Monday, 2024-07-15

gthiemongefrickler: I'm looking at these 2 failures with 8.5.006:42
gthiemongefrickler: zigo: it's related to this issue:
gthiemongeI think we can have a workaround in Octavia for this one, the change of the behavior is documented in tenacity07:02
gthiemongebut maybe we can wait for their feedback in the github issue07:02
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Fixed retry functions with tenacity 8.5.0
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add spec for rate limiting
tweiningI think that document is now pretty stable ^11:30
opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Stop using DHCP for o-hm0 interface in devstack

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