Thursday, 2021-03-11

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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Implement secure RBAC for shares
openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add functional tests for add/update security service feature
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Implement secure RBAC for shares
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Implement secure RBAC for shares
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Clean up some policy code
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Part 6 - Add RBAC protection tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Fix security service configuration for LDAP servers
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openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: Add security service update for in-use share networks
openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add functional tests for add/update security service feature
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila master: Update cephfs drivers to use ceph-mgr client
openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Add support for FPolicy native mode
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila master: Update cephfs drivers to use ceph-mgr client
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gouthamrvkmc: o/ so these patches won't be ready today, likely?16:04
vkmcgouthamr, yes, they will be ready today16:04
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vkmcgouthamr, is that ok to submit them and send a ffe email afterwards?16:04
gouthamrvkmc: yes. FFE is a good plan since these improvements are necessary for the longevity of the driver16:05
gouthamrvkmc: by submit you mean upload to review?16:06
vkmcgouthamr, yes16:06
gouthamrvkmc: oh, nothing stopping you from doing that :D16:06
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gouthamra couple of feature patches in manila-ui:
gouthamrvkmc: i know you're both strapped for time - what is your feeling about these ^16:10
vkmcgouthamr, do we have until EOD today to review those?16:16
gouthamryes we do16:16
gouthamrpast dinner time for disap though - if we find any issues, lets see if we can do without a new PS - we can file bugs and fix them by RC16:17
vkmcthe resize share one looks fine to me16:17
vkmcthe sleep instruction is still there16:17
vkmcbut that shouldn't impact negatively on horizon16:18
vkmcat least, that's what we could understand from discussing with the horizon team16:18
gouthamri'll take a look now before stepping into dviroel security service land16:18
gouthamrcarloss: any chance you can help with
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carlossyeah, sure gouthamr16:27
gouthamrTy carloss !16:28
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [ci] Temporarily set docs job to non-voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient master: Correctly pass mTLS certificate/key to HTTPClient
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Add example of logging setting for Manila
* gouthamr ironic that the docs job passes on a patch that seeks to set it to non-voting because it fails ¯\_(ツ)_/¯17:54
dviroelit must fails to get a W+118:02
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila master: Update cephfs drivers to use ceph-mgr client
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Enable testing Ceph Pacific
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: [DNM] Enable testing Ceph Pacific
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila master: Update cephfs drivers to use ceph-mgr client
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui master: Add example of logging setting for Manila
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: [ci] Temporarily set docs job to non-voting
gouthamrpraise be to zuul20:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Stable jobs: run the tests on victoria, remove stein
tbarrongouthamr: :D20:47
openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Implement security service update
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila master: Add create share from snapshot in CephFS
openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Implement security service update
dviroelgouthamr carloss regarding the bug that carthaca found while testing share server limits (
dviroelthe issue seems to happen when the new host is equal to parent's host21:22
dviroelbut the new share from snapshot ends up on a different share server21:23
dviroelthe driver fails on volume-clone operation21:23
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dviroelsince victoria we added more logic to validate share servers in 'choose_share_server_compatible_with_share'21:24
dviroelso, this scenario might happen if the share server is not healthy at the moment21:24
dviroelthis is another test that I can do and see if it will fail on create from snapshot21:26
gouthamri see, so its possible today that the driver doesn't include the source share server at all?21:26
dviroellooking at the code, it is possible to happen. But the driver code expects that, if both 'hosts' are equal, the share from snapshot is in the same share server21:27
dviroeli will try to reproduce this behavior here21:29
gouthamrgreat thanks, it'd be nice for it to not be a limitation -> volmove-then-rehost is pretty cool logic; it'd be nice if that was repurposed to volmove-if-necessary-and-rehost-if-necessary21:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Add support for FPolicy native mode
gouthamrdviroel: o/ too late in your day, but i'm done looking through the core code, it's in pretty good shape, i've suggested some things in line23:00
gouthamrdviroel: i'll request a delay on python-manilaclient and review
dviroelgouthamr: great, thanks for reviewing it23:01

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