Thursday, 2017-02-09

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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Use more specific asserts in tests
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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Use more specific asserts in tests
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openstackgerritTommyLike proposed openstack/manila master: Fix: [LVM] Can't extend share with snapshots exist
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openstackgerritBéla Vancsics proposed openstack/manila master: Use more specific asserts in tests
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tommylikehutbarron, bswartz, vponomaryov, could you take a look at this bug fix patch? I think this one is related to mountable snapshot and revert-to-snapshot features.06:11
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vponomaryovtommylikehu: is not finished10:47
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vponomaryovtommylikehu: all drivers that support "extend share" feature are broken now except 2 changed in commit10:48
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vponomaryovtommylikehu: not saying that unit tests are not updated10:49
tommylikehuvponomaryov: yes, you are right. I add comments there , I uploaded this earlier to collect your response.10:50
tommylikehuvponomaryov: I am not sure whether we should treat it as a bug。。。。10:52
vponomaryovtommylikehu: everything that may break resources that you use is a bug10:52
vponomaryoveverything that has unexpected behavior is a bug10:54
tommylikehuvponomaryov: thanks, let me finish that.10:54
vponomaryovtommylikehu: but I didn't check whether you fix it in proper way or not10:54
tommylikehuvponomaryov: maybe :)10:56
gansotommylikehu: please see my comments11:07
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tommylikehuganso, vponomaryov: thanks, before the next patch, I have a question about that.11:08
tommylikehucan we just prevent extending share when have snapshot?11:08
tommylikehudo you have any figure that can point out how many driver would support extend a share when snapshots exist? I heard that our product doesn't support that.11:11
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vponomaryovtommylikehu: yes, if some backends do not support extending having snapshots, we should have possibility to restrict such action11:14
vponomaryovtommylikehu: but it will require one more share "capability" stored in "share DB model" so API could use it11:15
vponomaryovtommylikehu: BUT, "extend" operation is required feature11:16
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tommylikehuvponomaryov: yes, I believe this depends on how many driver support this. if most of the driver does not support this. could we just tell the end user  that.11:17
vponomaryovtommylikehu: so, it is good topic to have discussion about11:17
vponomaryovtommylikehu: also, looks like it has been a problem for long time11:18
tommylikehuvponomaryov: yes, and maybe extend share and extend share with snapshot could be different.11:18
tommylikehuif that is true, we don't need to calculate the quota in snapshot revert either.11:19
vponomaryovtommylikehu: to be able to have better decision on it, we should have concrete knowledge of drivers possibilities in this case11:19
vponomaryovnot drivers, backends in general11:19
tommylikehuvponomaryov: I thought we already have webpage for that.11:20
vponomaryovtommylikehu: I am talking about possibilities of real storages to handle extending in both cases11:21
vponomaryovtommylikehu: we cannot have such webpage11:21
vponomaryovtommylikehu: we allowed extending of shares that have snapshots all the time since implementation of "extend" feature11:22
tommylikehuvponomaryov: ok, that would be great if we can discuss this during this week's meeting.11:24
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Switch base to stable/ocata
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila master: HNAS: Fix concurrency creating/deleting snapshots
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila master: Add Share Migration devref docs
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Add test with creation of share snapshot
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gansovponomaryov: Hi Valeriy. Could you please take a look at ? Thanks in advance13:23
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Switch base to stable/ocata
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Add test with creation of share snapshot
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Add test with creation of share snapshot
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Add test with creation of share snapshot
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openstackgerritLucian Petrut proposed openstack/manila master: Fix Windows SMB helper
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Switch base to stable/ocata
vponomaryovlpetrut: are you aware that windows driver third-party CI does not report results to openstack CI?14:57
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gouthamrbswartz: meeting time15:00
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bswartz--> #openstack-meeting-alt <--15:01
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lpetrutvponomaryov: Hi, yep, thanks for the heads up. We had some issues lately after some hardware updates but as far as I know it should be back up now.15:05
smcginnisbswartz: Good point on that schedule timing.15:05
lpetrutvponomaryov: while the CI was down, the driver got broken by this change: I6e7eca54725d1aef994d617f253e73909a9d8303 I've sent this fix on this topic:
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ianychoitbarron, bswartz hi :)15:44
tbarronianychoi: hi15:44
ianychoi I have been accidently seeing your irc meeting. Everything is fine for I18n?15:45
bswartzianychoi: yes I think so15:45
bswartzguys have we seen any zanata patches lately?15:45
* bswartz goes to look15:45
tbarronianychoi: have you noticed anything wrong?15:46
ianychoiOne thing I would like to tell is that.. could you assign one member for i18n - manila cross project liaison?
bswartzianychoi:  I will ask for volunteers15:46
bswartzI know vponomaryov has done a little translation work15:46
bswartznot sure if the i18n meetings happen at a good time for him15:47
ianychoibswartz, thanks a lot. Yep I have seen that stable/ocata branch sync with manila-ui works pretty well:
bswartzoh yes, the UI project has seen a ton of patches15:47
ianychoibswartz, attending to i18n meeting would not be a requirement. :)15:47
bswartzthank you guys for that15:47
ianychoiIt's my great pleasure. Previously vponomaryov tried to accept more qualitifed translation on Russian. I think he will do i18n - manila cross project liaison well :)15:48
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vponomaryovwait wait wait, contribute to project and be liaison is two big differences16:01
vponomaryovianychoi: where list of responsibilities can be found?16:01
ianychoivponomaryov, hello:
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ianychoivponomaryov, just sharing manila (especially manila-ui) release plan with i18n team.16:03
ianychoiI think actual patching with translation would be optional16:03
ianychoiI think you have more knowledge on syncing with i18n :) Doesn't it, vponomaryov? :)16:04
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vponomaryovianychoi: me? syncing with i18n? more knowledge? it is some mistake )16:06
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ianychoivponomaryov, I meant experience like
gansogouthamr: ping16:11
vponomaryovianychoi: just coincidence , I was just passing by ))16:11
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ianychoivponomaryov, yep becoming you as i18n-manila liaison is just from my proposal. But.. I would like kindly to ask your team to nominate one cross project liaison with i18n team.16:13
vponomaryovianychoi: it is good question for our weekly meeting. Next one will be in 6 days, 22 hours and 47 minutes16:14
ianychoiThere are so many translators but they live in so different area, and I believe that the liaison would help better conversation with i18n and more actual projects whose teams are lots of aware with i18n :)16:15
vponomaryovianychoi: just for clarification, liaison will be assigned to group of projects? not for each of them? For example "manila" and "manila-ui"16:16
ianychoiNow I have been updating the information on and I accidently see manila team meeting. :)16:16
vponomaryovianychoi: someone would say: "It is the Sign!"16:16
ianychoivponomaryov, it would be for per official project so "manila" would be a good idea, but I am fine with just considering with manila-ui :)16:17
ianychoiSince.. I18n now tends to more focus on user facing projects such as horizon and plugin projects16:17
ianychoiI do not want more pressure to i18n cross project liaison members, but I would like to know more on stable branch creation progress from so many different projects.16:18
ianychoiFor example, some horizon plugin projects follow cycle-with-intermidiary release model. I did not know such thing.. sorrily.16:19
gouthamrganso: pong16:19
ianychoiThen.. I18n team needs to more take care of when each project which is interested in translation will have stable branch16:19
ianychoiThis is my main purpose :)16:20
openstackgerritLucian Petrut proposed openstack/manila master: Fix Windows SMB helper
gansogouthamr: Hi Goutham. I noticed there is a adminref folder within the docs folder in manila repo, I am assuming I am not supposed to use that one instead of the admin-guide folder from openstack-manuals16:20
bswartzianychoi: I put it on next week's meeting agenda:
vponomaryovlpetrut, I guess you want this bugfix be backported to Ocata?16:21
gouthamrganso: for now put it in openstack-manuals16:21
gansogouthamr: yes... but I see migration in this page but I do not see migration here
ianychoibswartz, vponomaryov: thanks a lot for considering with I18n! :)16:21
vponomaryovbswartz: is broken windows driver good reason to have RC2?16:21
gansogouthamr: so I am a bit confused16:21
gouthamrganso: i'm following the discussion in the docs team to try to move admin guide into project-repos..16:21
gansogouthamr: oh so they are going to be moved to project repos?16:22
gansogouthamr: why not create doc in project repo already then?16:22
vponomaryovbswartz: and
openstackLaunchpad bug 1663300 in Manila "Broken Windows share helper" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Lucian Petrut (petrutlucian94)16:23
gouthamrganso: they're still working out the details. admin guides are only published from openstack-manuals16:23
gouthamrganso: the one in our repo is linked from within the devref16:23
gansogouthamr: hmmm16:23
gouthamrganso: your file is here:
vponomaryovbswartz: if yes, then we may want to include LVM driver extend share feature fix too16:24
gansogouthamr: why the hell is it named manage-shares-cli ? o_O16:24
gansogouthamr: that would be the name for the user-guide for "manage_share"16:24
lpetrutvponomaryov: yep, I'll send a backport as soon as it merges on master16:31
vponomaryovlpetrut: then it should be marked with "ocata-backport-potential"16:32
gouthamrganso: not sure.. you can delete that file and create a new one..16:34
lpetrutvponomaryov: good point, I've just set the tag. thanks16:34
gansogouthamr: yea I'm renaming it16:34
gansogouthamr: thanks16:34
gouthamrganso: np.. will take a look again at your devref change tonight.. i was seeking more clarification around the process and the options (--writable/nondisruptive)16:35
vponomaryovlpetrut: emmm, where? I was talking about ))16:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1663300 in Manila "Broken Windows share helper" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Lucian Petrut (petrutlucian94)16:36
gansogouthamr: humm please add comments about those if you feel the latest PS should be improved16:36
gansogouthamr: I think I addressed your previous comments16:36
gansogouthamr: or at least I tried to xD16:36
gouthamrganso: sure thing16:36
lpetrutvponomaryov: hmm, for some reason launchpad did not set it, it should be ok now16:37
gansogouthamr: I may not have succeded xD16:37
vponomaryovlpetrut: yes, now it is ok )16:37
vponomaryovlpetrut: welcome to Manila World! ^_^16:37
gouthamrganso: :P16:37
vponomaryovwelcome "back" )16:37
lpetrutvponomaryov: :D16:38
gouthamrvponomaryov: if something doesn't have a reno, you will see a -1 from me. Aren't you getting used to it by now?16:38
vponomaryovgouthamr: ?16:39
vponomaryovgouthamr: your question would be understandable only in case you consider lpetrut's question as mine16:41
gouthamrvponomaryov: grrr.. my bad: "Would not say this worth -1" was on a styling nitpick16:42
gouthamrvponomaryov: but the -1 was for a missing bug/reno16:42
lpetrutgouthamr: vponomaryov: I'm a bit confused about the release notes usage, trivial bug fixes usually don't require release notes but if manila requests so, I can add this16:42
gouthamrlpetrut: i don't believe this is trivial..16:42
vponomaryovlpetrut: fix of broken driver is not "trivial" ))16:42
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lpetrutvponomaryov: gouthamr: well, if you put it that way :D16:43
gouthamr+1 lpetrut: we'd like for your users/deployers to know you fixed the issue with the last milestone/release :)16:43
lpetrutgot it, adding a release note right now. thanks for the clarifications16:44
vponomaryovcaught train that has already left the station? ))16:44
gouthamrin software, there's another train in no time.16:44
gouthamrin some softwares :P16:45
lpetrutthat train some usually comes once every 6 months :)16:45
gansovponomaryov: anything holding back your +W ?
vponomaryovganso: does it block you?16:48
gansovponomaryov: my tester cherry picked the change to complete his tests... so I am just wondering what's holding you back16:49
vponomaryovganso: workflowed, just was giving some time for others16:49
gansovponomaryov: well it is trivial, we agreed trivial changes do not need to wait for 24h16:50
openstackgerritLucian Petrut proposed openstack/manila master: Fix Windows SMB helper
vponomaryovganso: did I say anything about 24h? )16:50
vponomaryovganso: also, tag "trivial" does nto mean it is "really" trivial16:51
vponomaryovso, may require some time16:51
gansovponomaryov: if it doesn't then it is incorrectly tagged16:51
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vponomaryovganso: I mean "trivial" or "not trivial" is dependent on human judgement16:52
vponomaryovlpetrut: "Write in past tense, unless you are writing an imperative statement"16:54
vponomaryovlpetrut: it is from
lpetrutvponomaryov: are you talking about the release note?16:55
vponomaryovlpetrut: yes16:55
vponomaryovlpetrut: also, it is too ambigious16:56
lpetrutvponomaryov: 'has been fixed' sounds like a past tense to me :) I was not sure how much details should be specified there16:56
vponomaryovlpetrut: better to say that creation of access rules was fixed16:56
vponomaryovlpetrut: it is not clear for user what does "helper" do16:57
vponomaryovlpetrut: and should not be required to be clear )16:57
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila master: Add Share Migration devref docs
lpetrutvponomaryov: ok, I'll go with that16:59
lpetrutalthough, in this case, the share creation itself was failing due to the incorrect signature17:00
vponomaryovlpetrut: moreover, it sounds like "windows driver was resurrected"17:01
vponomaryovlpetrut: so, creation of shares and allowing/denying access was fixed from user-point-of-view17:01
lpetrutwell, that wouldn't be far from truth unfortunately. I'm not really sure what's the story about share access rules, we did have some issues on this some time ago but those were fixed in Newton17:04
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openstackgerritLucian Petrut proposed openstack/manila master: Fix Windows SMB helper
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gouthamrbswartz: for some more "formatted" etherpads: https://ethercalc.openstack.org17:24
bswartzjust a spreadsheet version of etherpad?17:24
gouthamrbswartz: yeah... probably if you ever felt like our etherpad need better formatting17:25
bswartzwhat etherpad needs is to be indexed by google17:26
bswartzanything you write on an etherpad can't be searched by search engines17:26
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gansogouthamr: it does not show different colors for other users17:27
gouthamrbswartz: that'd be bad.. we love etherpads too much, we sometimes let designs just sit there instead of in specs and real documentation17:27
gansogouthamr: nor their names17:27
gouthamrganso: ah.. you're right17:28
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bswartzI don't like how easy it is to vandalize etherpads17:31
bswartznot that it happens much, but the threat of it makes it a poor choice for some kinds of information17:31
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gansogouthamr: also graph functionality is not working very well for me17:36
gouthamrganso:  i didn't explore it completely. we need to file bugs :P17:37
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gansogouthamr: file bugs in ethercalc? :P17:42
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gansobswartz, gouthamr: btw my team mate found a rather nasty bug in python-manilaclient17:45
gansobswartz, gouthamr: how do RCs work for those?17:45
bswartzganso: there are no RCs for libs, just fix it in master and we'll backport it and issue a stable release17:46
gansobswartz: cool, thanks17:46
bswartzganso: the part I don't know is if we can get a requirements update in stable/ocata17:46
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bswartzbut as long as u-c.txt is high enough the bugfix will actually get picked up and used17:46
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gouthamrganso: how nasty?17:47
gansogouthamr: #link
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662988 in python-manilaclient "Extra-specs are shown with incorrect values for non-admin tenants" [Undecided,New]17:47
gouthamrganso: not nasty17:48
gouthamrganso: that's by design, lol17:48
gansogouthamr: whaaa?17:48
gouthamrganso: "optional public extra-specs" are special in manila17:49
gouthamrganso: quoting from cknight's spec from a long time ago17:49
gansogouthamr: my team mate was so confused that he did not define an extra-spec so it has the don't care behavior... but the user does not see the don't care behavior17:49
gouthamrganso: if you don't request them, shares created can be put on backends that may or may not support the feature you requested17:49
gansogouthamr: the user sees it as "False"17:49
bswartzganso: that's how it's designed17:50
gouthamrganso: but the user will always see it as "False", i.e, not capable of that extra-spec17:50
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bswartzif you don't ask for it, you don't get it17:50
gansogouthamr: but the scheduler does not behave according to what's shown there17:50
gouthamrganso: the bug is that we didn't document it probably17:50
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bswartz"don't care" means the share can get scheduled anywhere and the user can't use the feature no matter where the share lands -- if that's not what the admin intends then the admin needs to select True or False17:51
gouthamrganso: doesn't behave accordingly?17:51
gouthamrganso: ^ bswartz said it better17:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Optimize opposite driver modes migration test
gansobswartz, gouthamr: thing is, if the admin says a share_type has revert_to_snapshot_support=False, means it can only land in a backend that has that extra-spec False17:52
bswartzganso: correct17:52
gansobswartz, gouthamr: that is not a don't care17:52
bswartzganso: correct17:52
bswartzwhere is the confusion then?17:53
gansobswartz, gouthamr: so when the tenant user is using command "type-list", he is seeing like that, instead of not seeing the extra-spec defined17:53
gansobswartz, gouthamr: if the admin uses "type-list", the admin sees it correctly, the extra-spec is not shown, thus "don't care behavior", omitted17:53
bswartzganso: yes that's also what we designed17:54
bswartzbasically end users can't tell the difference between False and don't care because from their perspective they're exactly the same17:54
gansobswartz: showing different output like this is very confusing17:55
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gansobswartz: it is like overloading the meaning of type-list17:55
bswartzganso: it's only confusing if you expect end users and admins to have the same view17:55
bswartzganso: we decided that they should have different views17:56
bswartzperhaps it would have been more clear to split the API entirely so there were different APIs for admins17:56
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gansobswartz: yes, perhaps so17:57
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bswartzwe inherited some API/CLI design from cinder here, as well as some of cinder's traditions around extra specs, but we also decided to make some manila-specific changes17:58
bswartzwe never took a step back and asked how we would have designed these APIs from scratch though17:59
gouthamrganso: responded to the bug report with the info17:59
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gansogouthamr: thanks18:00
marksturshould have a #blamecinder tag ^18:00
gansomarkstur: +118:01
bswartzmarkstur: +118:01
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Add test with creation of share snapshot
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Restarting gerrit due to performance problems20:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Switch base to stable/ocata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: [Grenade] Add test with creation of share snapshot
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