Thursday, 2024-07-18

opendevreviewJonathan Koerber proposed openstack/manila master: Adding OpenAPi Shemas to User Massages
opendevreviewCuiye Liu proposed openstack/manila master: Dell PowerScale: Rename Isilon to PowerScale in Manila Driver
*** chuanm0 is now known as chuanm07:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-manilaclient master: Remove unused simplejson
srdemircanHi everyone, I need review on
carlossVolodymyrBoiko[m]: sure, will take a look12:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-manilaclient stable/2024.1: Replace OS_TENANT_NAME
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila stable/2024.1: Netapp: Retry Dedupe enable/disable if busy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila stable/2023.1: bug fix: error message fix
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila stable/2023.2: Netapp: Retry Dedupe enable/disable if busy
opendevreviewFelipe Rodrigues proposed openstack/manila master: [NetApp] Fix FlexGroup share creation while configuring dedup/compression
kpdevFrom meeting notes, 16:04
kpdevif service is up and disabled, then only this option is applicable. If service is down, rpc requests ignored.16:05
kpdevscheduler hints with only_host, we can check if service is up and disabled, then we forward share allocation request to respective host.16:05
kpdevalso only_host is admin only filter, we are safe to consider this approach16:06
gouthamryeah makes sense, this concern is only for “disabled” hosts, not “down”16:07
kpdevyes, "down" hosts are not considered or RPC wont work there.16:08
gouthamr+1; would you be picking this bug up?16:09
gouthamrpicking up this bug?*16:09
kpdevonce metadata is rapped..16:10
kpdevfirst PR ready for review ..
carlosskpdev: ty :)16:11
gouthamrcarloss: don't recall if we discussed unmaintained branches here in a while17:03
gouthamrcarloss: things are stagnating, and its probably much to expect the "unmaintained-core" to come around and clean them up17:04
gouthamrcarloss: do you think its time for a "manila-unmaintained-core" group to exist and be seeded with some of us to help clean this up17:04
gouthamr^ 23 changes are open in manila repos17:06
gouthamrthen there are these sorta issues:
carlossgouthamr: yes, that is a good approach for this17:17
* carloss was looking for the procedure on how to create the manila sub group17:48
carlossgouthamr: for that, should I just reach out to someone in the current unmaintained branches maintaners?,members17:50
gouthamrcarloss: take a look at and
gouthamror this one:
carlossgouthamr: ty :)17:54
opendevreviewJonathan Koerber proposed openstack/manila master: Adding OpenAPi Shemas to User Massages
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Fix ingress deamon
opendevreviewVolodymyr Boiko proposed openstack/manila master: Add share driver for VastData storage
opendevreviewVolodymyr Boiko proposed openstack/manila master: Add share driver for VastData storage
opendevreviewVolodymyr Boiko proposed openstack/manila master: Add share driver for VastData storage
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: additional configuration options for scenario tests

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