Thursday, 2020-04-09

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gibi#startmeeting nova16:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Apr  9 16:00:01 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gibi. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'16:00
gibi#topic Last meeting16:01
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gibi#link Minutes from last meeting:
gibianything from the last meeting where follow up is needed?16:02
gibi#topic Bugs (stuck/critical)16:03
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gibino critical bug16:03
gibi#link 111 new untriaged bugs (+3 since the last meeting):
gibiI guess from next week everybody will focus on bugs ;)16:03
gibiis there any bug that needs attention?16:03
lyarwoodtriaged here means importance is set and status != new right?16:04
lyarwoodthere's a few at the top of the list we can likely move16:04
gibilyarwood: yeas, basically you verified that this is really a bug16:04
gibi#topic Gate status16:05
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gibiThe Gate is in FF mode (i.e. clogged)16:05
* bauzas can't make promises on bug triage but has reasonable expectations for next week16:05
gibibut it feels less clogged than last time16:05
gibiRecently the hit rate of is increased so I re-heated the patch that temporarily disables the unstable tests
openstackLaunchpad bug 1823251 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Spike in TestNovaMigrationsMySQL.test_walk_versions/test_innodb_tables failures since April 1 2019 on limestone-regionone" [High,Confirmed]16:05
gmannyeah, takes time to get the node for testing16:06
gibiany other gate issue that needs attention?16:06
melwittI've seen several hits around "multiple networks found" and proposed this but it's the wrong approach16:07
melwittthat is, this tempest test involves passing a network during server create, and it's supposed to get that network from creds16:07
melwittbut the network is not present in the creds for some reason16:07
melwittcould use some help understanding that one16:08
melwittother than that, I can mention that the fix for is approved and I'll be rechecking it through the gate16:08
openstackLaunchpad bug 1844929 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "grenade jobs failing due to "Timed out waiting for response from cell" in scheduler" [High,In progress] - Assigned to melanie witt (melwitt)16:08
gmannmelwitt: i did not get chance to look into logs, I will do after this FF thngs16:08
melwittgmann: cool thanks16:08
gibimelwitt, gmann: thanks16:09
dansmithmelwitt: does your cells one have a e-r query to watch for falling hits after mege?16:09
melwittdansmith: yes16:09
dansmithif I could order popcorn from the empty shelves of the grocery stores, I would.16:09
bauzasmelwitt: will follow-up on this change tomorrow if needed16:09
gibi#topic Release Planning16:10
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gibihappy Feature Freeze day everyone!16:10
gibiwe also have the final novaclient release today for Ussuri16:10
gibiI posted an info mail to the ML #link
gibiand started the release TODO etherpad #link
gibiplease review the cycle highlight patch #link as it is also due today16:11
gibi(we can update it later, but the today's version will be used for marketing)16:11
gibiwho wants to volunteer for writing a release notes prelude?16:12
bauzasI can16:12
gibibauzas: thanks!16:12
bauzas(I'm used to)16:12
gibiI noted your nick on the etherpad16:12
bauzastbc, we need to merge the prelude change before RC116:13
bauzasso we have two weeks for filling it16:13
bauzasbut I'll start with a proposal and people will be able to comment16:13
gibibauzas: good, that is plenty of time16:13
bauzas(or even co-author if they wish)16:13
bauzasgibi: and sure for naming me in the etherpad16:14
gibigmann pinged me about an FFE for the policy work, lets discuss that at the end16:14
gibiany other thing we need to discuss for FF and the novaclient release?16:15
bauzaslike I proposed, I'll be around for rechecking tomorrow16:15
gibiI will try to look at the gate time to time during the extended weekend16:16
bauzasif people have +Wd changes before tonight, they can ping me for asking a necessary +W if they got merge conflicts in the gate16:16
gibi^^ +116:16
bauzasif so, please raise your request for fast-approval on your change in
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gibiyeah, one more thing. FFE requests are expected by ML post. We have 2 weeks for RC1 so I feel we need to close the FFE items end of Wednesday next week16:17
bauzasand we're on a short week16:18
gibiwhich means there wont be too much time to argue about FFE requests16:18
* gibi try to set expectations16:18
gibianything else before moving on to stable status?16:19
sean-k-mooneydo we know if the olso chagnes will land for the policy thing16:19
sean-k-mooneywe can cover that later too16:19
gibiI have not context on that16:19
sean-k-mooneythe waring on deprecated default policies16:20
gmannsean-k-mooney: wanring one is done -
sean-k-mooneygmann i think has patches submitted and requested an oslo FFE for them16:20
gmannsean-k-mooney: new flag for migration is pending -
gibigmann: do we need follow ups on the nova side for that ^^ ?16:21
gibiif yes, please make a note on the etherpad #link
gmannI am testing that on gate but due to new config options, flag is set true properly. I tested locally and ot worked16:22
gmanngibi: +1, i will add16:22
gibigmann: thanks16:22
gibi#topic Stable Branches16:23
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gibilyarwood do we need to release stable/train and stable/stein as we are close to ussuri?16:24
gibiI mean close to have stable/ussuri16:24
lyarwoodgibi: we can but I'd like to flush the queue post M316:24
bauzasgood call on flushing the queues16:24
lyarwoodgibi: I'll look into that next week once the gate settles down16:24
gibilyarwood: agree.16:24
melwittusually good to release stable branches each milestone (if there's enough changes)16:25
bauzaswe could find bugs on ussuri that 'd drop down the releases16:25
gibilets flush the queue and release before RC!16:25
lyarwoodyup ack16:25
gibianything else on the stable land?16:25
bauzasalso, worth saying that we will refuse bugs on ussuri between RC1 and release date16:25
bauzasfor ussuri I mean16:26
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lyarwoodbugs are fine until RC however right?16:26
bauzasso, next two weeks are pretty straightforward16:26
melwittunless they're regressions16:26
bauzasthat ^16:26
bauzaslyarwood: before RC1, yeah any bug is fine16:26
gibibugs I fine until RC1 if they are regressions or low risk16:26
bauzasafter RC1, then we branch16:26
lyarwoodack cool just confirming16:26
gibiafter RC1 we only merge bugfixes that warrant a new RC16:27
melwittI mean after RC1 if there's a regression that's grounds for another RC16:27
gibi^^ +116:27
lyarwoodyup understood16:27
gibi#topic Sub/related team Highlights16:27
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gibiPlacement (tetsuro)16:28
gibiAPI (gmann)16:29
gmannno other things to mention than FFE for policy work which we will discuss at the end16:29
gibigmann: thanks16:29
gibi#topic Stuck Reviews16:29
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gibinothing on the agenda16:29
gibido we have stuck review to discuss?16:29
gibi#topic Open discussion16:30
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gibi(gmann): FFE for the remaining policy work.16:30
gibigmann: your turn ^^16:30
gmannfor policy work, we left with few policy. as rough count it is- ~7 policy patches up but not merged + 3 API policies to push patches16:32
gmannand i am thinking to update the deprecated API policy also to be consistent because they are still valid for older version16:32
gibiI can spend time on reviewing those on Tuesday, Wednesday next week16:33
gmanni need more time to finish those. tried my best to push hard since last couple of week but could not finish16:33
gmanngibi: thanks.16:33
gibigmann: what if we don't do the deprecated part of the work for U? Is the rest still usable?16:33
gmanngibi: yes, that is usable and by default all the new changes (scope and defaults) are not enabled so existing deployment would break16:35
gmannthat is what we tested with test cases16:35
gibiyou mean "would not break"16:35
bauzasalas. hopefully :)16:35
gmannno, it will keep working until they enable scope flag which is disabled by default16:36
gibiOK, so the feauter is disable by default. cool16:36
gibiother, what do you think about granting FFE for the policy work?16:36
gmannand if they enable the scope flag enforce_scope and new flag enforce_new_defaults then everything move to new system16:37
bauzasI have pros and cons16:37
bauzasI feel it's reasonable to assume that the changes are self-contained and the risk is low16:38
gmannmy hope is in ussuri we rlease so that operator when they switch the flag to adopt new things all policy get the changes16:38
bauzason the other hand, just by looking at I can see there is still a massive effort to make for getting all the patches merged16:38
gmanninstead of few policy left to have new things16:38
melwittI'm thinking it would be good to have the complete set of new policy defaults together in one release16:39
gmannyeah, +116:39
melwittand scope types support16:39
bauzasand looking at the timings, we are short16:39
bauzasthe RC1 period is two weeks16:39
bauzasand we have this Friday and Monday where people on or off16:39
gmannbauzas: other than first patch which is adding tests cases, changes are very straight forward16:39
gmannstraight forward means changing the policy on same line with decision of correct scope and dfaults16:40
bauzasso, yeah, I'm intended to say yes, but I have concerns about whether we can merge the whole series by Wednesday16:40
bauzasgmann: sure, but like I said to you, there is that's not merged yet16:40
bauzasand if we say we want the whole series by Ussuri, this one necessarly has to work16:41
gmannWednesday ?16:41
bauzasI don't know, I don't want to give a specific deadline16:42
gibias I meantioned above we have two weeks til RC1 so it would be good to done with FFEs at next Wednesday16:42
gmannI am pretty confident to make all work (other than deprecated APIs) up before Tuesday16:42
bauzasbut honestly, given 2 weeks of RC1, giving more than one extra week for FFEs seems unreasonable16:42
gibiif we have things up by Tuesday then it might need still couple days to review16:43
bauzashonestly, I don't know what to say, stephenfin did most of the reviews so he should speak IMHO16:43
gibistill I tend to agree on granting a FFE due to the impact we can make if we finish16:43
bauzasme too16:43
gmanngibi: and considering the gate and rebase things if happens16:43
bauzasI'm .9 on this one but i have concerns16:44
stephenfinNo arguments from me, fwiw. They're pretty easy to review16:44
gibistephenfin: will you have bandwidth for review next week for the policy patches?16:44
bauzaswho would review besides stephenfin ? gibi, me ?16:44
bauzashah, jinxed16:44
stephenfinSure. Just not Monday (I'm off)16:44
gibiyeah I'm also back on Tuesday16:44
stephenfinjohnthetubaguy is the other person that's been doing most of the reviews16:44
gmannjohnthetubaguy: review also but he is not online now so cannot say16:45
melwittI can help review16:45
gmannthanks melwitt16:45
melwittI will be here on monday16:45
gibianybody else has concerns?16:45
gibi#info FFE is granted for the policy work. We are aiming for finishing it next week.16:46
gmannthanks everyone16:46
gibigmann: please drop a mail to the ML about it, just for formality.16:46
gmannon including this on cycle highlights page. I am working on adding doc and reno. can we get those today and link to page which is deadline today ?16:47
gmanngibi: yeah. noted16:47
bauzasgmann: that looks difficult16:47
bauzaswe can't tell about things that haven't merged yet, right?16:47
gibigmann: could you write like 2-3 senteces to me after the meeting that I can put it into the highlight?16:47
bauzasand i don't know whether we can patch the highlights later on16:48
gibibauzas: I'm not sure16:48
gibibauzas: we can patch16:48
gibiIm sure about that16:48
melwittwe can patch highlights later but they won't go into marketing materials16:48
bauzaslet's patch once it's merged, nope ?16:48
gibithe only limit is that the marketing folks will start using the today's version16:48
gmannwe can patch later but only things is it can miss if market team pick before modification16:48
gmannif they pick monday or later then even better16:48
gmannso i can write the 2-3 lines and in parallel work on doc/reno which can be linked later ?16:49
gibiwe already merged parts of the policy support16:49
gibiso we can write a generic highlight that is true already16:50
stephenfinwe already have improved policy support, so we wouldn't be lying16:50
gibiyes ^^16:50
gibithat is what I'm thinking16:50
gibiand the details will be in the reno16:50
stephenfinthe lie would be to say it's complete :)16:50
stephenfinyup, reno ftw16:50
bauzasthat's what happens when you ask nerds to provide you marketing materials16:51
gibiI don't feel bad about it16:51
gibiOK. I will update the cycle highlight patch today16:52
gibianything else to discuss?16:52
gmannthanks. I will write the summary and provide to you16:52
gibigmann: awesome16:52
gmannthanks everyone for supporting it /o\.16:53
gibiif nothing else then I will close the meeting and go to pray for God Zuul a bit16:54
artomQuick questions - RC1 is in 2 weeks, so that's the time window we have to merge bug fixes?16:54
* artom didn't realize it was this short16:54
artomAnd after that it's only regressions, or really bad stuff?16:55
sean-k-mooneyafter rc1 the master branch switich to Victoria16:55
gibiartom: between now and RC1 we fix bugs, between RC1 and GA we only fix release breaking bugs16:55
bauzasartom: we can merge bugs *after* RC1 but those will be officilally Victoria16:55
bauzasif you want them to be Ussuri, hold your breath for a couple of weeks or shout it's a regression fix16:55
sean-k-mooneybetween rc1 and relase teh stable branch is till manage by the core team16:56
bauzasagain, we can merge bugs16:56
sean-k-mooneyonce the releae is done normal backports can be don to stable/usuri16:56
bauzasthey are just on the master branch, which won't be Ussuri16:56
artomUnderstood, thanks all16:56
melwittyeah for regressions after RC1 that causes another RC and then the fix backported to stable/ussuri16:56
artomAha, so RC1 = master becomes Victoria16:57
artom(And presumably stable/ussuri is cut)16:57
sean-k-mooneyi think we are done o/16:57
gibithanks you folks16:57
gibiand happy Easter!16:57
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Apr  9 16:58:07 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:58
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