Thursday, 2025-03-20

opendevreviewPeyton Leggoe proposed openstack/manila master: api: Add schema for limits
opendevreviewYaguang Tang proposed openstack/manila stable/2024.1: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila stable/2024.1: fix volume resize issue when host not recognized
TuhinBar[m]Hello I am Tuhin.15:16
carlosshey TuhinBar[m] welcome15:17
TuhinBar[m]<carloss> "hey Tuhin Bar welcome" <- Hey carloss thanks for helping me out with the contribution documentation via gmail. I am moving forward to setting up the project and will ask for help if required or if anything comes up. 15:24
carlossTuhinBar[m]: you're welcome15:42
carlossack ;)15:42
sylvanld[m]Hello all ! We have a few PR that were close to acceptance that have been around for a while. Can someone have a look please ?16:44
ManideepMaddileti[m]In the horizon directory:... (full message at <>)17:10
* ManideepMaddileti[m] uploaded an image: (431KiB) < >17:23
carlosssylvanld[m]: thanks for the ping, I will take a look and ping other reviewers too18:14
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: hey, we're investigating the runserver issue; but like i told you yesterday, don't let that stop you.. On your devstack VM, you can edit code in manila-ui, restart apache and see your changes reflected in the horizon dashboard that devstack already has.. 18:16
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: Can i start contributing(I mean bug fixes) and do tests.?18:19
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: sure thing18:19
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: Thanks .I'll do it.18:20

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