Tuesday, 2021-04-27

openstackgerritMerged openstack/masakari-monitors master: Replaces yaml.load() with yaml.safe_load()  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari-monitors/+/54381501:02
openstackgerritsue proposed openstack/masakari master: inaccurately using nova service api  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari/+/78810301:45
openstackgerritsue proposed openstack/masakari master: inaccurately using nova service api  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari/+/78810301:51
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yoctozepto#startmeeting masakari06:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Apr 27 06:01:24 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yoctozepto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.06:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.06:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'masakari'06:01
yoctozepto#topic Roll-call06:01
*** openstack changes topic to "Roll-call (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:01
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: around?06:02
yoctozeptoguess not06:03
yoctozepto#topic Agenda06:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Agenda (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:03
yoctozepto* Roll-call06:03
yoctozepto* Agenda06:03
yoctozepto* Announcements06:03
yoctozepto  ** NTT stopped providing their CI06:03
yoctozepto* Review action items from the last meeting06:03
yoctozepto* CI status06:03
yoctozepto* Backports pending reviews06:03
yoctozepto* Xena planning -> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-xena-ptg06:03
yoctozepto  ** Deprecate process monitor?06:03
yoctozepto* Open discussion06:03
yoctozepto#topic Announcements06:04
*** openstack changes topic to "Announcements (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:04
yoctozepto#info NTT stopped providing their CI06:04
yoctozepto#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari/+/78805206:04
yoctozepto#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-April/022024.html06:04
jopdorpDo we need to replace it?06:04
yoctozeptoI don't know what it did and it failed from time to time06:05
yoctozeptowe should generally enhance our testing in opendev already06:05
yoctozeptomasakari does not really need external testing as there is no vendor-specific "secret" parts to hide06:05
yoctozeptounlike, e.g., cinder or ironic06:05
yoctozeptowhich test against vendor-specific hardware06:06
yoctozepto(I believe in total: nova, cinder, ironic and manila)06:06
yoctozepto(as those interact with hardware)06:06
yoctozepto(or may at least)06:06
jopdorpThen fine06:07
yoctozepto#topic Review action items from the last meeting06:07
*** openstack changes topic to "Review action items from the last meeting (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:07
yoctozeptothere were none06:07
yoctozepto#topic CI status06:07
*** openstack changes topic to "CI status (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:07
yoctozeptothe CI is green06:07
yoctozepto#topic Backports pending reviews06:07
*** openstack changes topic to "Backports pending reviews (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:07
yoctozepto#link https://review.opendev.org/q/(project:openstack/masakari+OR+project:openstack/masakari-monitors+OR+project:openstack/python-masakariclient+OR+project:openstack/masakari-dashboard)+status:open+-branch:master06:07
yoctozeptoplease review06:07
yoctozeptoI would like to release our stable branches06:07
yoctozeptoas they accumulated enough fixes already06:08
jopdorpOk, I can go through reviews tomorrow06:08
jopdorpI mean go through proposed changes06:08
jopdorpToday is kings day here06:08
yoctozeptooh, nice06:09
yoctozeptowe don't have kings atm so can't really relate :-)06:10
yoctozeptounless you mean kinder maxi king06:10
yoctozeptothen we have plenty of them06:10
yoctozepto#topic Xena planning -> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-xena-ptg06:10
*** openstack changes topic to "Xena planning -> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-xena-ptg (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/masakari master: Finish switch from http.client to HTTPStatus  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari/+/76232806:11
yoctozeptoanyone wants to report any progress? :-)06:11
yoctozeptothank you openstackgerrit, you never disappoint06:11
suzhengweisorry, something have to do.06:11
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: ok, no problem, good luck and take care06:11
yoctozeptohi :-)06:12
jopdorpNo problem indeed06:12
yoctozeptook, so I guess nothing to report06:13
yoctozeptoI fought some backlog which is now merging06:13
yoctozeptoand then these stable backports06:13
yoctozeptoto make new releases06:13
yoctozeptonot much more than that ;-)06:13
yoctozepto#topic Open discussion06:15
*** openstack changes topic to "Open discussion (Meeting topic: masakari)"06:15
yoctozeptodo we have anything to discuss? otherwise we can finish early06:15
jopdorpJust that I never saw or ate a maxi king06:15
suzhengweiwhat is a maxi king?06:16
yoctozeptooh, must be something local for that company06:18
yoctozeptoso the company is Ferrero they produce various sweets and have the Kinder brand targeted at children06:19
yoctozeptoand one of the products is Maxi King06:19
jopdorpWe do have kinder surprise and kinder bueno06:19
yoctozeptowe also have those06:19
yoctozeptobut maxi king differs in that it must stay in the fridge06:20
yoctozeptothere is also Kinder Pingui06:20
jopdorpKing's day06:20
yoctozeptoooh, yeas06:20
yoctozeptothat much Dutch I can understand06:20
yoctozeptohow is it nowadays?06:21
yoctozeptowith all the pandemic06:21
jopdorpBut this yeah I don't think it's really celebrated06:21
jopdorpWe'll go outside and have a look06:21
yoctozeptosad :-(06:21
yoctozeptoall right06:21
yoctozeptotake pictures06:21
jopdorpHaha will do!06:21
yoctozeptobroadcast them then06:21
jopdorpMaybe we should organize masakari day06:22
yoctozeptoin Poland, I will then buy you those Maxi Kings06:22
jopdorpMasakari sounds a little bit like mass-harakiri by the way06:22
yoctozeptolol xD06:22
jopdorpOr masacre06:22
yoctozeptoyes, I hear the same with my Polish roots06:23
yoctozeptoI wonder if the name hurts it marketing-wise06:23
jopdorpI don't know06:24
yoctozeptoin Polish 'massacre' is 'masakra'06:24
yoctozeptoso it's even worse06:24
yoctozeptojopdorp: well, I don't know either06:24
jopdorpMy colleagues do joke about it06:24
suzhengweiInternational Workers' Day (the May Day) is coming. Would you take a holiday?06:24
jopdorpAnd I get strange looks sometimes06:24
jopdorpI never heard of it06:24
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: we have long holidays in Poland often as we have holidays on both 1st and 3rd of May06:24
jopdorpSo not me06:24
yoctozeptojopdorp: May the 1st not celebrated in Netherlands?06:25
jopdorpNot sure06:25
jopdorpDon't think so06:25
suzhengweiI have 5 days holidays.06:25
yoctozeptothis year May 1 falls on Saturday so we will have another day free of work for that06:26
yoctozeptojopdorp: interesting06:26
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: ooh, nice06:26
suzhengweiI think we can cancel the next meeting.06:26
jopdorpWe have liberation dat on may 5th though06:26
yoctozeptowe might want to cancel the next meeting yes if suzhengwei can't come06:26
jopdorpFine by me06:26
yoctozeptook, I will announce that06:27
yoctozeptoso we will meet again 2021-05-1106:27
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: is this 5 days holiday for all Chinese workers?06:28
* yoctozepto curious06:28
suzhengweiyes. In fact it just 3 days holiday. But 2 days of weekend are added.06:30
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: ah, understood06:32
yoctozeptook, one last reminder: please review the stable backports06:33
yoctozeptoso that I can release later this week06:34
yoctozeptoand without further ado: thank you for meeting today!06:34
*** openstack changes topic to "This channel is *LOGGED* | Whiteboard: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-whiteboard"06:34
openstackMeeting ended Tue Apr 27 06:34:33 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)06:34
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2021/masakari.2021-04-27-06.01.html06:34
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2021/masakari.2021-04-27-06.01.txt06:34
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2021/masakari.2021-04-27-06.01.log.html06:34
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openstackgerritsue proposed openstack/masakari master: [TrivialFix] Improve one method's name  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari/+/78810311:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack/masakari master: [TrivialFix] Improve one method's name  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari/+/78810315:04
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