Wednesday, 2024-10-30

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gthiemonge#startmeeting Octavia16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Oct 30 16:00:19 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:00
gthiemonge#topic Announcements16:01
gthiemongeIt's our first meeting post-PTG!16:01
gthiemongeso welcome to the Epoxy Release Cycle16:01
gthiemongereminder: you can find the release schedule at
gthiemongeyou may have noticed that Epoxy-1 is in 2 weeks, we don't have any specific goals for this milestone, but it's a reminder that time flies :D16:02
gthiemongedo we have any other announcement folks?16:02
tweiningmost important is feature freeze end of feb, but afair new features in openstack client need to get in even earlier?16:03
gthiemongeI'm going to skip CI status, no update since last meeting or PTG16:03
gthiemongeclient freeze is at the same date16:03
gthiemongebut octavia-lib freeze is one week before16:03
tweiningah, ok I confused the two then. it will be important for rate limiting probably16:04
gthiemongeyeah and if you need some code in octavia-lib, we need to propose a new release so it's pulled by all the CI jobs16:05
johnsomI think we have at least three features that need to land. SG for vips, SR-IOV for members, and rate limiting16:05
gthiemongeit means a lot of reviews16:06
johnsomYeah, I hit a number of tempest reviews in the last week16:06
johnsomI updated the review etherpad for those16:07
gthiemonge#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:08
tweiningthanks for reviewing the typing patches. I've updated them16:10
johnsomI have the RBAC switch to using keystone default roles by default (instead of advanced RBAC we have had) patch done. I think this is going to be one where we need to disable gate jobs temporarily to complete the switch due to the dependency chain.16:10
tweiningit did hurt a bit to loose the CR+2s though16:10
gthiemongejohnsom: ack we can sync for this16:11
tweiningI can try to get rid of more "#type: ignore" comments if you prefer. I can probably do that using the typing.cast() trick.16:11
johnsomI just worry that the code will be littered with those16:12
tweining also, I worked on integrating ruff into pre-commit, at least in our main repo16:12
johnsomOver time we can improve that16:13
gthiemongeFYI there are a few backports waiting on stable branches:16:13
gthiemongeI'll take a look at the V-{1,2}16:13
johnsomI really hope we can stop adding linting tools. They really put the releases at risk. It's fine to run them locally, but adding them to the gate is a huge risk16:13
tweiningI'd suggest we merge the pre-commit updates soon, so we have time to test it. There isn't any risk.16:16
gthiemonge#topic Open Discussion16:17
gthiemongedo you have anything else for this week folks?16:18
johnsomI don't think I have anything else16:18
tweiningbtw. I configured it to use not only the ruff lint tool, but also the formatter. I noticed the PyCharm formatter sometimes formats in a way that our flake8 config doesn't like. I hope ruff does it better16:18
gthiemongedoes it mean that pre-commit reformats/updates our code?16:19
tweiningthe code you commit16:19
gthiemongethe file? or just the patch?16:19
johnsomThis is why I think these are a bad idea and unnecessary.16:19
tweiningthat's a good question. I need to check16:20
tweiningchatgpt says it runs on whole files16:21
gthiemongeanyway we'll test it when we will review the patch16:22
tweininggolang has the "go fmt" tool. I think such official tool would be the optimal solution.16:23
johnsomLike their crypto library?16:23
tweiningwell, i mean the concept of having an official formatter for a language is a good idea.16:24
tweiningbecause I also think that many different linters,checker,formatter is a bad thing16:25
tweining"go fmt" isn't great either. in fact, I am pretty disappointed by it tbh. but we digest...16:25
gthiemongeanything else guys?16:26
johnsomI can't think of anything16:26
tweiningwho will take care of abandoning old patches?16:27
gthiemongethe PTL? or a volunteer?16:27
tweiningI think I can do it. I already figured out a way to automate it, but haven't tested it.16:28
tweiningone more thing16:28
tweiningI forgot to mention that I've updated the failover cb test patch16:28
johnsomPlease review them and don't just auto-abandon. There may be some that are valid and/or duplicates to other fixes that should be noted.16:29
gthiemongeI think we need a quick glance at the list of patches before abandoning them16:29
tweiningI set health_check_interval to 300, but the test still fails. I should update the timeouts in the test as well, but I didn't have time to investigate16:30
gthiemongetweining: let's talk offline about the method we can use16:30
gthiemongeok I guess that's all for this week16:33
gthiemongethank you guys16:34
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Oct 30 16:34:36 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:34
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia stable/2024.2: Pin pylint on 2024.2
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily at 20:30 utc (half an hour from now) to apply a configuration change20:02
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