Wednesday, 2020-04-01

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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Support query user message by timestamp
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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila-specs master: the message-list command now support filter since and before.
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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila master: Support query user message by timestamp
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Update hacking for Python3
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F632
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F841
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F601
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F601
openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila master: Support query user message by timestamp
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E241
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Update hacking for Python3
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F632
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F841
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F601
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E241
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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila master: Support query user message by timestamp
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E226
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E117
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E305
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openstackgerritJose Castro Leon proposed openstack/manila master: Fixes pool capabilities reported on CephFS driver
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E741
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AJaegermanila cores, somehow you missed all the coding checks in hacking, please review the stack above ^11:29
AJaegerI broke my initial change into smaller pieces to easily verify and review them11:30
tbarronAJaeger: will do, and thakns for the fixes!11:30
AJaegertbarron, thanks!11:30
AJaegerone more will come - but first I'd like to get some feedback whether this is fine11:31
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila-image-elements master: Update hacking for Python3
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Update hacking for Python3
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Update hacking for Python3
AJaegerso, that should cover all of manila repos. I'll continue on manila itself later.11:52
tbarronAJaeger: I really appreciate you splitting the manila fixes into separate gerrit reviews, makes it all much easier to check.11:53
AJaegertbarron: the first one was so large and failed - splitting it up was the best way to bisect ;)11:54
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E731
AJaegertbarron: I answered on - this is a broken Zuul change reporting12:25
tbarronAJaeger:k, thanks12:29
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix W605
AJaegerfinal one ^12:38
AJaegertbarron: any idea what's up with manila-ui? is failing tests and that looks unrelated12:39
vkmcAJaeger, I can look into manila ui o/12:49
tbarronvkmc: thanks, on the face of it, seems unrelated -- maybe try a null patch?12:50
vkmctbarron, yes, was about to do that12:50
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AJaegerthanks, vkmc !12:54
tbarronvkmc: when I run 'rm -rf .tox; tox -epy37' on manila-ui with nod changes locally it's OK, same if I cherry-pick the change first13:02
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila-ui master: [DNM] Testing Manila UI gates
vkmctbarron, same, let's see what happens with the gate with the null change13:13
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openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: Create share from snapshot in another pool or backend
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openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: Create share from snapshot in another pool or backend
AJaegervkmc, tbarron, the null change failed as well ;(14:22
tbarronAJaeger: ack, guess we can't blame you this time :D14:22
AJaegertbarron: Uff ;)14:23
vkmcyes, it wasn't you AJaeger :)14:33
vkmcI'm on a meeting now, but will debug afterwards14:33
AJaegervkmc: thanks - don't stress over it...14:33
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gouthamrtbarron: josecastroleon's not around, but i left a comment in - since we haven't shipped that bugfix yet, i'd be okay reverting the change and re-working it in light of
openstackLaunchpad bug 1870105 in Manila "CephFS driver wrongly reports pool capabilities" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Jose Castro Leon (jose-castro-leon)15:42
gouthamrtbarron: what do you think?15:42
tbarrongouthamr: we can revert or he can just submit a fix for the fix15:45
tbarrongouthamr: just handle a list, right?15:46
tbarronwhere he was expecting a bool15:46
tbarrongouthamr: certainly if we don't think a fix will be forthcoming soon we could revert15:47
gouthamrtbarron: yes, the condition should expect a bool or a list of bools - if we changed the check he's conducting to invoke this: we'd be good15:50
gouthamrtbarron: cool, i'll ask on the patch - it'd be good to backport it as one patch or together15:50
tbarrongouthamr: i anticipate that he'll jump right on it15:50
tbarronif for some reason not, then we can do it15:51
gouthamrtbarron: ack15:51
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Revert "Remove provisioned calculation on non thin provision backends"
cvm_Hi all, I just installed Manila, but I get an error while creating a share. In /var/log/manila/share.log  I see the following: ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server BadRequest: The requested availability zone is not available (HTTP 400)17:34
cvm_I this a nova or a storage message?17:34
gouthamrHi cvm_: depends - are you specifying an AZ during share creation?17:35
gouthamrcvm_: if the message is in /var/log/manila/share.log, it appears that you may have a config issue ...17:35
cvm_Hi gouthamr, I don't specify an AZ during share creation. An AZ list returns only the nova share. I don't have a nova AZ on compute, renamed it to other AZ's.17:38
gouthamrcvm_: okay, that may be your problem.. you seem to be using the generic share backend driver - this uses cinder to provide the backing storage and nova to create a NAS server17:39
gouthamrcvm_: so, this backend's AZ should match the AZ you have on cinder and nova17:39
cvm_Ah, on Cinder I have nova, but not on Nova... Indeed I'm using the generic share backend driver. Is it possible to define a different AZ? And must it be the same for both cinder and nova?17:41
cvm_gouthamr: I expected manila to use the nova scheduler for creating the manila instance, but this is not the case?17:46
gouthamrcvm_: unfortunately no, it will seek the specific AZ17:46
gouthamrcvm_: do you have the config magic to allow cross az attaches in cinder17:47
gouthamrcvm_: the option seems to be in nova.conf's [cinder] section - i ask because that's something we don't support today17:49
gouthamrcvm_: manila will request a nova instance in the specific AZ manila knows about... (default "nova")17:50
cvm_gouthamr: I'm still running Rocky, I guess I'm not able to use that17:50
cvm_gouthamr: I just enable a node in the nova AZ, so that's available (for testing). Now I have the following: ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server ServiceInstanceException: Instance <ID> failed to reach active state in 300 seconds. Current status: ERROR.17:51
cvm_gouthamr: It took by far less than 300 seconds...17:52
gouthamrcvm_: oh that is weird, the timer is set to loop/wait for a timeout, which is 300 seconds by default:
gouthamrcvm_: do you see any other debug logging?17:56
gouthamrcvm_: if you're trying this on a test env, i'd suggest cleaning up any shares and share servers in "error" state and retrying to see if this happens again17:57
cvm_gouthamr: yes, when I show the instance it mentions "No valid host was found.". I cannot find it in any log file (manila/nova)17:58
cvm_gouthamr: I have the same when spawning a regular instance in Nova. I'll figure that out first. Thank you very much for your help!18:02
gouthamrcvm_: ack, sure thing18:02
gouthamrcvm_: just out of curiosity, are you trying to use manila's generic driver in your production cloud?18:04
cvm_gouthamr: yes indeed, share_driver = manila.share.drivers.generic.GenericShareDriver18:07
openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Fix pyScss version in lower-constraints.txt
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila-ui master: [DNM] Testing Manila UI gates
dviroelhey gouthamr20:42
gouthamrhey dviroel20:42
dviroelgouthamr:  I'm trying to skip the new create_from_snapshot filter and host_affinity weigher when creating share-replicas20:43
dviroelgouthamr: a test that is failing on zuul show me that20:44
dviroelsince the active-replica is a share created from snapshot20:44
dviroelwas looking for a request-spec attr do check for20:44
dviroelmaybe "request_spec['active_replica_host']", any tips?20:46
gouthamrdviroel: hmm, that might work20:48
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gouthamrdviroel: currently, aren't you checking for share_ref['snapshot_id']?20:52
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dviroelgouthamr: yes, only for snapshot_id20:53
dviroelgouthamr: creating a replica from a share created from snapshot is also giving me a snapshot_id20:54
gouthamrdviroel: you mean creating a replicated share..20:54
gouthamrlemme think..20:54
gouthamrdviroel: why is a replicated share different though?20:56
dviroelgouthamr: this test: manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_replication_snapshots.ReplicationSnapshotTest.test_create_replica_from_snapshot_share20:57
gouthamrdviroel: i mean, it still could be scheduled across backends?20:57
gouthamrdviroel: cool, and what fails?20:58
dviroelgouthamr: yes. its a replica creation, but its being filtered and weighted by create_from_snapshot  filter and host_affinity weigher20:59
dviroelgouthamr: because it has a parent snapshot-id21:00
dviroelgouthamr: because the active replica was created from a snapshot21:00
gouthamrdviroel: so the replica of a cloned share fails to be scheduled?21:00
dviroelits failing because now the 'snapshot_host' is missing21:01
dviroel*because the 'snapshot_host' is missing21:01
dviroelinstead of just checking this attr, I was thinking that this filter/weigher should be skipped for replicas.21:02
dviroelbecause its not their porpouse21:02
dviroelwhat do you think?21:02
gouthamrdviroel: step back for a sec with me, i'm a bit slow21:02
gouthamrdviroel: if there is no "snapshot_host", doesn't it mean that the source is not a snapshot21:03
gouthamrdviroel: - if there's no snapshot_host, you should return True21:04
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dviroelgouthamr: yes, there is no snapshot_host because we are not adding it when creating share-replicas.21:06
gouthamrdviroel: yes, so that filter must bail out and allow the host21:07
dviroelgouthamr: also works fine. I was considering make sure that is a replica, before return True21:07
dviroelgouthamr: yeah, was trying to complicate this21:08
dviroelgouthamr: ty21:08
gouthamrdviroel: you're welcome21:09
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dviroelis there a way of limiting how many cores tox uses for running unit tests?21:44
gouthamrdviroel: you mean stestr?
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Update hacking for Python3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F632
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F841
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix F601
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Hacking: Fix E241
dviroelgouthamr: yeah, tks22:35
openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: Create share from snapshot in another pool or backend
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openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Improve create share from snapshot functionality

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