Tuesday, 2020-09-29

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yoctozeptoyoctozepto jopdorp suzhengwei - meeting in 10 minutes06:50
yoctozepto#startmeeting masakari07:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Sep 29 07:00:04 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yoctozepto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.07:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.07:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'masakari'07:00
yoctozepto#topic Roll-call07:00
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noonedeadpunkShort question, why you folks still didn't apply for PTL elections?:)07:01
noonedeadpunkToday is the last day to apply07:01
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk: I'm a professional procrastinator 8-)07:02
noonedeadpunkI see:))07:02
yoctozeptotbh, I was too busy to handle this07:02
noonedeadpunkYou have the whole day on your hands :p07:02
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk: another busy day yeah!07:02
yoctozeptoI guess there won't be crowds today07:03
yoctozepto#topic Agenda07:04
*** openstack changes topic to "Agenda (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:04
yoctozepto* Roll-call07:04
yoctozepto* Agenda07:04
yoctozepto* Announcements07:04
yoctozepto  ** Masakari Victoria RC1 released07:04
yoctozepto  ** Launchpad moderated - series, releases, milestones etc. available now (and for all subprojects): https://launchpad.net/masakari07:04
yoctozepto  ** Masakari whiteboard ready (and wiki got improvements too): https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-whiteboard07:04
yoctozepto  ** Masakari Wallaby vPTG planned: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-wallaby-vptg07:04
yoctozepto* Review action items from the last meeting07:04
yoctozepto* CI status07:04
yoctozepto* Backports pending reviews07:04
yoctozepto* Critical Bugs and Patches07:04
yoctozepto* Release planning07:04
yoctozepto#topic Announcements07:04
*** openstack changes topic to "Announcements (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:04
yoctozepto#info Masakari Victoria RC1 released07:04
yoctozepto< champagne showers >07:04
yoctozeptoit means that the non-client software repos now have stable/victoria branch as well07:05
yoctozeptoand the RC1 is downloadable by the public07:05
yoctozeptothankfully we merged everything I planned for that07:06
suzhengweinice job07:06
yoctozeptoso it might as well end up the final release with no modifications if we don't find anything breaking07:06
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: thanks to you as well :-)07:06
yoctozeptoRC1 also means the release bot proposed a bunch of changes for both the new stable branch as well as the current master branch07:07
yoctozeptoin fact 2 changes per branch and repository:07:08
yoctozepto#info https://review.opendev.org/#/q/(project:openstack/masakari+OR+project:openstack/masakari-monitors+OR+project:openstack/python-masakariclient+OR+project:openstack/masakari-dashboard)+status:open+owner:%22OpenStack+Release+Bot%2207:08
yoctozeptothese must not stay unmerged for too long07:08
yoctozeptoplease review07:08
yoctozeptothey are usually just fine07:08
yoctozeptobut sometimes the bot can do unexpected things so it uses us hoomans to undo its wrongs07:09
yoctozepto#info Launchpad moderated - series, releases, milestones etc. available now (and for all subprojects): https://launchpad.net/masakari07:09
yoctozeptoso I took some free time of mine and moderated Masakari's launchpad07:10
yoctozepto(and now bragging about it)07:10
yoctozeptofor all seriousness, it's at least more useful now to target bugs and blueprints07:11
yoctozepto#info Masakari whiteboard ready (and wiki got improvements too): https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-whiteboard07:11
yoctozeptoanother of these keeping-me-busy changes07:11
yoctozeptothis is in part a goal of the last meeting's action I assigned to myself07:12
yoctozeptoto get better understanding of repos under control and how well they gate (or not)07:12
yoctozeptosimilarly, pending reviews gives you handy links to observe what to review next07:13
yoctozeptoplease use and share the love by reviewing!07:14
yoctozepto#info Masakari Wallaby vPTG planned: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-wallaby-vptg07:14
yoctozeptoI got us some time slots to run vPTG07:14
yoctozeptoPTG stands for Project Team Gathering07:14
yoctozeptomore details in the linked etherpad07:14
yoctozeptoplease follow especially 'how to get involved'07:15
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: thanks for signing up07:15
yoctozepto#topic Review action items from the last meeting07:15
*** openstack changes topic to "Review action items from the last meeting (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:15
yoctozepto#info yoctozepto to bring some visibility to Masakari CI status07:16
yoctozepto#info he did (see announcements)07:16
yoctozepto#topic CI status07:16
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yoctozeptoCI is green all around07:16
yoctozeptoit does not have the most up-to-date data because of no periodic jobs but we are a pretty simple project so masakari usually follows only the global failures07:19
yoctozepto(as it is a subset of other major projects in terms of libs usage and such)07:19
yoctozepto#topic Backports pending reviews07:19
yoctozepto#info https://review.opendev.org/#/q/(project:openstack/masakari+OR+project:openstack/masakari-monitors+OR+project:openstack/python-masakariclient+OR+project:openstack/masakari-dashboard)+status:open+-branch:master07:19
yoctozepto^ using the link from the whiteboard07:19
*** openstack changes topic to "Backports pending reviews (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:19
yoctozepto#info https://review.opendev.org/#/q/(project:openstack/masakari+OR+project:openstack/masakari-monitors+OR+project:openstack/python-masakariclient+OR+project:openstack/masakari-dashboard)+status:open+-branch:master07:19
yoctozepto(did not notice bot being slow)07:19
yoctozeptoplease notice, some are not backports, as I said they are bot-generated custom changes07:20
yoctozeptoothers are backports I proposed07:20
yoctozeptoplease review them and possibly approve, these ones are pretty straightforward imho07:20
yoctozepto#topic Critical Bugs and Patches07:21
*** openstack changes topic to "Critical Bugs and Patches (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:21
yoctozeptonone I am aware of07:21
suzhengweiI have none.07:22
yoctozepto#topic Release planning07:23
*** openstack changes topic to "Release planning (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:23
yoctozepto#info RC1 behind us07:23
yoctozeptonothing to do at the moment except for reviewing the bot patches07:23
yoctozeptobut please have the future in mind07:23
yoctozepto#topic Open discussion07:24
*** openstack changes topic to "Open discussion (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:24
yoctozeptoI've got one topic for it07:24
yoctozepto#info https://review.opendev.org/726761 - should backport or not?07:24
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk's change kinda depends on the above07:24
yoctozeptoI think both deserve a backport07:25
yoctozeptobut the one linked above can be a bit disruptive if someone relied on the bug07:25
yoctozepto(which is wrong but we know how life goes)07:25
yoctozeptoI count on suzhengwei's understanding of code to decide07:26
yoctozeptowe can also merge noonedeadpunk's patch by adapting it07:26
noonedeadpunkI really would be pretty cutious backporting so big changes...07:26
yoctozeptoit won't be hard07:26
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk: I reviewed it quite thoroughly; it's not bad per itself but I can easily imagine someone relying on giving a fake segment id :-)07:26
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: what do you think07:27
noonedeadpunkI don't really think that such things should be really reliad and we should take such usecases into big consideration.07:27
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk: yeah, one should not have relied on this quirk but could07:28
yoctozeptothat's why I'm hesitant to backport07:28
yoctozeptoI care for your opinion too, noonedeadpunk, so it looks like a no-go to me07:29
suzhengweiwe can talk about this in vPTG.07:29
noonedeadpunkbut we can backport nothing as well, which also an option :p07:29
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: sure thing07:29
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk: yours is a pretty much a sanity fix07:30
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk: the other one not07:30
noonedeadpunkas it seem too much effort and risk for backporting fix without which everyone except me are fine07:30
noonedeadpunkand honestly, I have already patched mine deployment and can live nicely until V07:31
yoctozeptonoonedeadpunk: true that, as well07:31
yoctozeptowell, that sets it07:31
yoctozepto#info not backporting07:31
yoctozeptoit's an open discussion, folks07:31
yoctozeptoanything you want to discuss?07:31
suzhengweiI have create wallaby spec repository, please move unmerged specs from old releases to W.07:32
yoctozepto^ ++07:32
yoctozeptoindeed, it's more of a topic for the vPTG itself07:32
yoctozeptobut we've got unimplemented specs from past cycles07:32
yoctozeptothe thing is - anyone who wants to work on them can now repropose them in wallaby07:33
yoctozeptoif you need help with that, don't hesitate to ask07:33
yoctozepto(help with reproposing that is, I'm really not volunteering to help in implementation :-) )07:34
yoctozeptowell, if that's all, I'll be closing the meeting07:36
yoctozeptoyou can always ping me here, or drop me a mail if need be07:37
yoctozeptothank you for participating07:37
*** openstack changes topic to "#openstack-masakari"07:37
openstackMeeting ended Tue Sep 29 07:37:42 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)07:37
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2020/masakari.2020-09-29-07.00.html07:37
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2020/masakari.2020-09-29-07.00.txt07:37
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2020/masakari.2020-09-29-07.00.log.html07:37
suzhengweiyoctozepto: Do we have a releasenote for Victoria?08:25
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: they should appear once we merge the bot-proposed patches08:28
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cairoapcamposHi. I wanted to clarify a question about Masakari. Is it possible here?16:28
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yoctozeptoit's definitely the right place16:31
yoctozeptooh, you left :-(16:31
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yoctozeptooh, you're back16:31
yoctozeptocairoapcampos: it's definitely the right place16:32
cairoapcamposHi. I wanted to clarify a question about Masakari. Is it possible here?16:33
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yoctozeptocairoapcampos: it's definitely the right place... but I wrote that already twice - I guess your connection is not very happy16:37
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