Wednesday, 2024-01-31

*** jph7 is now known as jph01:40
opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/octavia master: fix: specify endpoint info. for neutron client
skraynevtweining: got it. thank you05:37
*** zigo_ is now known as zigo09:43
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: DNM test differen dsvm-noo-api config
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: DNM test differen dsvm-noo-api config
mnasiadkagood morning11:55
mnasiadkagthiemonge: would it be possible to get a summary why is w-1 (I know we spoke about this - but maybe some other people would be interested to follow up with the required bits in Octavia)11:56
gthiemongemnasiadka: hi11:59
gthiemongemnasiadka: yeah sure, if we enable this field (provider -- and I guess many people would use it to create ovn-provider LBs) in the octavia-dashboard, there's no way to disable all the features/parameters that are not allowed by the other providers 12:00
mnasiadkaSo ideally an API for getting features/parameters per provider12:01
gthiemongemnasiadka: 1. I guess the octavia-dashboard was initially created to follow closely the specs of the amphora driver, and for instance, at most 90% of the params/options are not supported by the ovn-provider12:02
gthiemongemnasiadka: 2. right now, if we create a ovn-provider LB + a listener with http protocol, the octavia-dashboard displays "cannot create load balancer" and that's it, no explanation, we don't even know why it is denied12:02
gthiemongeI opened a launchpad for this 2nd point12:03
gthiemongeI think it needs to be fixed before adding a "provider" select box in the form12:03
gthiemongelast important point: we don't want to add provider-specific code in the dashboard12:07
mnasiadka+1 on that12:08
mnasiadkaok, I'll ask inside the company if we want to work on this, because it's nth time someone is asking12:08
spateljohnsom can I shutdown loadbalancer ? 15:01
gthiemonge#startmeeting Octavia16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan 31 16:00:32 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:00
gthiemonge#topic Announcements16:02
gthiemonge* Transition Yoga to Unmaintained16:02
gthiemongeyoga will be "unmaintained" soon16:02
gthiemongepatches have been proposed to openstack/releases16:02
gthiemongeI put CR-1 on the octavia patch because we still have a few backports in gerrit16:03
gthiemongetweining: johnsom: could you take a look?
gthiemongeI'll propose a final release for yoga when everything is merged, then we will mark it as unmaintained16:04
tweiningI think I reviewed all reviewable patches on stable branches already16:04
gthiemongethis was my only announcement for this meeting16:05
gthiemongedo you have anything else folks?16:05
johnsomyeah, I will take a look today16:05
johnsomI am surprised we have that many patches on yoga.....16:06
tweiningI have only something for "bugs needing review" today16:06
gthiemonge#topic CI Status16:08
gthiemongea few updates here16:08
gthiemongethere are some random issues with the PoolScenarioTest class in octavia-tempest-plugin16:08
gthiemongeI think haproxy crashes because it allocates too much memory (there are ~24 listeners with the default maxconn in the same LB)16:09
gthiemongeI have a WIP patch, I will un-WIP it soon16:09
gthiemonge2nd issue: random failures in test_tenant_flow_log16:09
gthiemongethat one is weird, it's like the syslog messages are not received, but everyelse works fine (health-manager, etc..)16:10
gthiemonge3rd issue: ipv6-only job is broken16:11
gthiemongeit's non voting, so it doesn't block us16:11
tweiningyeah I noticed that as well16:12
gthiemongeit's a new pbl between the octavia devstack plugin and the neutron devstack plugin, I also have a WIP patch but it failed because of the 1st issue :D16:12
gthiemongeand that's it for CI status16:13
gthiemonge#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:14
gthiemongetweining: ^16:15
tweining there have been a request for review for these backports16:16
johnsomStill plugging away at the nftables implementation for the SR-IOV ports. I am seeing the interfaces script run twice which is causing duplicate rules to be created in the chain. More work to do16:17
gthiemongeright, please note that they are new patches, and the CI doesn't run them16:17
tweining I had a look at that failing tempest test, and I made some progress, but on stable branches the tests still fail, and I don't really understand why.16:18
tweiningI also created for testing, but it didn't help16:18
tweiningit's not super-urgent but it's something that blocks the completion of HSTS, so it would be nice to fix that soon. I'll have another look, but I think I'm running out of ideas.16:20
gthiemongetweining: ping me if you need another pair of eyes16:21
tweiningI think that's it from my side.16:22
gthiemongeI forgot one important topic16:23
gthiemongethere are two reported issues regarding the neutron endpoints16:23
gthiemongethere's a proposed fix for the 1st one, it fixes the use of regions and endpoint_type for neutron, I deployed devstack in multiregion, and the fix works for me16:25
tweiningthat is good news.16:26
gthiemongefor the 2nd issue, I think that something is missing in the config, but I don't know why it worked before (I've asked more info about the config)16:26
gthiemongeand that's all for this issue with neutron16:28
gthiemonge#topic Open Discussion16:29
gthiemongeany other topics guys?16:31
johnsomNothing here16:33
gthiemongethank you all! have a good week16:34
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan 31 16:34:35 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:34
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