Thursday, 2021-08-12

opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila-ui master: fix get share access rules failed
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila-ui master: fix get share access rules failed
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila-ui master: fix get share access rules failed
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila-ui master: WIP: API 2.64, adds share recycle bin.
opendevreviewLiron Kuchlani proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Use local variable instead of instance variable
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opendevreviewLiron Kuchlani proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Use local variable instead of instance variable
opendevreviewGeorge Melikov proposed openstack/manila-image-elements master: Fix typo for manilauser-ssh-authorized-keys
opendevreviewGeorge Melikov proposed openstack/manila-image-elements master: Allow to set MANILA_USER_AUTHORIZED_KEYS
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-manila stable/wallaby: Drop tenant_id templating from v2 endpoint
opendevreviewLiron Kuchlani proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Use local variable instead of instance variable
opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/manila master: [Pure Storage] Honour the share_name_template parameter
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gouthamrkafilat: be there in a couple of mins :)16:02
kafilatgouthamr: np16:05
opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/manila master: WIP: Add Pure Storage FlashArray driver
vkmckafilat, gouthamr, joining a bit16:36
simondodsleyRandom question: the cinder project supports active/active controllers. Does Manila support this configuration? If so does it require any special settings in the config file? Cinder requires a parameter called `cluster`.17:04
gouthamrsimondodsley: nope, not yet18:28
gouthamrsimondodsley: we do intend to do that soon, possibly in the yoga release18:28
gouthamrsimondodsley: there are folks that use manila-share active/active today without clustering backends and much coordination in the share manager process - but its not a recommended configuration because we have not tested this at scale18:29
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opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: handle replica state on migration complete
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: handle replica state on migration complete

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