Thursday, 2013-09-12

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openstackgerritKurt Griffiths proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: chore: Update oslo.config to version 1.2.0a4
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/marconi: chore: Update oslo.config to version 1.2.0a4
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cthulhupmorning all08:25
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: Replace old functional call
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Update tox.ini and setup.cfg
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Implement message controller.
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Update tox.ini and setup.cfg
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Implement message controller.
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Implement message controller.
flaper87man, those review were completely borked09:39
flaper87no idea what happened there09:39
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Update requirements and pbr version
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: Update pbr dependency to latest
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Adding first oslo module and config
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maliniflaper87: hola!!14:17
flaper87malini: hey :D14:17
flaper87good morning14:17
maliniGood noon ?14:17
malinihow are you?14:17
flaper87doing well, thanks. You?14:18
maliniI have another one for you, whenever you fix the bug in the tests14:18
flaper87malini: is that test one of the skiped tests ?14:19
maliniFor the new one, maybe the invalid auth token shudnt use the client? since we are messing with the headers?14:19
maliniflaper87: yes14:20
flaper87malini: ah, I know what's wrong there14:20
flaper87it should be: headers=header14:20
flaper87if you're working on that test, just change that14:20
maliniI'll submit a patch for tht14:21
flaper87malini: yeah, just submit it with the working version of that test14:22
flaper87that should be fine14:22
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/python-marconiclient: Added a base class for tests
openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat(mongo): use UNIX timestamp instead of datetime
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zyuanflaper87: review~ thx...
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pycabreraMorning, guys. :)15:21
zyuanACM renewal is too expensive!!15:30
zyuanstudent to pro transition -> $99 -- i felt faint15:31
pycabreraI didn't bother renewing, even though the ACM digital library is pretty sweet.15:38
zyuanall i need is the digital library15:38
pycabreraI might consider renewing again in the future, but for now, I'm happy to check out the proceedings of recent conferences. USENIX tends to publish quite a bit of the juiciest material.15:39
kgriffsspeaking of which, we really need to kick off our CS for Humans podcast some time16:12
pycabreraOhh yeaaah - I'd forgotten about that with all the going-ons of late.,16:14
kgriffsme too16:16
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pycabreraI've been on a haskell kick in my free time. I'm almost to the point where I can understand how to use libraries and maybe implement some basic things in it.16:19
pycabreraLike flaper87's haskell-marconiclient: (woot)16:19
kgriffsI really want an excuse to learn Rust16:21
flaper87pycabrera: :D16:21
kgriffsGo gets all the love lately, but I like Rust's syntax better (at first glance)16:21
* flaper87 is a rust contributor :)16:21
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kgriffsI'm worried Rust is going to be to Ruby what Go is to Python re mindshare16:21
kgriffsflaper87: srsly?!16:22
kgriffsrock on, d00d16:22
flaper87kgriffs: yuup16:22
kgriffsdoes rust have nice networking in it's standard lib?16:22
flaper87and recently started this:
* kgriffs stars that16:22
flaper87kgriffs: working on that, the lower level part works but, for example, DNS resolution was added recently16:23
flaper87so, lot of things to improve there16:23
kgriffsok, cool16:23
pycabreraRust is going to be another awesome language.16:23
kgriffsI was just thinking earlier today it would be fun to write a wsgi server in rust just for the heck of it16:23
flaper87kgriffs: hehehehe16:24
pycabreraevery new language gets it's own web server interface, it feels like. :P16:24
flaper87kgriffs: I'm adding this to rust-http
pycabreraPython <-> WSGI, Haskell <-> WAI, etc...16:24
pycabreraflaper87: You make all the things in your free time, eh? :)16:25
* kgriffs wonders how many flaper87's there really are16:25
* pycabrera is amused that with the popularization of Rust, the phrase "getting Rusty" will mean a good thing16:26
* flaper87 doesn't sleep much16:26
kgriffsfwiw guys,
* flaper87 doesn't know where the supermarket is in its own twon16:27
kgriffsit was actually covered by several tests16:27
* flaper87 just knows how to get to the airport and where the kitchen is16:27
kgriffshowever, we were missing tests/unit/__init__.py16:27
flaper87kgriffs: saw that patch16:27
flaper87I'm sorry16:27
flaper87I saw a non-added file in my working copy16:28
flaper87I facepalmed myself like 10times16:28
kgriffsi only figured it out quickly because it's happened to me before too many time16:28
flaper87as hard as possible16:28
flaper87and obviously, all tests passed locally16:28
kgriffsyeah, I was wondering why there were only 75 tests and tox completed so quickly. :p16:28
kgriffscan you sanity-check this one?16:30
* flaper87 looking16:30
kgriffsI think it's ok, just want to be sure16:30
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kgriffspycabrera: are you working on marconi-proxy today?16:33
flaper87was that patch rebased after your change?16:33
flaper87kgriffs: ^16:33
kgriffsmaybe not16:34
kgriffslet me check16:34
kgriffsyes, looks like it16:34
flaper87kk, LGTM16:35
flaper87brb guys16:35
pycabrerayup, kgriffs. I'm planning to submit three new patches before the end of the day.16:36
kgriffsok. I will work on adding some cache backends for you, but you can just use memory/memcached for now16:37
pycabrera1) interface for proxy storage drivers, 2) implementing caching with oslo.cache, 3) mongo proxy storage driver, 4) hierarchical caching with that driver16:37
pycabrera*four drivers16:37
pycabrera*four **patches**16:37
pycabrerageex typos16:37
kgriffspycabrera: let me do the caching part16:37
kgriffs(divide and conquer)16:37
pycabreraalright, +116:37
kgriffsit will just be a meta-backend for oslo.cache16:38
kgriffs(hierarchical cache)16:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/marconi: feat(mongo): use UNIX timestamp instead of datetime
pycabrerawoot, first (?) merge of the day.16:38
kgriffsfunny typo I just made:16:39
kgriffsgit checkout mater16:39
kgriffsgit checkout lightning16:39
kgriffsgit checkout doc16:39
kgriffsgit checkout pixar16:40
* kgriffs is having waaaaay to much fun16:40
openstackgerritAlejandro Cabrera proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: marconi proxy
openstackgerritAlejandro Cabrera proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: marconi proxy (v1, health)
openstackgerritAlejandro Cabrera proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: marconi-proxy forwarding
zyuan... the ddt usage in funtional test is... destructive...17:56
zyuanhe he he he....17:56
pycabrerayeah, those test names are insane18:02
pycabreraIt's the only pain point I've seen to ddt.18:02
pycabrerathat particular iiiiiii test lags my terminal. :P18:04
malini hmm..maybe we shud just move that test out of ddt scope?18:06
maliniI dont like thos i's either18:06
openstackgerritAlejandro Cabrera proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: define interfaces for proxy storage
pycabreramalini: +1 - let's bring this up next time we can catch flaper87 and kgriffs. We can maybe adopt a convention of not allowing ddt parameters to be more than 80 characters long.18:12
maliniit will result in some duplication, but makes it easier on the eyes18:13
pycabreramalini, kgriffs:
pycabreraSeems that's in ddt 0.2.018:16
pycabreraThe basis of that patch is a make_data decorator that seems like it allows for particular data sets passed to ddt to be named.18:17
malinitht is cool!18:17
malinigreat find pycabrera!!18:18
pycabrerawoot. :)18:19
pycabrerawhenever you guys get a chance, can I get a review for ( This is the beginning for providing proxy storage backends.18:20
pycabrera(flaper87, kgriffs, *) ^18:20
pycabreraOn a side note, ddt's API is largely undocumented. It's an awesome project that could use some love.18:24
pycabreramalini: ^18:24
maliniyeah..the docs are pretty sparse..18:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/marconi: Replace old functional call
kgriffsfalcon, on the other hand, has *excellent* docs.18:30
pycabrera+1 for falcon docs - now we just need to get those docs on RTD. :P18:45
* pycabrera starts working on mongo backend for proxy storage18:45
kgriffsheh, docstrings are one thing, RTD is another18:47
kgriffsI'm thinking about writing a google docstring format => sphinx translator or something18:47
* kgriffs hates sphinx syntax18:47
zyuani like synapsis19:01
kgriffshaven't heard of that one19:03
zyuannot a type of doc... -_-19:03
zyuani mean, the contrallized signatures19:04
zyuanas in man pages volumn 2 and 319:04
zyuanin c++ standard, the sections titled "header"19:04
zyuanscroll a long distance to find an api wastes time19:05
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* flaper87 back20:41
flaper87ddt can read a a __name__ attribute from the objects it's passing to tests20:42
flaper87we can maybe use that20:42
flaper87it'll require some hacks since strings doesn't have a __name__ attribute20:42
flaper87knock knock20:47
pycabreraflaper87: woot20:48
pycabreraYeah, I ran into the str lacking a __name__ attribute problem while tinkering. :P20:48
pycabreraThat'd be a weird hack.20:48
pycabreratesting.utils.StringWrapperClass kind of deal... >.>20:49
pycabreraIf you get a chance, flaper87, could you check out my marconi proxy storage interface patch?:
flaper87pycabrera: will do20:51
pycabreraawesome, thanks!20:51
pycabreraI've been trying to keep these proxy patches smallish after that first time. I'm moving quickly in its development, so many patches are coming along that vein. :)20:52
flaper87pycabrera: Perfect, I think that's better20:52
flaper87I prefer to review more small patches than bigger ones20:52
flaper87makes it easier to keep context and find things20:53
pycabrera+1 flaper87.20:53
pycabreraheh, that's pretty cool. Rapid loads the browser to the correct jenkins job.20:56
pycabreraNeeds a py3k patch, it seems.20:57
pycabreragit-os-job --url ->'15'/b'15deb3f93e9ae4010baa5a698d4bce2056690d4c'/20:57
flaper87brb again21:02
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kgriffspycabrera: let me submit a falcon patch and then I need to hit the road - I'll be back online later and hopefully can review your proxy patch21:05
pycabrerakgriffs: cool, cool. I'm like 66% through adding a mongo driver at this point based off of the current interface.21:06
pycabreraping me a link to the falcon patch and I'll be happy to review it.21:08
openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: marconi proxy
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openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: WPI: test(proxy): catalog tested
openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: WPI: test(proxy): catalog tested
openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: WPI: test(proxy): catalog tested
openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: WPI: test(proxy): catalog tested
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openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: marconi proxy
openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: WPI: test(proxy): catalog tested
zyuansee you22:12
zyuan(it should pass now -_-)22:12
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openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: marconi proxy
openstackgerritZhihao Yuan proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: WPI: test(proxy): catalog tested
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openstackgerritAlejandro Cabrera proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: WIP: add mongo driver for marconi proxy storage
openstackgerritAlejandro Cabrera proposed a change to stackforge/marconi: feat: marconi proxy (v1, health)
pycabreraflaper87|afk: I'd love your input on patch 46375 (mongo|proxy storage). I've kept it simple, using what I've learned from reading your work on (mongo| marconi storage)22:46
pycabrerakgriffs: Let me know if the interface exposed by patch 46328 seems reasonable. Patch 46375 uses it to good effect.22:47
pycabreraI'm out for the night. More patching tomorrow. Good night!22:48
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