Thursday, 2016-03-03

openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: Support preferred export locations in Manila CLI
cknight1markstur, ganso, bswartz, toabctl:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Huawei driver improve support of StandaloneNetworkPlugin
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openstackgerritMark Sturdevant proposed openstack/manila-image-elements: Updated from global requirements
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bswartzgah! so many merge conflicts in client01:25
bswartzwas it cknight's patch merging that put them in conflict?01:25
marksturI think so.01:26
marksturThere's a trivial one going in next, but no conflicts on that one.01:26
bswartzis anyone working on deconflicting them?01:26
bswartzif not I might just do all of them01:26
bswartzalthough I'm looking at a few other things first01:27
marksturmanage/unmanage is rechecking01:27
marksturWhen one goes in the others have a version problem01:27
bswartzokay so maybe we wait for those 2 to merge before rebasing01:27
marksturWould have been easier but some of them would get to gate and fail and start over.  So it was a race with an undetermined number of laps.01:28
bswartzwell as long as the unmerged list gets shorter over time there is hope01:28
marksturI forgot.  That fail was hitting htem all until Valeriy fixed it.01:28
bswartzI want to keep making progress though01:28
bswartzon the server side we just need to wrap up tegile driver and migration change01:29
bswartzand if heketi CI shows up there is a chance to review and merge that driver01:29
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Remove nsenter dependency
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Annotate CLI commands for experimental features
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: CLI for manage/unmanage snapshot
openstackgerritSurya Ghatty proposed openstack/manila: Remove unintended exposure of private attribute
bswartzoh crap!01:46
bswartzI screwed up xyang's patch01:47
bswartzdamn git rebase!!!01:47
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: CLI for manage/unmanage snapshot
bswartzokay I'm not going to rebase anything else until that patch merges01:53
openstackgerritSurya Ghatty proposed openstack/manila: Remove unintended exposure of private attribute
gouthamrbswartz: how do you restore an old patchset? :O01:54
gouthamrbswartz: with the votes01:54
marksturgouthamr, Usually with some googling, some IRC pinging, and some begging (maybe some crying).01:55
bswartzgit clone
bswartzcd python-manilaclient01:55
bswartzgit review -d 249544,2101:55
bswartzgit review01:55
marksturor that01:56
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bswartz^ those 4 commands01:56
* bswartz has strong gerrit-fu01:56
bswartztoo bad I can't figure out git-rebase01:56
gouthamrmarkstur: hahaha.. i was actually rechecking multiple times and following log files on that patch.. and then suddenly, i saw an "aborted by anonymous". i should get on with life.01:57
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marksturLife can wait until after M-3.01:58
gouthamrwise words indeed01:58
marksturUnfortunately I have to step out for about 2h now.  Life interrupts.01:59
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gouthamr:P well come back soon. manila needs y02:01
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openstackgerritAbhilash Divakaran proposed openstack/manila: Add share driver for Tegile IntelliFlash Arrays
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Revert usage of help text marking "admin only" CLIs
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Revert usage of help text marking "admin only" CLIs
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gouthamrtempest decided to break us?
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gouthamrfor anyone else looking, neutron-fwaas changed from tempest_lib to tempest.lib an hour ago.02:48
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bswartzwe pin ourselves to an old tempest commit though02:54
bswartzhow are we affected?02:55
gouthamrbswartz: yep.. neutron-fwaas updated to use tempest.lib (i.e, lib was copied into tempest)02:55
gouthamrbswartz: and our tempest doesn't have that change.. since the copy itself was like a few days ago02:55
bswartzbut we don't run the neutron tests02:56
bswartztempest changes all the time and it doesn't break us02:56
gouthamrbswartz: -> that's the change we don't have02:57
bswartzand why does it matter02:57
gouthamrbswartz: we don't probably run these tests, but we import them (ostestr imports all tests for its regex filtering)02:59
gouthamrbswartz:  "Failed to import test module: neutron_fwaas.tests.tempest_plugin.tests.api.test_fwaas_extensions"02:59
bswartzah crap02:59
gouthamrbswartz: "ImportError: No module named lib.common.utils"02:59
bswartzscrewed by neutron again!02:59
gouthamrbswartz: may be not.. our tempest is about a month and three days old.. its just time to update :)03:00
bswartzyes but NOW is not the ideal time to deal with this crap03:00
gouthamrbswartz: true..03:01
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amrithfolks, could someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I created a manila share (type NFS) which succeeded.03:04
amrithamrith@amrith-work:/etc/manila$ manila show a03f92d3-907f-4a66-a716-40e3401ab55b03:04
amrith| Property                    | Value                                                              |03:04
amrith| status                      | available                                                          |03:04
amrith| share_type_name             | default                                                            |03:04
amrith| description                 | None                                                               |03:04
amrith| availability_zone           | nova                                                               |03:04
bswartzamrith: is your friend03:04
amrith| share_network_id            | 7a9c3dc6-9d00-43ed-b56f-f77384fcbd92                               |03:04
gouthamramrith: :)03:04
amrith| export_locations            |                                                                    |03:04
amrith|                             | uuid = f2c153fe-d62a-4762-9a4c-1f41cdfab234                        |03:05
amrith|                             | created_at = 2016-03-03T02:41:02.000000                            |03:05
amrith|                             | updated_at = 2016-03-03T02:41:02.000000                            |03:05
amrith|                             | is_admin_only = False                                              |03:05
amrith|                             | share_instance_id = 124d4522-b2c1-49a4-9fea-0fc037f3cfa8           |03:05
amrith|                             | path = |03:05
amrith| share_server_id             | 0027c61c-bbed-460a-bfe2-6be9c2d46dd6                               |03:05
amrith| host                        | amrith-work@generic1#GENERIC1                                      |03:05
amrith| access_rules_status         | active                                                             |03:05
amrith| snapshot_id                 | None                                                               |03:05
amrith| is_public                   | False                                                              |03:05
amrith| task_state                  | None                                                               |03:05
amrith| snapshot_support            | True                                                               |03:05
amrith| id                          | a03f92d3-907f-4a66-a716-40e3401ab55b                               |03:05
amrith| size                        | 3                                                                  |03:05
amrith| name                        | testshare                                                          |03:05
amrith| share_type                  | dfeba8fc-2046-41aa-a2a4-be191b04b38b                               |03:05
amrith| has_replicas                | False                                                              |03:05
amrith| replication_type            | None                                                               |03:05
amrith| created_at                  | 2016-03-03T02:40:13.000000                                         |03:06
amrith| share_proto                 | NFS                                                                |03:06
amrith| consistency_group_id        | None                                                               |03:06
amrith| source_cgsnapshot_member_id | None                                                               |03:06
amrith| project_id                  | 391a288e0dff4df9ae0009248d1bbfaf                                   |03:06
amrith| metadata                    | {}                                                                 |03:06
amrithamrith@amrith-work:~$ showmount -e
amrithExport list for
amrithOn the Manila instance, take a look at the mounts.03:06
amrithamrith@amrith-work:~$ ssh manila@
amrithWelcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-53-generic i686)03:06
amrith * Documentation:
amrithLast login: Thu Mar  3 02:51:44 2016 from
amrith$ more /etc/mtab03:06
amrithWhat's the command to mount this? I'm assuming it is03:06
amrithamrith@amrith-work:~$ sudo mount -t nfs /tmp/mountpoint03:06
amrithmount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
amrithBut I get the error (above). Any idea what I'm doing wrong?03:06
amrithbswartz, yes, sorry ... I did gist but I guess I forgot to copy the gist URL ;(03:07
amrithOK, this time, I'm copying correctly ...03:07
amrithbswartz, gouthamr thanks (in advance)03:07
amrithIn effect, I can't seem to get access to the NFS share.03:07
amrithclearly it is accessible (showmount)03:07
amrithbut why not mount?03:07
gouthamramrith: you need access-allow03:08
amrithgouthamr, I did03:08
amrithThe command was ...03:08
gouthamramrith: sorry didn't see that command in the paste..03:08
amrithmanila access-allow a03f92d3-907f-4a66-a716-40e3401ab55b ip --access-level rw03:08
amrithyes, you are correct. I should have added that I did do that03:08
bswartzamrith: tried sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=3 .... ?03:09
bswartzif you're doing NFSv4 lots of things can go wrong03:09
amrithbswartz, let me check03:09
bswartzyou can also inspect the syslog on the service instance to see why access was deined03:10
amrithsame error03:10
amrithnothing in the auth.log on the manila instance03:10
amrithI'm not sure where NFS logs errors03:10
bswartz/var/log/syslog IIRC03:10
amrithsorry, nothing there03:12
bswartzwhat's the IP of the machine mounting?03:13
bswartzusually when I can't get an error message out of the client or the server and NFS is still giving access denied my next step is wireshark03:14
amrithbswartz, I've tried from both and from on the manila server itself.03:16
bswartzokay just wanted to know if it was same L2 segment03:17
bswartzsounds like yes03:17
bswartzso I'm out of ideas03:17
amrithok, this is weird03:18
amrithI did this ...03:18
amrithmanila access-allow a03f92d3-907f-4a66-a716-40e3401ab55b ip --access-level rw03:18
amrithNow I'm able to mount it03:18
amrithso, what's the wildcard address?
amrithyes, that's the standard representation for *03:18
bswartzNFS servers don't always respond well to that wildcard03:19
bswartzif you did it probably would have worked03:19
amrithlet me try that ...03:19
openstackLaunchpad bug 1552520 in Manila "Manila tempest jobs are broken - Need to switch to using tempest.lib over tempest_lib" [Undecided,New]03:19
bswartzI'm not sure why, but it could be a limitation of nfs-kernel-server03:19
gouthamrbswartz: adding details.03:19
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Update tempest commit and switch to tempest.lib
amrithbswartz, that works too.03:20
amrithmany thanks!03:20
amrithYippie doo-dah, I have a manila share.03:20
openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/manila: Moved CORS middleware configuration into oslo-config-generator
bswartzamrith: you might want to file a bug about the thing -- IMO that should work03:20
amrithA bottle of champagne on its way to you bswartz ... Thanks, and good night.03:20
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amrithbswartz, I will retest and file a bug.03:21
amriththanks muchly03:21
bswartzgouthamr: that patch hasn't been tested, I only pushed it so you can take a look and see if I missed anything03:22
bswartzI'm testing it now03:22
gouthamrbswartz: sure thing.03:22
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amrithbswartz, confirmed and entered a bug.
openstackLaunchpad bug 1552526 in Manila "manila access-allow doesn't appear to properly handle" [Undecided,New]03:32
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sghattyHi All: I have submitted a patch for However, Jenkins reports that all the tempest tests have failed for this patch.03:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1551497 in Manila "ganesha: private attribute leaks to public API" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Surya Ghatty (ghatty)03:42
sghattyAre these failures related to the bug here: or should I be worried that I introduced something to cause these failures?03:43
openstackLaunchpad bug 1552520 in Manila "Manila tempest jobs are broken - Need to switch to using tempest.lib over tempest_lib" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Ben Swartzlander (bswartz)03:43
bswartzsghatty: yes our tempest tests seem to be broken thanks to neutron03:46
bswartzit's probably not your fault03:46
gouthamramrith: still here03:46
amrithsorry, had to step away for a couple of minutes.03:47
gouthamrhey amrith..03:47
amrithhiya gouthamr03:47
openstackLaunchpad bug 1552526 in Manila "manila access-allow doesn't appear to properly handle" [Undecided,New]03:47
gouthamramrith: what backend are you using?03:47
bswartzgouthamr: generic driver03:48
bswartzthat should be mentioned in the bug03:48
bswartzit's almost certainly a driver-specific bug03:48
amrithyes, generic driver and I added a line about NOVA ...03:48
amrithI will update the bug03:48
gouthamrbswartz: yes.. ran through the code path if we're throwing it out anywhere, just in case.. this is at the driver.03:48
gouthamrthanks amrith03:48
gouthamrhaha, my bad... i've seen crazy host names so i ignored: "amrith-work@generic1#GENERIC1" which probably would've answered my question :)03:49
sghattybswartz, thanks for the info. Do I have to re-do the git review once the tempest tests are back?03:50
amrithno worries gouthamr ... my first week with Manila03:50
amrithso I have no idea what I'm up to03:50
gouthamrsghatty: nope.. we'll recheck once we fix it.03:50
gouthamramrith: glad you're trying manila :)03:50
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amrithgouthamr, working on seeing what it'll take to make Trove use Manila03:51
gouthamramrith: sweet!03:51
bswartzsghatty: you'll need to rebase your change on top of the gate-fixing change, or add Depends-On to the commit message, or wait for the fix to merge03:51
bswartzany of those 3 should do it03:52
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bswartzwe haven't confirmed a fix yet though03:52
gouthamramrith: good luck, and "Help will always be given at *cough cough* #openstack-manila to those who ask for it." 8)03:53
amrithgouthamr, yes. have had occasion to use that help a couple of times today. earlier today with vponomaryov. just now with bswartz and you. thanks folks! good night (for now). bbitm ;)03:54
gouthamrbswartz: it could be our lucky day.. i only see ... ok's so far..
gouthamrgoodnight amrith !03:54
bswartzgouthamr: pep8 is taking a dump on my change though03:54
bswartzdamn alphabetical order imports03:54
gouthamrbswartz: those are always the hardest to fix ;)03:55
bswartzthere's like 25 files!03:55
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bswartzeditting them all will take forever03:55
sghattybswartz: sounds like a painful process. anything I can do to help?03:58
bswartzsghatty: write a script that makes pep8 actually fix the errors it finds rather than just complaining about them03:58
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bswartzgouthamr: tempest passed on my dev system04:07
bswartzpep8 nearly sorted out04:07
gouthamrbswartz: awesome.. do you have a multibackend setup?04:07
mdnadeemsghatty, bswartz , gouthamr , can you please respnse to this query:
bswartzmdnadeem: I've got your email -- honestly I don't know what's going on with ubuntu's packages04:08
bswartzI was going to investigate after we get pass feature freeze04:08
bswartzthis isn't a good time04:08
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Update tempest commit and switch to tempest.lib
mdnadeembswartz, ohk, Thanks for your response :)04:09
gouthamrbswartz: looks like we're good. The tests nearly passed..04:11
gouthamrbswartz: and your rebase worked..
bswartzgouthamr: yeah I have a good feeling04:16
bswartztoo bad nobody is around to merge it04:16
gouthamrvponomaryov uses "ninja-merging" as a technique to unblock gates.04:16
bswartzyes for a gate blocker a ninja merge may be called for04:17
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bswartzalso infra is really not very busy right now so maybe things will go fast04:21
bswartzstill it will probably be past midnight04:22
* bswartz doesn't want to stay up all night...04:22
sghattybswartz: So, would adding this to the end of my commit message work for my patch?04:22
sghattyDepends-On: Id7d43dee256856062bd0dadad9c469c1500ee36e04:22
sghattyI pulled that id from your proposed change04:23
bswartzDepends-On will work as long as your patch doesn't conflict with my patch04:23
openstackgerritSurya Ghatty proposed openstack/manila: Remove unintended exposure of private attribute
sghattythanks, bswartz. No conflicts - going by the files you changed.04:25
* gouthamr we should have core members around the world :)04:25
bswartzwe do...04:25
bswartzwe have 5 timezones covered04:26
gouthamr5? EST, PST, GMT+2, UTC-3:00 ..04:26
gouthamroh wait, the US is like 5 timezones in itself.04:27
bswartzUS east, US west, Brazil, Germany, Ukraine04:27
gouthamrah i left out Germany.04:28
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs-native: use Heketi layout via self-signing
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: heketi: Add support for JWT Auth
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: introducing Heketi layout
bswartzcsaba: you're up late!04:28
csababswartz: or early? ;)04:28
bswartzcsaba: heketi CI reporting yet?04:29
bswartzgood point04:29
gouthamrinsert -(talk about US centric)- joke here.04:29
bswartzgouthamr: csaba is in Hungary IIRC -- it must be 5:30 AM there04:30
gouthamrbswartz: ah... that's early then.04:30
csababswartz: correct04:32
bswartzmarkstur_ vponomaryov toabctl cknight: looking for reviews on planning to ninja merge if needed04:34
csababswartz: the update I've just committed was a fix for a blocker issue.04:34
bswartzcsaba: I saw 3 commits04:35
csababswartz: the actual fixage was for the first one, the other two has been updates and dependents.04:35
csaba(or in order of openstackgerrit reporting, last one)04:36
bswartzcsaba: I don't understand how we're going to get heketi CI -- do you have a project-config patch waiting for merge? there's no job yet04:37
bswartzcsaba: also unit tests already failed on your patch04:38
bswartzi'm watching zuul04:38
cknightbswartz: I wondered why everything was failing suddenly.04:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-image-elements: Updated from global requirements
bswartzcknight: read back last 75 minutes04:40
csababswartz: what fails?04:42
bswartzcsaba: see for yourself
bswartzcsaba: did you not do
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Remove nsenter dependency
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bswartzmarkstur_: thanks for covering the migration patch04:52
bswartzmarkstur_: it will need at least 1 recheck after my fix merges04:52
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bswartzjust need a second reviewer for tegile driver now04:55
gouthamr <- ninja merge is indeed in order. Nice job, back to replication now.. goodnight bswartz!05:01
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cknightbswartz: looks good, thanks for the fix05:03
bswartzcknight: gouthamr actually figured out what went wrong and how to fix it05:04
bswartzI just spent 15 minutes fighting with pep8 to actually make the fix05:04
cknightbswartz: Goutham helped me with a Tempest failure this morning.  I nominate him to fix all our concurrency issues.05:05
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abhiwhat is "ninja merging"?05:15
bswartzabhi: it's an exception to our normal rules for workflowing changes05:16
bswartzevery core has the power to merge changes by themselves, but we restrain ourselves and require two +2 before something merges05:17
abhibswartz: I see, thanks for ninja merging then. CI was failing for all the tests :(05:18
bswartzabhi: yes, you can rebase on top of my fix or use the Depends-On line in your commit message05:19
bswartzthat will enable you to pass tempest earlier than waiting for my patch to merge05:19
bswartzit's possible my patch will require a recheck or 2 if the gate is unfriendly tonight05:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: CLI for manage/unmanage snapshot
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Annotate CLI commands for experimental features
openstackgerritDevin proposed openstack/manila: [Doc] Update quick start guide from Kilo release to Liberty release.
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Remove nsenter dependency
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openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs-native: use Heketi layout via self-signing
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: heketi: Add support for JWT Auth
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: introducing Heketi layout
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openstackgerritAndrea Ma proposed openstack/manila: glusterManager instantiation regexp validation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Update tempest commit and switch to tempest.lib
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sghattybswartz, many tests still failing on my patch. Do I need to re-submit it? Any suggestions?08:11
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openstackgerritMark Sturdevant proposed openstack/manila: Move Share Migration code to Data Service
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openstackgerritAndrea Ma proposed openstack/manila: glusterManager instantiation regexp validation
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs-native: use Heketi layout via self-signing
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: heketi: Add support for JWT Auth
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: introducing Heketi layout
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openstackgerritAbhilash Divakaran proposed openstack/manila: Add share driver for Tegile IntelliFlash Arrays
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rrajaganso: ping12:11
gansorraja: pong12:12
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rrajaganso: about your comments on
rrajaganso: wondering if this is what you suggest, , can you please take a look?12:16
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gansorraja: yes! looks great! =D12:21
openstackgerritSurya Ghatty proposed openstack/manila: Remove unintended exposure of private attribute
rrajaganso: i'm confused about what really calls that allow() with different arguments, particularly valid_access_types, based on api microversion?12:23
rrajaganso: i'm finding it hard to follow the call flow12:23
gansorraja: yes, that part is missing from your pastebin12:23
gansorraja: it is line 44912:24
rrajaganso: OK, or more correctly line 438?12:25
openstackgerritTiago Pasqualini da Silva proposed openstack/manila: Fix update_access concurrency issue
gansorraja: my mistake, no I got it mixed up as well, you should move your validation code to line 44912:26
openstackgerritTiago Pasqualini da Silva proposed openstack/manila: Fix update_access concurrency issue
gansorraja: line 58 comes directly from shell.py12:27
gansorraja: that section cannot be microversioned12:27
gansorraja: let me confirm this again12:28
openstackgerritTiago Pasqualini da Silva proposed openstack/manila: Fix update_access concurrency issue
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rrajaganso: so the call flow is actually, shell.Share.allow() --> shares.Share.allow() ---> share.ShareManager.allow() ?12:29
gansorraja: correct12:30
gansoso shares.Share.allow() should not have this intelligence12:30
gansorraja: ^12:30
gansorraja: share.ShareManager.allow is microversioned, and should be performing validation12:31
rrajaganso: yep. i was confused with your comments. so i just add another share.ShareManager.allow microversion with 2.13 (start) and perform extra ceph validation there.12:32
gansorraja: extra ceph validation? you moved the validation code or created another section?12:33
rrajaganso: and leave share.Share.allow() and share.Share._validate_access() unchanged?12:34
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Move Share Migration code to Data Service
rrajaganso: I currently modify share.Share._validate_access().12:35
gansorraja: no, move share.Share._validate_access()12:35
rrajain the diff I shared.12:35
gansorraja: move to share.ShareManager._validate_access()12:35
rrajaganso: OK. and use that validation in all the three microversioned share.ShareManager.access() functions? thanks!12:38
gansorraja: yes =)12:39
rrajaganso: cool! and when do I need to get this patch merged by to make FF deadline? :(12:39
gansorraja: today12:40
rrajaganso: ok.12:41
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Revert usage of help text marking "admin only" CLIs
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gansogouthamr: ping13:04
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gouthamrganso: hey!13:04
gansogouthamr: good morning Goutham13:04
gouthamrganso: Good morning!13:04
gansogouthamr: I am having a hard time understand what "action='single_alias'," is13:04
gouthamrganso: it is so that you can't provide the same option twice using the alias, for example 'manila share-replica-list --share-id "my_share" --share "my_share_2"'13:05
gouthamrganso: because --share-id and --share have been aliased to the same CLI arg..13:06
gouthamrganso: as far as i tested :)13:06
gansogouthamr: oh great! thanks!13:06
csababswartz, vponomaryov, ganso, toabctl : can you please review (project-config: Add jobs for Manila glusterfs, glusterfs-native drivers with Heketi layout)? I need a +1 from manila side to get the infra folks approve it.13:07
bswartzcsaba: read my comment13:09
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bswartz^ this has to merge today13:11
gansogouthamr: I think there was some confusion around notify and force-host-copy default values13:11
bswartzrraja ^13:11
gansogouthamr: their default value is true13:11
gansogouthamr: so if you do not specify, they are true13:12
gansogouthamr: wouldn't the purpose of "store_true" be to use True only by specifying --notify when default is False?13:12
rrajabswartz: yes. i'm on it/13:13
gouthamrganso: you could be right.. because every place we use it is when the default option is different13:14
gouthamrganso: you're right. #TIL. thanks!13:18
gansogouthamr: =)13:25
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
openstackgerritTiago Pasqualini da Silva proposed openstack/manila: Fix update_access concurrency issue
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openstackgerritRamana Raja proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Add 'cephx' authentication type
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rrajaganso gouthamr : are you folks fine with this approach to micoversion on the client side to cephx auth type? please see
gansorraja: reading it right now13:41
gouthamrrraja: just commented.. i think the version check can be done inline in the _validate_access_types method13:42
gouthamrrraja: if the url or the parameters (action name) changes, we can redefine the method; my 0.02 :)13:43
mkoderer___gouthamr: btw
gouthamroh awesome mkoderer___ ... we were just talking about this at NetApp this morning!13:48
gouthamrmkoderer___: taking a look :)13:48
mkoderer___gouthamr: you need to thank dgonzalez :)13:49
gouthamryes thanks dgonzalez!13:49
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dgonzalezgouthamr: you're welcome :)13:50
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dgonzalezgouthamr: if you have any issues with it, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm glad to help :)13:55
gouthamrdgonzalez: sure thing, i'll try using this on my devstack. I see you've based this off liberty?13:56
dgonzalezgouthamr: yes, it's based on the official API documentation13:57
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
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gouthamrdgonzalez: do you request a particular microversion?14:04
gouthamrdgonzalez: do you allow* requesting a particular microversion?14:04
dgonzalezgouthamr: no, not at the moment14:05
gouthamrdgonzalez: is it hardcoded to anything, i'm not able to find it in the code..14:06
dgonzalezgouthamr: no it's not hardcoded either. I guess it should be possible to support this, but i have not looked into it yet14:07
gouthamrdgonzalez: can go as an addition.. it would involve sending a header 'X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Version: x.y' with the requests..14:10
gouthamrdgonzalez: if you don't send it, the server always responds with the minimum microversion it supports for that endpoint. which in our case is 2.0 for the /v2 endpoint that we introduced in liberty14:11
gouthamrdgonzalez: i would be in favor of setting it to the release maximum.. (for liberty, it was 2.6) "X-Openstack-Manila-Api-Version: 2.6"14:12
dgonzalezgouthamr: yeah i will look into this. I am currently looking if openstack4j supports nova microversions. If yes it should be easy to "copy" this over to manila14:12
gouthamrdgonzalez: nice! thanks again for all your hard work :)14:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: Annotate CLI commands for experimental features
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csababswartz: /me updated the project-config patch14:34
bswartzcsaba: I'm fine with this change, but I feat it comes too late14:36
bswartzwe have to think in terms of this Heketi driver going into Newton14:37
bswartzI don't see how we're going to get all the patches merged and see positive CI results14:37
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Revert usage of help text marking "admin only" CLIs
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rrajagouthamr: if I follow your approach, how do I get the micro version of the request inside the allow method here Is is just self.api_version?14:47
gouthamrrraja: had a draft that i never finished. will comment on the patch in a minute.14:48
rrajagouthamr: thanks!14:49
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bswartzganso: you here?14:54
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gansobswartz: pong14:55
gansobswartz: just got back from lunch14:56
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bswartzgrrr -- I'm hungry!14:56
bswartzI can't have lunch until after meeting :-(14:56
bswartzganso: you have merge conflict
bswartzlet's get that fixed and workflowed14:57
gansobswartz: thanks, gonna rebase now14:57
gansobswartz: what's the difference between recheck and reverify?14:58
bswartzganso: there is no difference14:59
bswartzganso: the regex matches both strings15:00
rrajagouthamr: my question was not how could I do the version comparison, rather how do I get hold of 'version' object that you use to compare the versions?15:01
bswartzanyone know how to make tegile CI run?15:01
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toabctlbswartz: I guess abhi knows15:03
bswartzI found it15:03
bswartzthe instructions are in the Tegile CI reporting message15:04
bswartz"run tegile"15:04
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dustinsbswartz: Meeting?15:04
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bswartzvponomaryov: meeting?15:20
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bswartzganso: looks like migration is headed for the gate pipeline16:02
gansobswartz: gotta be lucky twice16:04
gansobswartz: in a row16:04
gouthamrganso: description modified.16:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1552771 in python-manilaclient "Single alias action does not support non None default values " [Undecided,New]16:07
gansogouthamr: llama16:08
gansogouthamr: xD16:09
gouthamrganso: autocorrect.16:10
* gouthamr loves llamas, specially the spitting ones16:10
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openstackgerritTin Lam proposed openstack/manila: Moved CORS middleware configuration into oslo-config-generator
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
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rrajaganso: ping16:28
gansorraja: pong16:29
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rrajagouthamr bswartz ganso cknight : the patch, since the deadline is so short are you OK with merging patchset 3 of that patch that just does not microversion else nearly complete (one assert missing). the patchset 3 is much close to being merged16:42
rrajagouthamr bswartz ganso cknight :
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rrajamarkstur_ xyang1 : ^^16:47
xyang1rraja: hi16:51
rrajaxyang1: were you able to look at what I'd posted earlier?16:53
xyang1rraja: not yet16:54
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bswartzrraja: I don't understanding what you're asking17:07
bswartzyou want us to give you a pass on unit tests and you'll do them later?17:08
rrajabswartz: nope!17:08
bswartzwhat is the issue? is there one that's really tough or is there a large number of them missing?17:08
bswartzoh, you want to go back in time to and older patch?17:09
bswartzwill that even work?17:09
rrajabswartz: would you be OK with patchset 3 that is close to complete but just doesn't microversion (which is done in the server side anyway)?17:09
bswartzI haven't reviewed this one so I don't know what the state of patchset 3 was17:09
rrajabswartz: ganso was OK with the idea. can you please take a look at it?17:10
rrajabswartz: there are a large number of unit tests that need to be reshuffled if I continue using the approach I use in my last patch set.17:10
bswartzrraja: I'd rather do it right, even if a FFE is needed17:11
gansobswartz: rraja will not be able to finish in the estimated time he has given you during the meeting17:11
bswartzcan we just tag the client without rraja's patch and give him proper time to fix the tests?17:11
gansobswartz: +1, considering this is most likely a bug than a feature, it could be fixed in M417:12
bswartzhow bad would a user's experience be if he was trying to use the ceph driver without this patch at all?17:12
gansobswartz: I don't think this is necessary to work17:12
bswartzcompared to how bad would be if we went back to patchset 3 and merged that?17:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Move Share Migration code to Data Service
gansobswartz: as far as I understand (please rraja correct me if I am wrong), without this patch: cephx user would send request to server without validation, server validates and responds back with error17:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Add share driver for Tegile IntelliFlash Arrays
rrajaganso: without basic validation, you can't allow access for a share created using the cephfs driver17:14
bswartz:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D17:14
gansobswartz: with this patch: cephx would invoke command, client would validate and show response without having to send request on the server17:14
bswartzmanila M-3 is done!17:14
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gansobswartz: yes! \o/17:14
gansorraja: basic validation is done in the server17:14
gansorraja: doing the same validation in the client just prevents a request from being sent17:15
bswartzrraja: I hear that if we don't merge your change at all, ceph is unusable in the M-3 milestone17:15
bswartzbut perhaps we could fix that by RC-117:15
bswartzso what can do wrong if we merge patchset 317:15
bswartzwhat can go* wrong17:15
rrajabswartz: i think patchset 3 should be OK.17:16
gansobswartz: nevermind, my mistake, it is unusable17:16
rrajaganso: Yes!!! thanks!17:16
gansobswartz: manilaclient has an "else" that will reject anything different than "ip", "user" and "cert"17:17
bswartzwhat was there are patchset 4 and 5 then?17:17
rrajaganso: exactly!17:17
bswartzwhat was the feedback that required more work?17:17
gansobswartz: this change that adds an additional validation of "cephx" access type, in my point of view, should require a microversion adjustment for allow_access in manilaclient17:18
gansobswartz: so, PS 3 was basically almost done, and I asked for this change17:18
bswartzmicroversions are a server thing though17:18
bswartzeither the server bumped the microversion or it didn't17:18
bswartzthe client should just use the correct one17:18
bswartzsorry I don't have the background on this17:19
rrajabswartz: :)17:19
gansobswartz: it is not a matter of the client being in the correct version17:19
rrajabswartz: i too was quite confused with the need for microversioning in the client side.17:19
gansobswartz: but such change on PS 3 was introducing a validation that should not be performed on versions prior to 2.1317:19
gansobswartz: so, if 2.13 is used in client, then it checks for cephx access type, if 2.12 is used, it should not perform such validation, cephx access type should not even exist in this version17:20
gansobswartz: so, I suggested adding such validation.17:21
rrajaganso: can we treat that as a known bug for now?17:22
bswartzthe guys here are out to lunch17:22
bswartzI want to understand how we've been handling similar situations elsewhere in the client17:22
bswartzcfouts did a lot of the client work17:23
rrajacFouts: ^^17:23
bswartzhe's out to lunch rraja17:24
bswartzI'll ask him when he's back17:24
bswartzI guess I'm still confused why adding a microversion check blows up all the tests17:24
gansobswartz: so, one way or another, fixing the "else" clause of manilaclient can be seen as a bug-fixing, which I suppose we can fix in M.417:24
gansobswartz: or this could be seen as a blueprint that adds support... which rraja would need to create, the patch does not have a blueprint yet17:25
gansobswartz: it blows up because manilaclient had validation of access rules in the wrong place since API v117:26
* bswartz sighs17:26
gansobswartz: so, in order to have this validation microversioned, it needs to be moved to the proper place, where unit tests are different, so they blow up17:26
rrajaganso: i used cephfs-driver blueprint for the python-manila client patch.17:27
bswartzokay let me get back to this in 1 second17:27
gansorraja: manilaclient changes require their own blueprint17:27
bswartzganso: you -1 your own patch?
gansobswartz: I am fixing a bug17:27
gansobswartz: it is quick17:27
bswartzhow long until that goes back up?17:27
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bswartzwe have _no_ _time_17:28
gansobswartz: less than 15 minutes17:28
bswartzokay focus on that17:28
bswartzI'm going to read through all the feedback on rraja's patch17:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: Use 'example' instead of 'foo' or 'bar' in help outputs
bswartzokay rraja17:29
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bswartzso if ganso withdraws his -1 for microversion stuff17:30
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bswartzcan you put up a version of patchset 3 that addresses gouthamr's points?17:30
bswartzand then we can review that?17:30
rrajabswartz: sure! just a better assertion was needed.17:31
bswartzokay please do that17:32
bswartzwe'll get ganso and gouthamr to review again17:32
bswartzand another core17:32
gansobswartz: ok17:32
bswartz^ the cursed patch made it in after a rebase17:32
bswartzlast 2 things are ganso's and rraja's patches17:33
bswartzso I'm waiting on you guys17:33
bswartzbefore tagging17:33
bswartzalthough I'm going to the server tag while I wait17:33
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
gansobswartz: ^17:43
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openstackgerritRamana Raja proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Add 'cephx' authentication type
bswartzganso: I see mention of task state here17:51
sghattybswartz, csaba: I was wondering if one of you could quickly take a look at This is a bug that exposes a private variable to public. The fix has been code reviewed by several folks and has one +2, and +1 verification from Jenkins. Missing another +2 and workflow.17:51
bswartzganso: I thought we had planned to remove task state?17:51
gansobswartz: not in Mitaka, we decided this in midcycle, we would remove this once we had a "jobs" table17:51
cknightsghatty: Your bugfix patch can merge in M.4, no?17:53
bswartzcknight: I targetted that bug to rc117:53
cknightbswartz: good17:54
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rrajagouthamr: is there a check for valid protocol on the client side?17:55
gouthamrrraja: apart from the one you added?17:56
sghattycknight, bswartz: M.4, and rc1? - do you know when those dates are? sorry. still trying to get familiar with the deadlines.17:56
gouthamrrraja: don't understand the question..17:56
bswartzsghatty: RC-1 is targeted for 2 weeks from today17:56
bswartzsghatty: M.4 isn't a real thing -- it's just the time period between feature freeze and release for Mitaka17:56
sghattybswartz, thanks for clarifying17:57
bswartzsghatty: your bugfix could get merged today though, if everyone's okay with it17:57
sghattythat would be wonderful.. it's been reviewed by quite a few folks.17:58
gouthamrrraja: ?17:58
* ganso is wondering why Zuul is not running python-manilaclient patches17:59
bswartzganso: .... it is?18:00
rrajagouthamr: i meant protocol, not auth type.18:00
sghattyso, question to the channel - any objections on merging today, as bswartz mentioned?18:00
rrajagouthamr: NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS, HDFS, etc18:00
rrajagouthamr: what I added was an auth type, cephx.18:00
cknightsghatty: fine with me, but we won't hold up the tag for it18:00
gansobswartz: oh, something was wrong with my filter18:01
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gansobswartz: previously I saw it running because of depends on, not it does not have depends-on anymore18:01
gouthamrrraja: no such validation.. but there's some help text that seems to suggest that we only support NFS, CIFS, GlusterFS or HDFS18:01
gouthamrrraja: look in manilaclient/v2/shell.py18:01
rrajagouthamr: can I just add CephFS to it in this patch of mine?18:02
gouthamrrraja: sure.. good point!18:02
sghattycknight, I understand. I think the fix is not risky. so, it wont come to holding up the tag. And it has been reviewed by quite a few folks.18:02
bswartzI want to see the bug in LP before we merge this18:12
bswartzso we don't lose track of the microversion issue18:12
gouthamrrraja: you could add the help text in your bugfix too18:12
openstackgerritRamana Raja proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Add 'cephx' authentication type
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Remove nsenter dependency
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gansobswartz: forgot admin tags in manilaclient18:29
gansobswartz: have to re-add them18:29
bswartzganso: I noticed that18:30
bswartzthanks -- it's good for consistency while we wait for better solution18:30
openstackgerritRamana Raja proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Add 'cephx' authentication type
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* gouthamr caused all those extra patchsets for ganso 8)18:33
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
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gansogouthamr: no problem =)18:41
rrajabswartz: filed the bug. it's here,
openstackLaunchpad bug 1552848 in python-manilaclient "cephx auth type not microversioned in API v2" [High,New] - Assigned to Ramana Raja (rraja)18:42
bswartzganso: pep8 fail18:51
gansobswartz: I should have run tox instead of :\18:53
gansobswartz: thanks for the heads up18:53
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
dustinsHey all, I'm looking to add a column to the Feature Support Mapping page in the docs for thin provisioning18:55
dustinsI was going to just leave the boxes blank and let everyone fill it in at their leisure, but I figured while I was here I could just fill them in for everyone18:56
dustinsIf folks want to tell me whether their drivers support thin provisioning or not, I'll add it to the table!18:57
bswartzrraja: you failed unit tests19:03
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rrajabswartz: I checked. :( i skipped testing one that actually tests for content of a helper string.19:11
rrajabswartz: s/I checked/I checked the zuul console/19:12
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gouthamrrraja: please remove that unit test19:26
gouthamrrraja: it has no value..19:26
gouthamrrraja: please include a note in your commit message about why you're removing the unit test. I would suggest "We should not be asserting the contents of help text, so remove unit test that currently does so" .. :)19:28
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markstur_dustins, yes to thin for 3par.  Thanks.19:31
dustinsmarkstur_: you got it!19:31
gouthamrrraja: feel free to also just remove the protocols from it, if you think that's wiser. either case seems fine.19:32
* markstur_ wonders what else dustins might document for markstur19:33
openstackgerritRamana Raja proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Add 'cephx' authentication type
rrajagouthamr: i'm removing that unit test.19:34
dustinsmarkstur_: Just call me Dustin the Docs Dude19:34
gouthamrrraja: +119:34
rrajagouthamr: i hope that's OK19:34
markstur_dustins, I will not19:34
gouthamrrraja: thanks!19:34
gouthamrthat actually is cool, dustins, 3D for short.19:36
* dustins curses the alliteration he used19:37
dustinsmarkstur_: you're set for that, I'll push up what I have upstream at the end of the day today19:38
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gansobswartz, xyang1, markstur_, cknight, toabctl:
tpsilvaganso: please see my comments on Thank you!19:54
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gansotpsilva: please see my reply20:13
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tpsilvaganso: thank you! will make the change on the exception and file another bug, since it is out of the scope of this patch20:22
tpsilvaganso: I'll work on that as well20:22
gansotpsilva: thanks! =)20:23
tpsilvaganso: and please stay away from irc and gerrit on your time off :)20:23
gansotpsilva: will try =P20:23
bswartzganso: jenkins +1 rraja's change20:24
bswartz1 minute after your comment20:24
gansobswartz: it's time20:24
bswartzneed workflow now20:24
bswartzmarkstur ^20:25
bswartzmarkstur_ ^20:25
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bswartzcknight: ty20:26
bswartzno more rechecks today pls20:27
* bswartz knocks on wood20:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: Added new CLI commands for Share migration
ganso^ \o/20:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: Add 'cephx' authentication type
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ganso^  \o/21:05
gansobswartz: ^21:05
bswartzyes I saw21:05
bswartztagging now21:05
gansobswartz: =D21:05
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bswartzthanks everyone for making Mitaka-3 successful21:08
bswartznow is a good time to take a rest21:09
bswartzbut make it a short rest because RC1 is just 2 weeks away21:09
openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Remove nsenter dependency
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