Thursday, 2024-09-26

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/octavia master: Add auth options to [neutron] section
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Add zookeeper backend for jobboard in devstack
noonedeadpunkoh, yes, would make sense to bump zookeeper version to latest stable06:45
noonedeadpunkbtw  I tried to double limits for RequestThrottler without any good result06:47
noonedeadpunkand also - this doesn't seem to affect basic functionality, just control plane is not redundant I assume, as there're nothing being published inside zookeper namespace.06:48
noonedeadpunk(but namespace is reliably re-created)06:48
noonedeadpunk(if I drop it)06:48
gthiemongenoonedeadpunk: the zookeeper jobs passed, but I see kazoo backtraces in the logs08:57
gthiemongeERROR kazoo.exceptions.ConnectionLoss08:58
noonedeadpunkyup, exactly what I see as well.08:59
gthiemonge2024-09-26 06:33:33,497 - WARN  [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Exception causing close of session 0x100000d1b39002e: Connection reset by peer09:00
noonedeadpunkOh. Can I make a DNM cherry-pick to 2023.1? As I'm quite sure I didn't see that before upgrade, but would be nice to confirm with CI 09:00
gthiemongeyeah sure, maybe removes the non necessary jobs from zuul/project.yaml 09:00
noonedeadpunk++ sure09:01
noonedeadpunkactually I think your original version awas avbout for 2023.1 :D09:02
noonedeadpunkaha, and that's also with the old zookeeper09:02
opendevreviewSeunghun Lee proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix verification of private CA signed certificates
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/octavia master: [DNM] Test zookeeper backend for 2023.1
noonedeadpunkI'm 100% sure I checked out on 2023.109:12
noonedeadpunkah, I probably used checkout /o\09:13
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/octavia master: Add zookeeper backend for jobboard in devstack
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/octavia stable/2023.1: [DNM] Add zookeeper backend for jobboard in devstack
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia master: compat with cryptography 43
noonedeadpunkgthiemonge: hey! sorry, have another question, maybe you have some recollections about octavia-dashboard as well?:)16:16
noonedeadpunkI was wondering what's this condition is actually doing?
noonedeadpunkas it feels that the purpose of it to disable protocol selection for Pool on LB creation page16:17
noonedeadpunkso to create PROXYV2, for isntance, you have to create pool separately from rest of things16:17
gthiemongenoonedeadpunk: hmm it seems the I only changed the indentation of this chunk16:23
gthiemongeyeah it's weird, the pool protocol selection is disabled in the "Create Load Balancer" form16:27
johnsomYeah, I don't know on that either16:29
johnsomIt's something Jacky added six years ago16:31
noonedeadpunkI dropped that if and proto appeared16:33
noonedeadpunkI assume idea was to match listener to smth, or dunno...16:33
noonedeadpunkWill suggest patch then :)16:33
johnsomRight, that is my guess as well, that it would automatically pick a pool proto16:34
noonedeadpunklike proxy proto is a corner case?16:34
noonedeadpunkwhich was added way after original code16:35
johnsomIt may not have existed back then16:35
johnsomEither way, letting people pick is the right path forward16:35
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/octavia-dashboard master: Enable protocol selection for Pool during LB creation
opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Use the same ssl module httpx uses
noonedeadpunkbtw, am I right that due to no meaningful horizon dashboard for barbican it's basically not possible to create tls-terminated LB over horizon?16:50
noonedeadpunkas there're tls_ciphers field, but actually no way to supply chain or barbican secret?16:57
noonedeadpunkah. damn, stupid me :)17:01
noonedeadpunkI'm blind, haven't spotted another meny which kicks off when terminated https is in17:02
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia master: Fixed retry functions with tenacity 8.5.0

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