Wednesday, 2024-08-07

tspyderboy[m]Hi carloss ashrodri... (full message at <>)12:07
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest241512:52
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest241613:00
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: WIP Enable manage/unmanage tests on cephfs drivers
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila master: RFC - Allow scheduling to disabled manila-share host
carlosshey tspyderboy[m] sorry for the delay17:08
carloss - this is the lock API code17:09
carlossmanilaclient itself will have implemented the calls for this17:09
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: WIP Enable manage/unmanage tests on cephfs drivers
gouthamrccokeke[m]: hey there; so when testing an exception in the handle method, the "" call will fail with an exception18:36
gouthamrccokeke[m]: that's the issue with your unit test18:36
gouthamrso you need to use assertRaises18:37
gouthamri've got to go afk for a bit; but can help you rewrite that test when i'm back18:37
tspyderboy[m]Hi ccokeke... (full message at <>)18:43
ccokeke[m]<tspyderboy[m]> "Hi ccokeke..." <- > <> Hi ccokeke... (full message at <>)19:00

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