin-somehow you knew i had finished releasing octavia just hours prior :)? very funny15:51
f0ohaha, I wish I knew this ahead of time :'D15:52
f0oI'm still stuck with my CA mismatch issue - regardless of the CVE15:52
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dswebbcgoncalves, how long is it between the commits being done in git and a new pypi package being created?16:29
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cgoncalvesf0o, added 3 ossa core reviewers to your patch16:51
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f0ocgoncalves: thanks :)16:51
cgoncalvesdswebb, it varies. depends on how frequently we propose stable releases16:52
cgoncalvesdswebb, I have this one open:
dswebbjust wondering how fast the cve will make it to a release16:52
cgoncalvesoh, that. as soon as it is merged, I'll propose releases16:53
cgoncalvesblah, never mind. bad engrish16:53
f0ocgoncalves: OT - I now swapped my CAs and Certs with the ones created in (adjusted to aes256, 4096 bits and 64char passphrase); Now worker explodes expecting the passphrase to be a 32char urlencoded string; so I dropped the passphrase to 30chars and it stopped complaining. But, still getting that unknown_ca issue...16:54
f0oFurther on; I see referring to agent_tls_protocol but I cant see that documented anywhere. And to top it all, gunicorn seems to use tlsv1 ciphers instead of 1.2/1.316:55
cgoncalvesf0o, the 32 chars for passphrase was a requirement for fernet16:55
cgoncalves"A URL-safe base64-encoded 32-byte key"16:55
f0oI get that from the error, just odd that it wasnt mentioned (or if it was, I wasnt made aware strongly enough)16:55
f0oI feel like I'm 5-yo trying to do basics things lol16:56
cgoncalveswhich octavia version are you installing?16:56
f0ostein from ubuntu16:57
f0o 4.0.0-0ubuntu1.1~cloud016:57
cgoncalvesoh, ok. patch hasn't been included in a stein release16:57
cgoncalvesapologies for that. folks will get a lot of bug fixes released in next stable dot versions once merges16:58
f0onice, sadly unrelated it was just something that got me stuck a bit again haha16:58
f0oI'm going insane... I'm going to revert all changes to and run with it's defaults. if it still doesnt work then it just must be my amphora image17:00
cgoncalvesI may have missed some messages where you were having problems with the certs17:02
cgoncalveslooking at stein code, I don't see agent_tls_protocol anywhere17:02
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cgoncalvesI know that is in train on17:02
f0oI give up :|17:07
f0oI used straight 1:1 openssl.cnf and and the relevant config from - yet I get SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:852)')17:07
f0obefore, with my own CA, I had  SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA] tlsv1 alert unknown ca (_ssl.c:852)')17:08
cgoncalvesI wonder if has introduced a regression of some sort17:10
cgoncalvesbecause last and early this week I was playing with centos 8 and I was having issues very similar to yours17:11
cgoncalvesubuntu bionic and centos 7 amphora images worked just fine, but hmmm17:12
f0olet's build a bionic image then..17:12
cgoncalveswhat do you have now?17:13
f0owhatever the default is17:13
cgoncalvesbionic lol17:13
f0oI just ran ./ in the venv17:13
f0othe help-page showed xenial as default tho17:13
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f0onow I'm doing -d bionic17:14
cgoncalvesah, never mind. default is xenial in stein, yes17:14
f0oregarding your change link however; I also tried with a single CA where clients and servers are all signed by the same CA and no passwords - that ended up in same issues17:14
f0ocgoncalves: why does, regardless of what branch/tag you're on, always fetch the latest and greatest octavia release in the image? Shouldn't they be scoped to the branch you're executing it from?17:23
f0oI ran it now from stable/stein and can see that it installed octavia-5.0.0dev517:23
f0osorry 5.1.0dev517:24
cgoncalvesrm_work, ^ :D17:25
cgoncalvesf0o, see
cgoncalvesset DIB_REPOREF_amphora_agent accordingly17:25
f0onot that in the end all my issues are because the image is running 5.1.0dev5 and my env is on 4.0.0 lol17:26
cgoncalvesthis is a recurring problem for many people, even core reviewers as we even forget about this caveat17:26
cgoncalvesrm_work proposed that will hopefully help17:27
f0olet's see if this image with bionic and stable/stein will work magically17:28
cgoncalvesit might fail due to still unknown reasons. we received reports of users failing to build one17:30
f0oofficial images could help :P17:30
cgoncalveswe haven't understood yet how come it builds fine in CI17:30
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f0oOn a different note, I can see in the logs that it want to call
f0obut the amphora 404's on that, however 1.0/info works17:50
cgoncalvesthat is expected. for backward compat17:50
f0oagain unrelated to the actual issue of controller unable to communicate with amphora17:50
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cgoncalvesrm_work, been checking gunicorn source code. I think the option agent_tls_protocol isn't used at all by gunicorn...18:04
cgoncalvesI mean, it is but limited to a specific type of worker (a non-default one). we use the default18:04
cgoncalvesgaiohttp uses respects desired SSL version, while sync (default worker) doesn't seem to18:05
f0ocgoncalves: I got my TLS issues resolved now. However as 0.5/info returns a 404, the worker will stackdump me with the exception of  `octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy.exceptions.NotFound: Not Found` and throws the amphora into Failure/Error state18:05
f0oOne step forward, two steps back :'D18:05
f0oI verified the amphora is now on stable/stein, logs say 4.2.0. The worker is 4.0.0 sharp (ubuntu upstream)18:06
f0ois there a change in the minor version that deprecated 0.5?18:06
cgoncalvesphewww, I'm really sorry for all the trouble. I might know why18:08
f0ono worries, this is an adventure18:09
cgoncalvesso, you have an amphora image using stein code newer than your controllers18:09
cgoncalvesand your controllers do not include
f0ook so i set DIB_REPOREF_amphora_agent to 4.0.0 and it should "fix" it?18:10
cgoncalvesI'd say so18:10
f0oDo we have anyone from canonical on the team that could perhaps bump their packages? ;)18:11
cgoncalvesthat patch I liked, although merged in stable/stein, has not been released as part of a stein dot release. again, we are pending on the releases team to approve my patch18:12
f0owrong copy buffer18:13
f0osometimes my shell desyncs from my klipper18:14
f0oor viceversa18:14
rm_workUgh ok, awake18:18
cgoncalveseww! the more I look at gunicorn the more I dislike it18:19
cgoncalvesI think we need this:
cgoncalvesalternatively, we could switch default worker to gtornado or gaiohttp and try18:20
cgoncalves vs
cgoncalves"If we use gunicorn instead, we should have many less problems!"18:24
cgoncalvesrm_work, ^ what do you have to say in your defense? :P18:24
cgoncalvesway more active than gunicorn18:24
rm_workNothing, I resign myself to failure18:24
rm_workNice that they expose options that just do nothing18:25
rm_workThough the CW side should successfully force the right TLS anyway so no controller will use the wrong one18:25
cgoncalvesway more active and supports python 3.3 whereas gunicorn doesn't18:28
rm_workGreat so is probably your issue?18:29
johnsomWerkzeug had huge problems for us, fyi. Super unstable18:31
rm_workUmm.... uwsgi? T_T18:31
f0ostupid question, how do I update a submitted change?18:34
f0obecause it just created a new change now :|18:38
colin-i think i used this last time i was unsure f0o:
rm_workSo as long as the change-id line is present in the commit message, it will update the existing change18:39
rm_workDon't delete that line O_o18:40
f0owell my initial commit didnt had any of that loine18:40
colin-wow sorry i totally misunderstood what you were asking. disregard18:40
f0oso I just added another commit and woop it created a new change haha18:40
f0oI'll just use the web-editor like in the link from colin-18:40
rm_workAh, always use --amemd18:42
rm_workThe change-id line comes from a postcommit hook18:43
rm_workSo it was there before you typed git-review18:43
rm_workIn Gerrit you only operate on a single commit, like if you were force-pushing to a repo18:44
f0ogood to know18:45
f0oI'm so used to GitHub and GitLab with their pull requests where you just stack commits on top and have them squashed on merge18:46
cgoncalvesFWIW, octavia is the only openstack/* project requiring gunicorn18:48
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f0o| 8b357738-2892-4b16-90ed-7be6b3d2d5b1 | test-lb | c3caf1b55bb84b78a795fd81838e5160 | | ACTIVE              | amphora  |18:53
rm_workcgoncalves: so ?18:54
cgoncalvesmust be a bug... :D18:54
rm_workwere you fixing that?18:54
f0oit only took... 3 days, 1 CVE, countless of nerves from cgoncalves and rm_work - but it's finally running18:54
colin-easy right?18:54
rm_workf0o: what did you have to do18:54
colin-he was on new amp old controllers18:54
colin-switched that and he's good18:54
rm_workaahhhh yeah18:54
cgoncalvesrm_work, see my last comment in
f0orm_work: sell my soul to the devil, then issue `DIB_REPOREF_amphora_agent=feb640d99d392167ca37e1c7c02d895a03f32172 ./` on master to get bionic amphora and 4.0.0 agent18:55
rm_workahh kk18:55
f0oI had to use the full commit because the tag 4.0.0 wouldnt work18:55
rm_workwell anyway with my patch it'd just use current18:55
rm_workI use this:18:55
rm_workexport DIB_REPOREF_amphora_agent=$(git --git-dir="$OCTAVIA_DIR/.git" log -1 --pretty="format:%H")18:56
f0ocurrent would've killed it too, I tried stable/stein but ubuntu isn't at stable/stein, it's at 2 minors below18:56
f0oso i actually need to match 4.0.018:56
f0obecause of /0.5/ to /1.0/ change18:56
f0othis was a very long adventure18:56
f0oand I'm running the stock aes128, 1024bit dual intermediate setup which I need to change tomorrow to something more solid18:57
f0obut at least I got a working concept18:57
rm_workcgoncalves: so we aren't actually VMT managed, and this issue isn't embargoed, i THINK we can just merge the fix whenever19:01
rm_workno need to wait19:01
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cgoncalvesrm_work, agreed. someone in a warm and sunny island brought it to my attention19:32
cgoncalvesrm_work, f0o: we can abandon f0o's ossa patch, drop the depends-on on your patch and merge19:33
rm_workeh dont have to abandon it i think19:33
rm_workbut yeah don't need depends-on19:34
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/stein: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/queens: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/pike: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia stable/ocata: Fix urgent amphora two-way auth security bug
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