Wednesday, 2025-02-19

opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia master: Revert tempest disable due to RBAC changes
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Add vip_sg_ids to the API
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Handle custom security groups in controller
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Added RBAC for vip_sg_ids
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Handle custom security groups in controller
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Added RBAC for vip_sg_ids
gthiemon1e#startmeeting Octavia16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 19 16:00:27 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemon1e. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:00
gthiemon1e#topic Announcements16:01
gthiemon1e* 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule16:01
gthiemon1eThis week marks the final release for non-client libraries16:02
gthiemon1ethe patch for the release of octavia-lib was automatically proposed16:02
gthiemon1ethere's an open patch for octavia-lib but IMHO it's a bit controversial (
gthiemon1eI think we will have to discuss it at the PTG16:03
gthiemon1eNext week is Feature Freeze16:04
johnsomYeah, this one I think we agreed to do something like this as temporary, but the real fix is to re-work the data models16:04
johnsomI have not reviewed that patch in a while16:04
gthiemon1eyeah and I don't expect to see temporary patches in octavia-lib16:04
gthiemon1eso far we have merged the changes for the default RBAC settigns (thanks johnsom!)16:04
johnsomYeah, that is an issue16:04
gthiemon1ethe support for SR-IOV members is also close to be merged16:05
gthiemon1eand I updated the Custom Security Groups on VIP ports patches after your reviews (thanks all!)16:05
johnsomYes, the patches are complete. I have one last test to run on real hardware16:05
gthiemon1eAs usual, a reminder: the link to our etherpad16:05
gthiemon1eyeah i only checked that it doesn't break non-SR-IOV LBs16:06
gthiemon1e* 2025.2 Election Nomination16:06
gthiemon1eFYI the PTL Nomination period ends today/tonight16:07
gthiemon1eSo far there's only one candidate for octavia: johnsom16:07
gthiemon1ethat sounds good for you johnsom 16:07
gthiemon1eany other announcements?16:11
johnsomI think that is all I know of as well16:11
gthiemon1eskipping CI status, I think there's no update for this week16:13
gthiemon1e#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:13
gthiemon1enothing special on my side, a lot of reviews/tests, and the update of the SG on VIP patches16:14
johnsomI finished up the SR-IOV for member ports patch chain.16:14
johnsomOther than that I have been focused on reviews across the projects.16:14
johnsomI expect that will be the focus through the freeze week next week as well16:15
gthiemon1e#topic Open Discussion16:19
gthiemon1eanything else for today?16:19
johnsomI don't have anything else16:20
gthiemon1ethen see you next week!16:21
gthiemon1ethank you johnsom 16:21
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 19 16:21:53 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:21
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