Friday, 2024-03-08

opendevreviewChuan Miao proposed openstack/manila master: Improve scheduler performance on thin provisioning
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila master: Add doc for service disable reason
opendevreviewSolomon Barine Akpuru proposed openstack/manila master: Forbid resetting state of active replicas
opendevreviewSolomon Barine Akpuru proposed openstack/manila master: Forbid resetting state of active replicas
*** a_liz[m] is now known as ElizabethAdhiambo[m]11:37
ElizabethAdhiambo[m]Hello my name is Elizabeth Adhiambo an outreachy applicant Interested in the manilla dashboard project.11:47
opendevreviewSolomon Barine Akpuru proposed openstack/manila master: Forbid resetting state of active replicas
opendevreviewchristian okeke proposed openstack/manila master: Fix the link to get the next share replica
opendevreviewchristian okeke proposed openstack/manila master: Fix the link to get the next share replica
*** carloss_ is now known as carloss13:15
opendevreviewchristian okeke proposed openstack/manila master: Add delete CLI helper to ShareCommands
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila master: Add support for share/snapshot deferred deletion
opendevreviewGireesh Awasthi proposed openstack/manila master: Implement the share backup for NetApp driver
opendevreviewSolomon Barine Akpuru proposed openstack/manila master: Forbid resetting state of active replicas
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila master: Human readable export location core implementation
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Change admin metadata config option name
sheerohHello, I would like to join the Openstack_outreachy channel, please assist on how I can do so. Thanks.19:05
clarkbsheeroh: how did you join this channel? It should be a similar process but you change the name to openstack-outreachy instead of openstack-manila19:07
gouthamrsheeroh: hi there; just like you joined this channel, it looks like you're using the webchat feature on OFTC, you can join the outreachy channel here:
sheerohThank you19:10
gouthamrsheeroh: do remember, web chat doesn't persist your connection.. you could close your web browser and you'd drop off.. this is usually okay; but if you're chatting with folks across time zones, you should be prepared for async communication.. so pay attention to logs in case you drop off and someone has responded to you after you drop off: (all official OpenStack channels are logged here) 19:11
opendevreviewGireesh Awasthi proposed openstack/manila master: Implement the share backup for NetApp driver
opendevreviewSolomon Barine Akpuru proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: add "--wait" option for snapshot create/revert/delete commands
tspyderboy[m]Hi gouthamr... (full message at <>)20:11
gouthamrtspyderboy[m]: what does "journalctl -xeu devstack@etcd.service" show you?20:13
opendevreviewSolomon Barine Akpuru proposed openstack/manila master: Forbid resetting state of active replicas
tspyderboy[m]Hi gouthamr: These are the logs for journalctl -xeu devstack@etcd.service:
tspyderboy[m]Could it be due to HOST_IP ? I had added it extra to my local.conf file as initially it was failing by expecting HOST_IP field. (Running it in OracleVM + Ubuntu)20:28
clarkbdid you set your HOST_IP to
clarkbthe log indicates etcd cannot bind to that address which means you probably don't have configured on your host20:31
clarkbyou need to set HOST_IP to a valid IP address on the host20:31
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Change admin metadata config option name
gouthamrtspyderboy[m]: ^ HOST_IP should be whatever your VirtualBox VM's IP address is: use "hostname -I" and it'll show you the IP addresses assigned to your VM's interfaces. Use the first one20:38
tspyderboy[m]Thanks clarkb  gouthamr , my devstack is up now😀20:52
gouthamrgood stuff tspyderboy[m] 20:52

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