Thursday, 2025-02-13

opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Update spec for share encryption
opendevreviewLiron Kuchlani proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Ensure Manila shares are created in the same availability Zone
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add CEPHFS filesystem metadata verifications
carthacaHi, I have a NetApp question: I'm looking into flexgroup shares. What I did not figure out is how I could schedule smaller shares, that would be too small to form a flexgroup and thus need to be a flexvol, on the same backend.15:59
carthacaI hoped to be able to do it without having to run two manila-share processes for the same backend, i.e. I want to do netapp_flexgroup_pool_only=False. But whenever I schedule a small share it always lands on the bigger flexgroup pool (with more free capacity) and errors (because it is too small)16:00
carthacaAnd I cannot specify a different driver filter function, since it is only one config stanza.16:00
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: [cephfs] Fix access rule update

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