opendevreview | Michael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix network no-op driver for concurrency | 00:19 |
opendevreview | Michael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add support for SR-IOV member ports | 00:28 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/octavia master: Disabling doc job | 07:54 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/octavia master: Fix role names in policy documentation | 07:54 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/octavia master: Add vip_sg_ids to the API | 13:03 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/octavia master: Fix network no-op driver for concurrency | 14:47 |
gthiemon1e | #startmeeting Octavia | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Feb 26 16:00:06 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemon1e. Information about MeetBot at | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' | 16:00 |
gthiemon1e | o/ | 16:00 |
johnsom | o/ | 16:00 |
gthiemon1e | #topic Announcements | 16:01 |
gthiemon1e | * 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule | 16:01 |
gthiemon1e | We are in the Feature freeze and Final release for client libraries week | 16:01 |
tweining | hey? | 16:02 |
gthiemon1e | FYI we had to disable the doc job because of a bug in a new oslo.db release, it will be fixed soon AFAIK | 16:02 |
gthiemon1e | so we are re-checking the SGs for VIP patches there were already approved | 16:03 |
gthiemon1e | tweining: hey? | 16:03 |
gthiemon1e | then we will merge the SR-IOV patch | 16:03 |
tweining | shouldn't we have the meeting now? | 16:03 |
johnsom | yes, we are in the meeting | 16:04 |
tweining | sorry, I don't see the start, but I see your messages now | 16:04 |
gthiemon1e | johnsom: the SR-IOV patch is in MERGE CONFLICT | 16:05 |
gthiemon1e | there are also 2 comments from tweining in the patch | 16:05 |
johnsom | Yeah, I see that happened overnight due to the SG patch merging. I am working on that now | 16:05 |
gthiemon1e | thanks | 16:05 |
gthiemon1e | I think everything will be ready tomorrow | 16:06 |
gthiemon1e | I'll update the release patch for the client which will include a new commit for the vip_sg_ids | 16:06 |
tweining | consider that sr-iov ports patch approved from my side | 16:06 |
gthiemon1e | ack | 16:07 |
gthiemon1e | I'll take a look after the rebase | 16:07 |
gthiemon1e | * 2025.1/F: PTL Election Conclusion & Results | 16:09 |
gthiemon1e | ^ 2025.2 | 16:09 |
gthiemon1e | In case you missed it, we have a new PTL for the F release cycle: johnsom | 16:09 |
gthiemon1e | Congratulations and thank you! | 16:09 |
tweining | congrats johnsom | 16:09 |
johnsom | Whoot! Thanks! | 16:10 |
opendevreview | Michael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add support for SR-IOV member ports | 16:11 |
gthiemon1e | any other announcements folks? | 16:12 |
johnsom | Nope. That is the rebase with the two typos fixed. | 16:13 |
gthiemon1e | thanks! | 16:13 |
gthiemon1e | #topic CI Status | 16:13 |
gthiemon1e | as I mentioned earlier in the meeting, the openstack-tox-docs job has been disabled (we didn't want to block the gates during the feature freeze week) | 16:14 |
gthiemon1e | I think we will be able to renable it next week | 16:14 |
gthiemon1e | #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review | 16:14 |
tweining | I am still working on rate limiting but it is not nearly finished | 16:15 |
gthiemon1e | nothing else from me, I've been doing reviews/tests | 16:15 |
johnsom | I am in review mode and just finished up the last manual testing of the SR-IOV for member ports patches. | 16:16 |
gthiemon1e | ack | 16:17 |
gthiemon1e | #topic Open Discussion | 16:18 |
gthiemon1e | any other topics for this meeting? | 16:18 |
tweining | not from me | 16:18 |
johnsom | I don't think I have anything else. | 16:19 |
johnsom | The octavia-lib released over the weekend | 16:19 |
gthiemon1e | yeah | 16:19 |
gthiemon1e | it was expected (i didn't review the release patch but I just let it pass) | 16:20 |
gthiemon1e | just a reminder, after the feature freeze, we can review non-feature patches ;-) | 16:20 |
gthiemon1e | | 16:20 |
tweining | I almost forgot: thanks for being a great PTL during the last cycles gthiemon1e | 16:21 |
johnsom | Yep, bugs, docs, and tests are all fair game now | 16:21 |
gthiemon1e | tweining: thanks ;-) | 16:21 |
johnsom | Yes, thank you for all your hard work as PTL | 16:22 |
gthiemon1e | johnsom: thanks! | 16:23 |
gthiemon1e | well I guess that's it for today | 16:23 |
gthiemon1e | thank you guys | 16:23 |
gthiemon1e | #endmeeting | 16:23 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Feb 26 16:23:36 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 16:23 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 16:23 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 16:23 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 16:23 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/octavia master: Handle custom security groups in controller | 17:38 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Add vip-sg-id support for load balancers | 19:07 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/octavia master: Add support for SR-IOV member ports | 21:01 |
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