Friday, 2022-01-14

opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Add SCTP protocol scenario tests
playersonsHi guys, can I bother anyone with an issue I am having with Octavia? I am new here and not familiar with the rules, so apologies upfront.11:03
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Add SCTP protocol scenario tests
playersonsI am struggling with one of three lb ports/control nodes that won't turn ACTIVE as the other two. This is an OSISM kolla-ansible setup that I have very little experience with. I'd appreciate any hints where to look for misconfigurations. Thanks! 12:22
gthiemongeplayersons: hi13:06
gthiemongedo you have running LBs on this deployment? there are o-hm0 interfaces on each controller, those interfaces are plugged into the lb-mgmt-net tenant network that was created for octavia, you should see incoming traffic with tcpdump on o-hm on the 3 controllers (LBs should send UDP heartbeat packets)13:08
playersonsI can see the o-hm0 interfaces in each controller, and they are listed in the lb-mgmt-net, but one is staying down, even if I manually remove and add it back with ovs-vsctl13:46
playersonsfound a difference in the openvswitch_vswitchd containers, this one is an ACTIVE port:14:16
playersonsPort vxlan-ac106644             Interface vxlan-ac106644                 type: vxlan                 options: {df_default="true", egress_pkt_mark="0", in_key=flow, local_ip="", out_key=flow, remote_ip=""}14:17
playersonswhile the Bridge br-tun part on the DOWN node does not contain anything vxlan related14:18
johnsomplayersons: That sounds kolla setup related. I don’t know much about kolla and how it configured the controllers. Have you tried asking in the #openstack-kolla channel?14:59
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Add SCTP protocol scenario tests
johnsomI would assume if one controller is setup for vxlan, they all should be15:00
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servagem_I have a openstack with 3 AZ with the same network (L2). I would like to have high availability for loadbalancers. I mean, if LB's amphora are running in on AZ and the AZ fails, the LB failover for others AZ.17:24
servagem_Octavia is configured with active_standby. Is it possible to configure octavia with AZ anti-affinity (force amphora master and backup to be deployed in different AZs) ?17:25
johnsomservagem_ Not currently. Nova doesn't provide cross AZ anti-affinity filters (server groups) and we have not implemented this yet. There are some proposed patches, but they are not finished or merged.17:27
servagem_ok, and if I create a LB without specifying the AZ, it can be deployed in any AZ. In case of AZ failure (the one that has the amphora), would LB failover to other AZs?17:30
johnsomNo, LBs will always be created and re-created in the same AZ. If you don't specify an AZ it will use the nova default17:31
servagem_ok, I think one alternative would be create a host aggregate with all compute of those AZ and configure the octavia flavor to filter for that aggregate. Would it work?17:34
johnsomYou could try, but I don't think nova will allow it.17:35
servagem_johnsom: ok. Thank you!17:36

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