Thursday, 2023-07-06

opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add share backup tests.
suyeongouthamr: sounds good! see you at 213:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila-specs master: Allow locking shares against deletion
opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: [WIP][DNM] Remote Ceph with cephadm
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Access rule visibility and deletion restrictions
gouthamr suyeon o/18:02
gouthamrsuyeon: I’ll start a Google meet now; feel free to add anyone that you think would be interested to attend18:02
opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: [OSC] Add OSC Functional Tests Snapshot Instances
opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: [WIP][DNM] Remote Ceph with cephadm
carloss - recording for share backups collab review is available18:58
carlossthanks felipe_rodrigues :D18:58
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-manila stable/2023.1: Add per module policy service refresh

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