Thursday, 2025-02-13

LinuZZGood morning, can someone shed some light on we want to help create a patch for  this but are unsure what is to best route to tackle this07:39
gthiemon1eLinuZZ: hey, there have been multiple attempt to fix this kind of issue07:47
gthiemon1efirst I proposed which may fix your issue, then we got a lot of discussion because some folks thought that the approach was not correct07:48
gthiemon1ethere's also a proposal to use barbican secret consumers (it was blocked because of a bug in barbican IIRC)07:49
gthiemon1eI didn't know that barbican does't serve expired certificates, I wonder how it works with secret consumers07:50
LinuZZthanks, those are good patches to follow and read in on07:59
tkajinamhi can someone merge this ?13:20
tkajinamgthiemon1e tweining johnsom ^^^13:20
gthiemon1etkajinam: done13:23
tkajinamgthiemon1e, thx !13:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia-dashboard master: Update python classifier as per the 2025.1 cycle testing runtime
opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add support for SR-IOV member ports
opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Remove unused FloatingIP data model
opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add support for SR-IOV member ports

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