Wednesday, 2025-01-22

*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge15:58
gthiemonge#startmeeting Octavia16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan 22 16:00:16 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:00
gthiemonge#topic Announcements16:00
gthiemonge* 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule16:00
gthiemongeJust a reminder of the upcoming milestones16:00
gthiemonge- Final release for non-client libraries (octavia-lib) - Feb 2016:00
gthiemonge- Feature freeze/final release for client libraries - Feb 2716:00
gthiemongeand I'm going to update the priority review etherpad16:01
gthiemongedo you have any other announcements?16:02
gthiemonge#topic CI Status16:04
gthiemongeI saw a fix for octaviaclient that was merged earlier today16:04
gthiemongeAFAIK there's no other issues with the CI16:04
gthiemonge#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:04
gthiemongejust a heads up on the SG on VIP ports feature16:05
johnsomI am making good progress on the port tracking work. Member add/delete and failovers all work properly now. Today I need to work on cascade delete (which also looks like I see a quotas bug there as well).16:06
johnsomI have hammered through a lot of reviews but still have a lot to look at... Such as the SG ^16:06
gthiemongequotas bug with your new code? or already existing bug?16:06
johnsomLong existing bug16:07
gthiemongea few issues with quotas have already been reported:
johnsomYeah, probably related to what I am seeing16:08
tweiningI started testing this SG patch chain yesterday. your script seemed to work, but today I see the lb created lb created by the script is in provisioning status ERROR now, I haven't looked in the logs why yet.16:08
johnsomIt just looks like cascade delete doesn't really handle anything below pools, so any other resources with quotas will leak.16:08
gthiemongehey johnsom I reviewed your new RBAC default patch, and I have a question in16:08
gthiemongecan you take a look? (not now)16:08
johnsomYeah, I saw, thank you. Also high on the list16:09
gthiemonge(FYI for the SG on VIP ports feature, I proposed a patch for python-octaviaclient, so you don't need to generate custom requests)16:09
gthiemonge#topic Open Discussion16:12
gthiemongewell, any other topics for this meeting?16:12
tweiningnothing from me16:12
johnsomI don't think I have anything today either.16:13
gthiemongethen I think we can close this meeting!16:14
gthiemongethank you guys!16:14
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan 22 16:14:15 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:14
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily for a restart to put some database compaction config changes into effect, and will return within a few minutes22:54

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