Wednesday, 2023-09-06

opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Fix Zuul warnings
opendevreviewOleksandr Kozachenko proposed openstack/octavia stable/2023.1: Fix incorrect removal of IP rules in the amphora
opendevreviewOleksandr Kozachenko proposed openstack/octavia stable/zed: Fix incorrect removal of IP rules in the amphora
opendevreviewOleksandr Kozachenko proposed openstack/octavia stable/yoga: Fix incorrect removal of IP rules in the amphora
opendevreviewOleksandr Kozachenko proposed openstack/octavia stable/xena: Fix incorrect removal of IP rules in the amphora
gthiemonge#startmeeting Octavia16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep  6 16:00:13 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:00
gthiemonge#topic Announcements16:01
gthiemonge* 2023.2 Bobcat Release Schedule: R-416:01
gthiemongeNext week is RC116:01
gthiemongewe expect that it will be our final release for Bobcat16:02
gthiemongeIf you have important bugfixes to include in the release, speak now16:02
gthiemongeor later16:03
gthiemongeany other announcements? oschwart? johnsom?16:03
gthiemonge#topic CI Status16:04
gthiemongewe got many issues at the begining of the week with grenade (focal was removed from devstack, we were still on it) and zuul (zuul was not triggered when it detected deprecations in the config - like old style regexp that all the projects use)16:05
gthiemongeeverything is fine now, thanks to the #opendev folks16:05
gthiemongethat said, we can fix the deprecations in octavia and octavia-tempest-plugin16:05
gthiemongeif you want to see what deprecations look like:
gthiemongeand that's it for CI status16:08
gthiemonge#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:08
gthiemongeFYI I reported 2 new interesting bugs:16:08
gthiemongefailover of ACTIVE_STANDBY LBs can take a lot of time in amphorav1 (when both amps are down)16:08
gthiemongefailover of an ACTIVE_STANDBY LB recreate only one amphora when both amps are failing (only >=zed)16:09
gthiemongeI'm working on that16:09
gthiemongeand I proposed 3 patches:16:09
gthiemonge^ the timeout_dict param was not passed to the correct function, this small patch reduces the duration of the failover16:09
gthiemonge^ skip some amphora API calls if we detect that an amphora is not reachable (also reduce the duration of the failover)16:09
gthiemonge(I W-1 this patch becasue I think we can still improve it, it still takes 10 min to recreate an amphora with some specific conditions)16:10
gthiemonge^ don't mark "other" amphorae in ERROR during the failover of an amphora16:10
gthiemongeNote1: while one of the bugs impacts only amphorav1, the fixes also improve failovers in amphorav216:11
gthiemongeNote2: the backports of the patches that update amphorav2 will also have to include the changes for amphorav116:11
gthiemongeNote3: I don't think we will merge them before RC116:11
gthiemongeI'm also working on a tempest test that will check this scenario16:12
oschwartgthiemonge: lots of fixes, thanks for working on them16:12
oschwartI would like to review them when they are ready16:13
gthiemongethe first one is ready, it's a trivial patch16:13
oschwartI see that it failed on grenade and octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-non-traffic-ops-jobboard16:14
oschwartprobably recheck would make it pass now16:14
gthiemongeI need to check octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-non-traffic-ops-jobboard16:16
gthiemonge#topic Open Discussion16:17
gthiemongeI have one topic here16:17
gthiemongeI'm working on "Add tests for additional VIPs" (a really old unmerged change)16:18
gthiemongethe commit adds tests for multi VIP to a new directory: octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/multivip_scenario/16:18
gthiemongedoes it make sense to have a specific directory/job for this feature?16:18
gthiemongeto me that sounds like normal feature, they should be in the scenario dir, what do you think?16:19
johnsomOnly if we need to run them independently of the other tests for some reason. Like a special setup that would conflict with other tests.16:19
gthiemongeI think there's a special setup because we create extra subnets for those tests16:20
gthiemongebut this is something that we could always do, for all the tests16:20
johnsomYeah, that shouldn't conflict16:20
johnsomUgh, that patch still has six in it.... 16:20
gthiemongethey could be in a dedicated class, with it's own setup method16:20
johnsomYeah, I would consolidate it into one of the existing test runs. traffic ops maybe?16:21
oschwarttraffic ops sounds good to me for multiple vips16:23
oschwartboth ipv4 and 6 I guess16:23
gthiemongeok, thanks for your feedback guys16:26
gthiemongeanything else for this meeting?16:27
johnsomI don't have anything16:28
oschwartoh yes16:28
oschwartlet me find the link16:28
oschwartI wanted to consult with you guys how to continue this one:16:28
gthiemongeI haven't reviewed it yet16:29
oschwartit seems like the cert manager tries to parse/retrieve the certificates like if it weren't using noop drivers16:29
gthiemongewe have never tried to use certificates in noop tests16:29
johnsomThat could be16:29
gthiemongeso maybe something is missing in Octavia to handle such cases16:29
oschwartthat's what I believe16:30
johnsomThis was all an oversight, so I am not surprised we are finding other bits missing/broken16:30
oschwartI would like to try working on it, but I will probably need your guidance16:30
johnsomSure, thanks. Feel free to ping me16:31
gthiemongeoschwart: I think you need to identify the places where the code fails16:31
oschwartjohnsom: thanks, and gthiemonge: I think that I found it already, but I need to test it to make sure16:32
gthiemongeso we have certificates.cert_manager      = local_cert_manager16:32
oschwartregarding milestones - HSTS tests are rebased on top of this patch16:32
gthiemongebut maybe we need a noop_cert_manager16:32
gthiemongea new driver16:32
johnsom+1, I wondered the same16:33
gthiemongeoschwart: there are a few drivers for certificates:
oschwartgthiemonge: I might be able to do it, comparing other noop features and certificates drivers16:33
gthiemongethe interface is
gthiemongeyou need to implement this interface in a noop driver that just does some dummy things16:34
oschwartgthiemonge: sounds good to me, I should probably open a launchpad for it, right?16:34
gthiemongegood idea16:35
gthiemongenoop drivers should be really straightforward16:35
oschwartI hope so :)16:36
oschwartI don't have any more topics beside that one16:36
gthiemongeanyways, ping us if you need16:36
gthiemongeok folks, good discussions!16:38
gthiemongethank you! have a good week!16:38
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep  6 16:38:48 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:38
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewVadym Markov proposed openstack/octavia-dashboard master: Add ability to create Prometheus listener

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