Friday, 2024-07-05

opendevreviewJonathan Koerber proposed openstack/manila master: Adding openapi schemas
opendevreviewJonathan Koerber proposed openstack/manila master: Adding OpenAPI Schemas to Quota Sets
tspyderboy[m]Hi carloss... (full message at <>)13:28
carlosshey tspyderboy[m] o/ there's something you'll be able to reuse:
carlossshare network subnets create/update/delete/update will be within the share network subnet manager13:31
carlossnot the share network manager13:31
carlossso you can have an implementation similarly to the share networks one, but instead you'll need to call the share network subnet manager in python-manilaclient13:31
carlossdoes that make sense?13:31
tspyderboy[m]Thanks carloss 13:32
tspyderboy[m]Got it.13:32
carlossyou will need to implement the share network subnet methods in the file as well, it will end up becoming something like:13:33
carlossjust an example, not sure if this works, but will be something just like this ^13:34
tspyderboy[m]Thanks, now have a good direction to implement13:35
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Add spec for ensure shares

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