Thursday, 2021-07-08

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opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Optimize the query logic for share network list
ignaziocassanoHello, please help me on manila, What is changed on generic driver with DHSS True from stein to wallaby ? On wallaby the service instance is not created08:14
opendevreviewArchana Kumari proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add --wait flag to the create share group operation
opendevreviewDmitrii Galkin proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Add Share Affinity/Anti-Affinity Scheduler Filters
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/wallaby: Handle service client authorization errors
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/wallaby: init_host should be called before RPC consumer is created
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/wallaby: Updates CephFS drivers docs
gouthamrvhari: you can assign this to me/vkmc - i just cherry-picked vkmc's change15:47
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/wallaby: Updates CephFS drivers docs
vharigouthamr, done15:58
gouthamrsimondodsley: was just chatting with slawek and tbarron about this devstack issue17:25
gouthamrtbarron said some extra local.conf changes were required17:26
simondodsleytbarron: gouthamr: ok - great - what are they?17:27
gouthamrslawek mentioned pinging Lucas Gomez on #openstack-neutron if we're still having issues - he's most familiar with devstack's ovn setup17:28
simondodsleygouthamr: I'll try the additional `local.conf` changes first...17:31
tbarronsimondodsley: gouthamr: here's a local.conf with ovn 17:55
tbarronthat I use but its origin was somewhat trial and error, not sure I can explain it all or17:56
tbarronhow generalizable it is17:56
simondodsleytbarron: Thanks - I'll play with it in the CI17:56
tbarronsimondodsley: gouthamr the main thing to notice is that the neutron services are different17:57
gouthamrthanks tbarron 17:57
tbarronoh, discard that, cut-paste error17:57
gouthamri didn't see any overrides in the pure storage ci job17:57
gouthamrso; the services that the devstack-tempest job enables should be running even in this job17:58
gouthamrsimondodsley: another thing to check is to depend on "manila-tempest-plugin-base" instead of directly on "devstack-tempest"17:58
gouthamrsimondodsley: that way, you don't have to redefine a bunch of overrides we're already doing17:59
gouthamrand you can get any fixes we'll make by default 17:59
tbarronyeah, this is more for local dev env so I can't just inherit18:00
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simondodsleytbarron: the only major diffs I see are you have `NEUTRON_CREATE_INITIAL_NETWORKS="False"` and install `neutron_dynamic_routing`, but are those required for your CEPH environment?18:17
tbarronsimondodsley: I *think* I only need the neutron_dynamic_routing when testing with IPv619:05
tbarronsimondodsley: And I'm not 100% certain, but seem to remember that I needed to set NEUTRON_CREATE_INITIAL_NETWORKS to false and set explicit values for the various net ranges and gateways to get devstack to come up right19:07
tbarronsimondodsley: but honestly this was trial and error and I can't say I understand what devstack is doing here well19:07
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