carloss | ManideepMaddileti[m]: hey o/ so the NetApp ONTAP CI is failing, yes, but in this case it is for a different reason - the CI is not working properly and it is reporting that it had some failures on the setup. Thanks for looking into it. The check pipeline (in the zuul summary tab) should provide us good coverage | 11:58 |
ManideepMaddileti[m] | carloss: What should I do to merge my fix | 11:59 |
carloss | ManideepMaddileti[m]: I'd say that is up to the code reviewers now | 12:00 |
carloss | there are some people in the core reviewers list that have the privileges to merge code in the manila codebase | 12:00 |
ManideepMaddileti[m] | carloss: Ok.Until that I start working on another issue. | 12:00 |
carloss | ManideepMaddileti[m]: yep, that sounds great | 12:00 |
carloss | thank you | 12:00 |
opendevreview | Ashley Rodriguez proposed openstack/manila master: Fix exception handling | 19:36 |
opendevreview | Ashley Rodriguez proposed openstack/manila master: Fix exception handling | 19:40 |
opendevreview | Goutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Add max api microversion annotation | 21:37 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/manila stable/2024.1: Drop broken manila-all script | 22:14 |
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