Saturday, 2025-03-22

ManideepMaddileti[m]<gouthamr> "Manideep Maddileti: the tox..." <- AttributeError: 'functools.partial' object has no attribute 'items' 16 RLock(s) were not greened, to fix this error make sure you run eventlet.monkey_patch() before importing any other modules.03:05
gouthamrManideepMaddileti[m]: yeah, that error is because of an import that doesn’t break the doc build03:31
ManideepMaddileti[m]gouthamr: How can I proceed 03:31
gouthamryou can ignore it, the documentation has been built per the end of the output you shared.. look in manila/doc/source/build and pull up the index page to see how it’s rendered locally03:32
opendevreviewMaddileti Manideep proposed openstack/manila master: Update manila-manage documentation (Bug #2064154)
ManideepMaddileti[m]opendevreview: gouthamr: carloss: could you please review it.06:13
opendevreviewMaddileti Manideep proposed openstack/manila master: Update manila-manage documentation (Bug #2064154)
ManideepMaddileti[m]  carloss gouthamr could you please see this issue.The build is succeeded but there is an error regarding Netapp-CI.I think its not my fault. How can i proceed. 14:41

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