*** luksky_w733 is now known as luksky_w73 | 04:13 | |
*** JohnnyW557 is now known as JohnnyW55 | 04:13 | |
opendevreview | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack/octavia-dashboard master: Add SOURCE_IP_PORT LB algoright https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-dashboard/+/938133 | 05:14 |
opendevreview | Tom Weininger proposed openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Rate limiting support https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-octaviaclient/+/944055 | 11:35 |
opendevreview | Tom Weininger proposed openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Rate limiting support https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-octaviaclient/+/944055 | 13:33 |
opendevreview | Tom Weininger proposed openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Rate limiting support https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-octaviaclient/+/944055 | 14:34 |
*** svinota is now known as svinota[afk] | 14:45 | |
gthiemonge | #startmeeting Octavia | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Mar 12 16:00:20 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' | 16:00 |
gthiemonge | o/ | 16:00 |
tweining | o/ | 16:00 |
johnsom | o/ | 16:00 |
gthiemonge | #topic Announcements | 16:01 |
gthiemonge | * 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule: R-3 | 16:01 |
gthiemonge | this is RC1 week | 16:01 |
gthiemonge | I don't think we have very high priority (aka blocker) bugs to review before the milestone | 16:02 |
johnsom | Excellent | 16:02 |
gthiemonge | if you have any important patches that need to be included in rc1, don't hesitate to list them here | 16:04 |
skraynev | hi all. I have a bug fix (not for rc1): https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/943985 could you please take a look | 16:05 |
gthiemonge | thanks skraynev, I saw it, I would rather take the time to understand the impact of the patch, and we can backport it after it's merged | 16:06 |
gthiemonge | any other announcements for today? | 16:07 |
skraynev | gthiemonge: thank you. sounds good. | 16:08 |
johnsom | #link https://lists.openinfra.org/archives/list/foundation@lists.openinfra.org/message/577NQIACCIXR72GVWEKTHWF54BHF7ZRG/ | 16:09 |
johnsom | OpenInfra is moving forward with joining the Linux Foundation | 16:09 |
johnsom | That is the only of announcement I have | 16:09 |
gthiemonge | interesting | 16:10 |
gthiemonge | thanks johnsom | 16:10 |
gthiemonge | I'm skiping CI status, no update... | 16:10 |
gthiemonge | #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review | 16:10 |
gthiemonge | I've been working on downstream stuff here, no progress on other topics | 16:11 |
tweining | I am still working on rate limiting. on the python client ATM to be precise | 16:11 |
johnsom | I am focused on reviews at the moment | 16:11 |
gthiemonge | ack | 16:14 |
gthiemonge | #topic Open Discussion | 16:14 |
gthiemonge | anything else for this meeting guys? | 16:15 |
skraynev | did someone meet bug, when healthcheck from amphora could not be send to octavia-health-manager due to limit of size message on socket? It could happen on LB with around 3k members. I could create a bug on launchpad and share more details | 16:15 |
gthiemonge | skraynev: yeah there's a bug report for that | 16:15 |
gthiemonge | and a proposal to use tcp instead of udp | 16:15 |
skraynev | is this proposal already exist? | 16:15 |
gthiemonge | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/852269 | 16:16 |
tweining | afair there was a patch for that. IDR if it was merged | 16:16 |
tweining | yeah, exactly | 16:17 |
danfai | hi all, regarding things I/we would try to work on for the next release, we add those to the PTG etherpad to discuss? | 16:17 |
skraynev | looks like need to ping author and refresh MR. | 16:18 |
skraynev | gthiemonge: thank you for the link | 16:18 |
danfai | skraynev: https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bug/2025262 is the bug report for the health-check | 16:18 |
skraynev | tweining: thx | 16:18 |
danfai | (with the size of the LB) | 16:18 |
gthiemonge | danfai: yeah, we haven't created the etherpad yet but this is a good topic | 16:19 |
johnsom | #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2025-ptg-octavia | 16:20 |
johnsom | Yes, add it to the topics section | 16:20 |
danfai | johnsom: ok thanks, will do | 16:21 |
skraynev | btw, it's possible to add some topics to this etherpad? f.e. I could not visit PTG, but want to add some questions to discuss and get answer (in etherpad) | 16:22 |
johnsom | Yes, of course. Any topics to discuss with the community can go on the ehterpad | 16:23 |
gthiemonge | skraynev: yeah but please add a note that you cannot attend (BTW it's a virtual PTG), some topics may be interesting for other folks too | 16:23 |
skraynev | gthiemonge: got it. nice | 16:25 |
gthiemonge | anything else folks? | 16:27 |
tweining | not from me | 16:27 |
johnsom | Nope | 16:27 |
gthiemonge | ack | 16:28 |
gthiemonge | have a good week! thank you guys! | 16:29 |
gthiemonge | #endmeeting | 16:29 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Mar 12 16:29:07 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 16:29 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/octavia/2025/octavia.2025-03-12-16.00.html | 16:29 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/octavia/2025/octavia.2025-03-12-16.00.txt | 16:29 |
opendevmeet | Log: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/octavia/2025/octavia.2025-03-12-16.00.log.html | 16:29 |
opendevreview | Bodo Petermann proposed openstack/octavia master: Health sender: support to send via TCP https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/852269 | 16:55 |
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: One of our Zuul job log storage providers is experiencing errors. We have removed that storage target from base jobs. You should be able to safely recheck changes now. | 20:23 |
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