Thursday, 2020-09-24

openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Fix export location sent to manage share operation
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Fix logic that determines a share exists before manage
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Fix logic that determines a share exists before manage
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Fix export location sent to manage share operation
openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-manila master: Prepare Victoria RC1
openstackgerritMaAoyu proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Remove install unnecessary packages
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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila master: Add generic fuzzy matching logic to the database layer
openstackgerritMaAoyu proposed openstack/manila master: Fix wrong totalcount returned by share listing query
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openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/manila-ui stable/victoria: Update .gitreview for stable/victoria
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/manila-ui stable/victoria: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/victoria
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Update master for stable/victoria
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Add Python3 wallaby unit tests
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openstackgerritMaAoyu proposed openstack/manila master: Fix wrong totalcount returned by share listing query
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openstackgerritAndre Beltrami proposed openstack/manila master: [DOC] Add admin documentation for share revert to snapshot
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openstackgerritAndre Beltrami proposed openstack/manila master: [DOC] Add admin documentation for share revert to snapshot
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: dnf: Correctly configure repos
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: zuul: Add devstack-plugin-ceph-tempest-fedora-latest NV job
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: zuul: Add devstack-plugin-ceph-tempest-fedora-latest NV job
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Use the py3 el8 RPMs on Fedora
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui stable/victoria: Update .gitreview for stable/victoria
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui stable/victoria: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/victoria
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui master: Update master for stable/victoria
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dviroeltbarron: o/14:35
tbarrondviroel: hey14:36
dviroeltbarron: hey, i believe that our gate is broken until got merged14:37
dviroellvm is failing on Focal14:38
tbarrondviroel: ok, thanks, i'll hold of rechecking other jobs14:38
dviroeltbarron: np, tks14:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui master: Add Python3 wallaby unit tests
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Keep few integration jobs running on Bionic
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openstackgerritAndre Beltrami proposed openstack/manila master: [DOC] Add admin and user documentation for share revert to snapshot
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui master: Remove install unnecessary packages
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila-test-image master: [DNM] Testing CI
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: [DOC] Add admin and user documentation for share revert to snapshot
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gouthamrvkmc: i can haz your +2 back on ? :)17:04
vkmcgouthamr, of course17:05
gouthamrvkmc++ ty17:05
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gansocarloss and dviroel: please see
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: zuul: Add devstack-plugin-ceph-tempest-fedora-latest NV job
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Do not run dnf update -y after configuring ceph repos
gansoAlso, is there anywhere where the logic related to this has arealdy changed? is it only here ? sorry if I missed that behavioral change and it has already merged17:38
gansoalso ping gouthamr on as he is the committer17:40
dviroelganso: o/17:40
dviroeli believe that the manage issue was only
dviroelreplace the key 'export_location' by 'export_location_path'17:42
dviroelthen I started the discussion why include the share_type_id in the filter17:42
gouthamrganso: hey, I agree we can explore the optimization suggested in point #217:43
dviroelyour point regarding the 'host' make sense to me17:43
gansodviroel: right, the share_type_id doesn't make sense to be there. I don't remember why it was there in the first place17:43
gouthamrganso: i don't understand point #117:44
gouthamr" if there are 2 backends with shares that were created outside of manila (hence why they are being managed), and they are named the same, isn't this going to fail?17:44
gansogouthamr: by filtering based on 'host' we don't allow duplicate export locations on the same backend, but we do allow on separate different backend, as they are no relation to each other, so no reason why they cannot be the same. Using virtual IPs and virtual networks it is possible that they can be named the same way17:45
gouthamrganso: so you have two backends on the same network with a share that is named the same?17:45
gansogouthamr: not on the "same" network, but with identical CIDRs, with identical IPs, named the same way17:46
gansothinking of it in a public cloud environment, makes it even more likely to be possible17:48
gouthamrganso: hmmm, there's a possibility - but the degree of randomness we ensure doesn't allow for this17:48
gansogouthamr: are we enforcing that export locations are renamed after being managed?17:48
gouthamrganso: that's the contract, but we're not enforcing it17:49
gouthamrganso: there is a proposed unimplemented test case iirc17:49
gansogouthamr: oh ok, then if there is a contract and it is expected that they are renamed, ok, they will never collide. So we can pursue only #2 (which is even easier if we don't check the host)17:49
gouthamr -- (this needs to be updated)17:52
gouthamrwe don't mention that here and "After the previously existing share is registered in manila, it is completely controlled by manila and should not be handled externally anymore." makes sense, but doesn't make a requirement for drivers17:52
gouthamrnor is it mentioned here:
gansoright, so the case where 2 different shares exist in // is still possible, not enforced, and seems like we are not adivising that as well. Therefore we may need to handle this situation otherwise it could become a bug, someone will could come and say "hey why can't I managed 2 shares named my_share?" if this is not handled17:55
gouthamryeah, i can add the host check back17:56
gansofor the NetApp and Container drivers DHSS=True manage/unmanage I don't remember if it was renamed. I think it is possible that the container driver is not renaming, I remember having this discussion in the past17:56
gouthamrit's an esoteric situation, but possible - and i don't mean to make an API change..17:57
gansogouthamr: about I don't agree with the change (or I don't understanding it completely). We've agreed in the past that manage_error should only be unmanageable, not deletable17:58
gansogouthamr: thanks! easier to just update the docs then17:59
gouthamrganso: yeah i'd think so - but, i'm trying to think - specifically in case of DHSS=True, this different-network, same CIDRs becomes prominent, so i wonder if we must dedupe with share_server_id as well?18:01
gansogouthamr: that was my thought back then, but we always have UUIDs, we will never need to dedupe18:03
ganso*if we always have UUIDs18:03
ganso(re: delete manage_error) because whatever share we try to delete will invoke the delete path of the driver, and that could potentially delete the actual share. IIRC lseki and I tested this in the lab and we could get real shares deleted, because we could never be sure why the manage_error failed18:04
gouthamrganso: yes, can't be sure that's what all share drivers are doing - we're removing a guardrail in effect with this change, and it will be back-ported18:04
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gouthamrganso: yeah, re: delete manage_error i agree - haixin's issues were around quota calculations -18:06
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gouthamrunmanaging does reset the quota, so i think that's a good workflow - i wonder if the confusion arose because it wasn't documented well18:08
gansogouthamr: thanks! I -1'ed both of his patches.18:09
gansoand sorry again gouthamr and dviroel from popping in and asking all those questions, a lot of stuff has been changing since the last time I knew those parts of the code like the back of my hand. Indeed I could have spent some time searching the docs or re-reading the code. I will try to do that last time. I saw the patch already with +W and went a bit desperate lol18:12
gansotry to do that *next time18:12
* ganso gets more dyslexic as he gets older18:13
gouthamrheh, thank you for reviewing :) all of these were good remarks!18:13
gouthamrganso: older? you're going the wrong direction - turn back18:14
gansogouthamr: I miss those architectural discussions of ours =)18:15
dviroelganso: hey, was everything intentional, just to get your attention :)18:16
dviroelganso: lol, thanks for your review man18:17
gouthamrganso: hey come to the PTG - i'm still fun to argue with, i make a point and derail a discussion, and dviroel tries to tell me i'm wrong in a very gentleman-ly way18:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Keep few integration jobs running on Bionic
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dviroelgouthamr: ^18:27
gouthamrgood news, lets get the qos rechecked, and hold on the manage one18:28
gouthamrheh, jinx dviroel18:29
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Fix logic that determines a share exists before manage
gouthamrtbarron: o/ so the errors in manila-test-image are identical - the build's currently broken, and the new job fails at exactly the same place: compare with
gouthamrtbarron: looks like we need to debug the image building (if we care)19:48
gouthamrtbarron: but the job can be fixed up prior to that.. :)19:49
tbarrongouthamr: ack19:50
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tbarrongouthamr: manila-image-elements is independent of release cycles20:28
tbarrongouthamr: are you aiming to get the job fixed in this time frame anyways?20:29
gouthamrtbarron: this is for manila-test-image20:29
gouthamrtbarron: yes, i think so; don't expect anything to break if we don't transition, except its a bit cleaner/leaner code to maintain20:30
gouthamrtbarron: tosky puts it as low-prio because it doesn't involve devstack-gate :)20:30
tbarronso that's even *more* independent, nopt in deliverables at all20:30
tbarroniiuc you are proposing that we merge and visit the (independent) build failures later20:32
tbarronI'm ok with that, just want to make sure I understand.20:32
tbarronAdded my +2, you can workflow or ping me.20:33
tbarronGood cleanup.20:34
openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/manila-test-image master: DNM - testing with current buildroot
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gouthamrgreat, ty tbarron21:53
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gouthamr"test_manage_invalid_param_manage_error" - has a weird test case22:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-test-image master: Drop legacy-base from manila-test-image-build
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/manila-test-image master: DNM - testing with current buildroot
gouthamrdviroel: o/23:01
gouthamrdviroel: if you're still around, it looks like needs some focus; we have a failing test which, imo could be improved - but i don't want to delay RC for this issue23:02
gouthamrdviroel: i'm interested in your view however.. lets keep talking on the review23:02
gouthamrwith the rest of the bugfixes deferred, i'm waiting on to merge before requesting the RC23:03
openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/manila-test-image master: DNM - testing with current buildroot
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Improve Adaptive QoS functionality

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